The MIB for managing Signalling Points and its
associated messages transported over Signalling 
System  No. 7 (SS7) Network via Cisco IP Transfer
Point.  This MIB replaces the CISCO-ITP-SP-MIB and
provide support multiple instances of a signalling
point within same configuration.

The Cisco IP Transfer Point (ITP) is a hardware 
and software solution that transports SS7 traffic 
using IP. Each ITP node provides function similar
to SS7 Signalling point.   

The relevant ITU documents describing this technology
is the ITU Q series, including ITU Q.700: Introduction
to CCITT Signalling System No. 7 and ITU Q.701 
Functional description of the message transfer part
(MTP) of Signalling System No. 7. 

This MIB models the GSP as follows:

AERM  - Alignment Error Rate Monitor
CLLI  - Common-Language Location Identification  
DPC   - Destination Point Code
GSP   - Gateway Signalling Point
HSL   - High Speed Link (ATM based)
LLSC  - link set control 
LSAC  - Signalling link activity control
LSDA  - Signalling data link allocation 
LSLA  - Signalling link activation 
LSLD  - Signalling link deactivation 
LSLR  - Signalling link restoration 
LSSU  - Link Status Signal Unit
LSTA  - Signalling terminal allocation 
MTP   - Message Transport Protocol
MTP2  - Layer 2 of Message Transport Protocol
MTP3  - Layer 3 of Message Transport Protocol
NTT   - The Japanese Nippon Telephone & Telegraph 
OPC   - Originating Point Code
PC    - Point Code
RTN   - RouteTableName
SCTP  - Stream Transmission Protocol(RFC 2960)
SIB   - Status Indicator Busy
SLT   - Signalling Link Test
SLTA  - Signalling Link Test Acknowledgement
SP    - Signalling Point
SS7   -  System  No. 7 (SS7) Network
SUERM - Signal Unit Error Rate Monitor 
TCBC  - Changeback control
TCOC  - Changeover control
TCRC  - Controlled rerouting control
TFRC  - Forced rerouting control
TLAC  - Link availability control
TPRC  - Signalling point restart control
TRCC  - Signalling route set congestion control
TSFC  - Signalling traffic flow control
TSRC  - Signalling routing control 
TTC   - The Japanese Telecommunications Technology 
WRR   - Weighted round robin

