The MIB for signalling Connection Control Part(SCCP)
messages transported over Signalling System
No. 7 (SS7) Network via Cisco IP Transfer

This MIB provides information specified
in ITU Q752 Monitoring and Measurements for
Signalling System No. 7(SS7) Network.

The Cisco IP Transfer Point (ITP) is a hardware
and software solution that transports SS7 traffic
using IP. Each ITP node provides function similar
to SS7 Signalling point.

The relevant ITU documents describing this technology
is the ITU Q series, including ITU Q.700: Introduction
to CCITT Signalling System No. 7 and ITU Q.701
Functional description of the message transfer part
(MTP) of Signalling System No. 7.

The IETF Working Group Signalling Transport (SIGTRAN)
has defined MTP3 User Adaptation (M3UA) and SCCP
User Adaptation (SUA) protocols. The drafts can be
found at:

This MIB consists of the following tables:
  Instance Table
  Concerned Point Code List Table
  Mated Application (MAP) Table
  Global Title Translation (GTT) Selector Table
  Global Title Address (GTA) Table
  Application Group Table
  Prefix Conversion Table
  Translation Entries Table
  Global Title Errors Table

  CDPA  - Called Party Address
  CGPA  - Calling Party Address
  CLLI  - Common Language Location Codes
  CR    - Connection Request message
  CREF  - Connection Refusal message
  DPC   - Destination Point Code
  ERR   - Error message
  GTA   - Global Title Address
  GTI   - Global Title Indicator
  GTT   - Global Title Translation
  LUDT  - long unitdata message
  LUDTS - long unitdata service message
  M2PA  - MTP2 Peer-to-Peer Adaptation Layer
  M3UA  - MTP3-User Adaptation
  MAP   - Mated Application Table
  MSU   - Message Signal Unit
  MTP   - Message Transport Protocol
  MTP2  - Layer 2 of Message Transport Protocol
  MTP3  - Layer 3 of Message Transport Protocol
  NAI   - Nature of Address Indicator
  NP    - Numbering Plan
  OPC   - Originating Point Code
  PC    - Point Code
  RTN   - Route Table Name
  RSR   - Reset Request message
  SCCP  - Signalling Connection Control Part
  SCTP  - Stream Transmission Protocol(RFC 2960)
  SI    - Signalling Indicator
  SP    - Signalling Point
  SLC   - Signalling Link Code
  SLS   - Signalling Link Selector
  SSN   - Subsystem Number
  SUA   - SCCP-User Adaptation
  TFR   - Transfer Restricted messages
  TT    - Title Translation
  UDT   - unitdata message
  UDTS  - unitdata service message
  XUDT  - extended unitdata message
  XUDTS - extended unitdata service message

Imported Objects

cgspInstNetwork, cgspEventSequenceNumber, cgspCLLICodeCISCO-ITP-GSP-MIB
CItpTcGtaLongDisplayLen, CItpTcGtaLongDisplay, CItpTcGtaLongAddr, CItpTcDisplayPC, CItpTcNAI, CItpTcNetworkName, CItpTcNumberingPlan, CItpTcPointCode, CItpTcSubSystemNumber, CItpTcTranslationType, CItpTcTableLoadStatus, CItpTcURL, CItpTcXuaNameCISCO-ITP-TC-MIB
TEXTUAL-CONVENTION, TruthValue, TimeStamp, RowStatusSNMPv2-TC
ciscoGsccpMIBNotifs .
ciscoGsccpGttMapStateChange .
ciscoGsccpGttLoadTable .
ciscoGsccpGttErrors .
ciscoGsccpSegReassUnsup .
ciscoGsccpSOGReceived .
ciscoGsccpRmtCongestion .
ciscoGsccpLocalSsStateChange .
ciscoGsccpMIBObjects .
cgsccpScalars .
cgsccpGttTranslateSample .
cgsccpGttTranslatePeriod .
cgsccpGttMapStateNotifEnabled .
cgsccpGttLoadTableNotifEnabled .
cgsccpGttTransErrorsNotifEnabled .
cgsccpGttErrorPeriod .
cgsccpGttErrorRecoveryCount .
cgsccpGttPref2 .
cgsccpGttPref2Table .
cgsccpGttPref2TableEntry .
cgsccpGttPref2Name .
cgsccpGttPref2InAddr .
cgsccpGttPref2OutAddr .
cgsccpGttPref2TblNAI .
cgsccpGttPref2TblNP .
cgsccpGttPref2ItemNAI .
cgsccpGttPref2ItemNP .
cgsccpGttPref2RowStatus .
cgsccpGttPref2EncodingScheme .
cgsccpGttAppGr2 .
cgsccpGttAppGr2Table .
cgsccpGttAppGr2TableEntry .
cgsccpGttAppGr2Name .
cgsccpGttAppGr2RefCount .
cgsccpGttAppGr2AsName .
cgsccpGttAppGr2NewSsn .
cgsccpGttAppGr2NumUsed .
cgsccpGttAppGr2Network .
cgsccpGttAppGr2RowStatus .
cgsccpGttAppGr2EntNum .
cgsccpGttAppGr2Mult .
cgsccpGttAppGr2Type .
cgsccpGttAppGr2Cost .
cgsccpGttAppGr2Weight .
cgsccpGttAppGr2Pc .
cgsccpGttAppGr2Ssn .
cgsccpGttAppGr2Ri .
cgsccpGttErrors .
cgsccpGttErrorsTable .
cgsccpGttErrorsTableEntry .
cgsccpGttErrorsSelectorNotFound .
cgsccpGttErrorsDpcCongested .
cgsccpGttErrorsSsCongested .
cgsccpGttErrorsRouteFailure .
cgsccpGttErrorsSccpUnqualified .
cgsccpGttErrorsReassUnsupported .
cgsccpGttErrorsReassFailure .
cgsccpGttErrorsSegUnsupported .
cgsccpGttErrorsSegFailure .
cgsccpGttErrorsIncorrectFormat .
cgsccpGttErrorsGtaNotFound .
cgsccpGttErrorsHopViolation .
cgsccpGttErrorsMapNotFound .
cgsccpGttErrorsUnequipedSS .
cgsccpGttErrorsSccpUnavailable .
cgsccpGttErrorsDpcUnavailable .
cgsccpGttErrorsSsUnavailable .
cgsccpSSN .
cgsccpSSNTable .
cgsccpSSNEntry .
cgsccpSsn .
cgsccpSSNNumProhibits .
cgsccpSSNNumAllows .
cgsccpClassSsn .
cgsccpSSNClassTable .
cgsccpSSNClassEntry .
cgsccpClassIdx .
cgsccpSSNClassUDTMsgsSent .
cgsccpSSNClassUDTMsgsRcvd .
cgsccpSSNClassXUDTMsgsSent .
cgsccpSSNClassXUDTMsgsRcvd .
cgsccpSSNClassLUDTMsgsSent .
cgsccpSSNClassLUDTMsgsRcvd .
cgsccpNotificationsInfo .
cgsccpLocalDisplaySS .
cgsccpLocalSsStatus .
cgsccpInst .
cgsccpInstTable .
cgsccpInstTableEntry .
cgsccpInstTotalMsgs .
cgsccpInstXUDTSMsgsAttempted .
cgsccpInstXUDTSMsgsSent .
cgsccpInstXUDTMsgsRcvd .
cgsccpInstXUDTSMsgsRcvd .
cgsccpInstLUDTMsgsSent .
cgsccpInstLUDTSMsgsSent .
cgsccpInstLUDTMsgsRcvd .
cgsccpInstLUDTSMsgsRcvd .
cgsccpInstCrToMtp .
cgsccpInstCrefToMtp .
cgsccpInstLocalMsgs .
cgsccpInstCrFromMtp .
cgsccpInstCrefFromMtp .
cgsccpInstRsrToMtp .
cgsccpInstRsrFromMtp .
cgsccpInstErrToMtp .
cgsccpInstErrFromMtp .
cgsccpInstQ752T7E1 .
cgsccpInstInvalidGttFormat .
cgsccpInstQ752T7E13 .
cgsccpInstMapNotFound .
cgsccpInstTotalGttMsgs .
cgsccpInstQ752T7E7 .
cgsccpInstGttConfigStatus .
cgsccpInstConfigTS .
cgsccpInstGttConfigTS .
cgsccpInstLastURL .
cgsccpInstConPcTableEntries .
cgsccpInstMapTableEntries .
cgsccpInstGtaTableEntries .
cgsccpInstSelTableEntries .
cgsccpInstAppGrTableEntries .
cgsccpInstUDTMsgsSent .
cgsccpInstRowStatus .
cgsccpInstPrefTableEntries .
cgsccpInstQ752Unqualified .
cgsccpInstErrorIndicator .
cgsccpInstReassUnsup .
cgsccpInstReassFail .
cgsccpInstSegUnsup .
cgsccpInstSegFail .
cgsccpInstUDTSMsgsSent .
cgsccpInstUDTSMsgsAttempted .
cgsccpInstUDTMsgsRcvd .
cgsccpInstUDTSMsgsRcvd .
cgsccpInstXUDTMsgsSent .
cgsccpGttConPc .
cgsccpGttConPcTable .
cgsccpGttConPcTableEntry .
cgsccpGttConPcListName .
cgsccpGttConPointCode .
cgsccpGttConPcRowStatus .
cgsccpGttMap .
cgsccpGttMapTable .
cgsccpGttMapTableEntry .
cgsccpGttMapPc .
cgsccpGttMapBackupSsn .
cgsccpGttMapConPcList .
cgsccpGttMapReRouteOnCong .
cgsccpGttMapAdjacent .
cgsccpGttMapLastSsUsed .
cgsccpGttMapUsed .
cgsccpGttMapAltUsed .
cgsccpGttMapSccpUnavail .
cgsccpGttMapQ752T7E3Fail .
cgsccpGttMapQ752T7E3Un .
cgsccpGttMapSsn .
cgsccpGttMapQ752T7E4 .
cgsccpGttMapQ752T7E5 .
cgsccpGttMapQ752T7E6 .
cgsccpGttMapRefCount .
cgsccpGttMapCongStatus .
cgsccpGttMapRowStatus .
cgsccpGttMapCongLvl1 .
cgsccpGttMapCongLvl2 .
cgsccpGttMapCongLvl3 .
cgsccpGttMapSSPRcvd .
cgsccpGttMapDisplayPC .
cgsccpGttMapSSARcvd .
cgsccpGttMapDisplaySS .
cgsccpGttMapType .
cgsccpGttMapPcStatus .
cgsccpGttMapSsStatus .
cgsccpGttMapMultInd .
cgsccpGttMapBackupPc .
cgsccpGttSel .
cgsccpGttSelTable .
cgsccpGttSelTableEntry .
cgsccpGttSelTT .
cgsccpGttSelPrePrefConv .
cgsccpGttSelPostPrefConv .
cgsccpGttSelRowStatus .
cgsccpGttNextSelName .
cgsccpGttNextSelRefed .
cgsccpGttSelNAI .
cgsccpGttSelNP .
cgsccpGttSelGTI .
cgsccpGttSelName .
cgsccpGttSelNumPerf .
cgsccpGttQ752T7E2 .
cgsccpGttSelQOS .
cgsccpGttSelRefCount .
cgsccpGttGta .
cgsccpGttGtaTable .
cgsccpGttGtaTableEntry .
cgsccpGttGtaAddr .
cgsccpGttGtaQOS .
cgsccpGttGtaAddrDisp .
cgsccpGttGtaAddrLen .
cgsccpGttGtaAsName .
cgsccpGttGtaRowStatus .
cgsccpGttGtaNetwork .
cgsccpGttGtaSelName .
cgsccpGttGtaResType .
cgsccpGttGtaResPc .
cgsccpGttGtaResMap .
cgsccpGttGtaResAppGroup .
cgsccpGttGtaTTorSSN .
cgsccpGttGtaTTorSSNvalue .
cgsccpGttGtaRoutingInd .
cgsccpGttAppGr .
cgsccpGttAppGrTable deprecated.
cgsccpGttAppGrTableEntry deprecated.
cgsccpGttAppGrName deprecated.
cgsccpGttAppGrAsName deprecated.
cgsccpGttAppGrNewSsn deprecated.
cgsccpGttAppGrNumUsed deprecated.
cgsccpGttAppGrRowStatus deprecated.
cgsccpGttAppGrNetwork deprecated.
cgsccpGttAppGrCost deprecated.
cgsccpGttAppGrEntNum deprecated.
cgsccpGttAppGrType deprecated.
cgsccpGttAppGrPc deprecated.
cgsccpGttAppGrSsn deprecated.
cgsccpGttAppGrRi deprecated.
cgsccpGttAppGrMult deprecated.
cgsccpGttAppGrRefCount deprecated.
cgsccpGttPref .
cgsccpGttPrefTable deprecated.
cgsccpGttPrefTableEntry deprecated.
cgsccpGttPrefName deprecated.
cgsccpGttPrefInAddr deprecated.
cgsccpGttPrefOutAddr deprecated.
cgsccpGttPrefTblNAI deprecated.
cgsccpGttPrefTblNP deprecated.
cgsccpGttPrefItemNAI deprecated.
cgsccpGttPrefItemNP deprecated.
cgsccpGttPrefRowStatus deprecated.
cgsccpGttTranslate .
cgsccpGttTranslateTable .
cgsccpGttTranslateTableEntry .
cgsccpGttTranslateSlot .
cgsccpGttTranslateEntry .
cgsccpGttTranslateRate .
cgsccpGttTranslateTS .
cgsccpGttTranslatePhysicalIndex .
ciscoGsccpMIBConform .
ciscoGsccpMIBCompliances .
ciscoGsccpMIBGroups .