Imported Objects

CItpTcLinksetId, CItpTcServiceIndicator, CItpTcRouteTableName, CItpTcQos, CItpTcPointCodeType, CItpTcPointCode, CItpTcInstanceNumber, CItpTcDisplayPC, CItpTcCLLI, CItpTcAclId, CItpTcNetworkName, CItpTcLinkSLC, CItpTcLinkType, CItpTcNetworkIndicatorCISCO-ITP-TC-MIB
InetPortNumber, InetAddress, InetAddressTypeINET-ADDRESS-MIB
TEXTUAL-CONVENTION, TruthValue, TimeStamp, RowStatusSNMPv2-TC
ciscoGspMIBNotifs .
ciscoGspLinksetStateChange .
ciscoGspRxCongestionChange .
ciscoGspLinkStateChange .
ciscoGspCongestionChange .
ciscoGspLinkRcvdUtilChange .
ciscoGspLinkSentUtilChange .
ciscoGspIsolation .
ciscoGspUPUReceived .
ciscoGspUPUTransmitted .
ciscoGspMIBObjects .
cgspScalars .
cgspCLLICode .
cgspUtilSampleInterval .
cgspUtilThreshold .
cgspUtilAbateDelta .
cgspPlanCapacityDefault .
cgspEventSequenceNumber .
cgspUPUNotifWindowTime .
cgspProfile .
cgspProfileTable .
cgspProfileTableEntry .
cgspProfileName .
cgspProfileVariant .
cgspProfileMtp2BundleTimer .
cgspProfileMtp2SendQueueDepth .
cgspProfileRowStatus .
cgspProfileTimerTable .
cgspProfileTimerTableEntry .
cgspProfileTimerNumber .
cgspProfileTimerValue .
cgspProfileTimerRowStatus .
cgspInstance .
cgspInstanceTable .
cgspInstanceTableEntry .
cgspInstNetwork .
cgspInstSummaryRoutingException .
cgspInstNumber .
cgspInstRouteTableName .
cgspInstRowStatus .
cgspInstSccpWrrOpcShift .
cgspInstSccpWrrOption .
cgspInstNetworkIndicator .
cgspInstVariant .
cgspInstDisplayName .
cgspInstDescription .
cgspInstTFR .
cgspInstCongestionsLevels .
cgspInstFastRestart .
cgspInstDistSccpUnseq .
cgspInstTimerTable .
cgspInstTimerTableEntry .
cgspInstTimerNumber .
cgspInstTimerValue .
cgspInstTimerRowStatus .
cgspInstUPUTable .
cgspInstUPUTableEntry .
cgspMtp3SI .
cgspInstSIUPUReceived .
cgspInstSIUPUTransmitted .
cgspInstUserPartDisplay .
cgspPointCode .
cgspPointCodeTable .
cgspPointCodeTableEntry .
cgspPointCodeNi .
cgspPointCodeBin .
cgspPointCodeType .
cgspPointCodeDisplay .
cgspPointCodeRowStatus .
cgspLinkset .
cgspLinksetTable .
cgspLinksetTableEntry .
cgspLinksetName .
cgspLinksetAccountingGtt .
cgspLinksetNumLinks .
cgspLinksetDurationInService .
cgspLinksetDurationOutService .
cgspLinksetActPriority .
cgspLinksetDisplayName .
cgspLinksetDescription .
cgspLinksetRotateSlsEnable .
cgspLinksetRotateSlsShift .
cgspLinksetProfileName .
cgspLinksetSourcePointCode .
cgspLinksetAdjacentInst .
cgspLinksetRowStatus .
cgspLinksetSourceDisplayPC .
cgspLinksetAdjacentPointCode .
cgspLinksetAdjacentDisplayPC .
cgspLinksetState .
cgspLinksetInboundAcl .
cgspLinksetOutboundAcl .
cgspLinksetAccountingMtp3 .
cgspLinksetTimerTable .
cgspLinksetTimerTableEntry .
cgspLinksetTimerNumber .
cgspLinksetTimerValue .
cgspLinksetTimerRowStatus .
cgspLink .
cgspLinkTable .
cgspLinkTableEntry .
cgspLinkSlc .
cgspLinkXmitQueueDepthHighRT .
cgspLinkCongestionState .
cgspLinkCongestionAbate1 .
cgspLinkCongestionAbate2 .
cgspLinkCongestionAbate3 .
cgspLinkCongestionOnset1 .
cgspLinkCongestionOnset2 .
cgspLinkCongestionOnset3 .
cgspLinkSigLinkTest .
cgspLinkQ752T1E1 .
cgspLinkDescription .
cgspLinkQ752T1E2 .
cgspLinkQ752T1E3 .
cgspLinkQ752T1E5 .
cgspLinkQ752T1E7 .
cgspLinkQ752T1E8 .
cgspLinkQ752T1E9 .
cgspLinkQ752T1E10 .
cgspLinkQ752T1E11 .
cgspLinkQ752T2E1 .
cgspLinkQ752T2E5 .
cgspLinkState .
cgspLinkQ752T2E6 .
cgspLinkQ752T2E7 .
cgspLinkQ752T2E9 .
cgspLinkQ752T2E10 .
cgspLinkQ752T2E15 .
cgspLinkQ752T2E16 .
cgspLinkQ752T2E18 .
cgspLinkQ752T3E1 .
cgspLinkQ752T3E2Bytes .
cgspLinkQ752T3E2Packets .
cgspLinkReason .
cgspLinkQ752T3E3 .
cgspLinkQ752T3E4 .
cgspLinkQ752T3E5 .
cgspLinkQ752T3E6 .
cgspLinkQ752T3E7 .
cgspLinkQ752T3E10L1 .
cgspLinkQ752T3E10L2 .
cgspLinkQ752T3E10L3 .
cgspLinkQ752T3E11L1 .
cgspLinkQ752T3E11L2 .
cgspLinkType .
cgspLinkQ752T3E11L3 .
cgspLinkLocalPeerPort .
cgspLinkRemotePeerPort .
cgspLinkQosClass .
cgspLinkDisplayName .
cgspLinkDroppedPkts .
cgspLinkTransmittedLSSUs .
cgspLinkReceivedLSSUs .
cgspLinkProtocolDetails .
cgspLinkLsacState .
cgspLinkifIndex .
cgspLinkTsrcState .
cgspLinkTcocState .
cgspLinkTcocLocalBSNT .
cgspLinkTcocRemoteBSNT .
cgspLinkTcbcState .
cgspLinkReceivedSIBs .
cgspLinkTransmittedSIBs .
cgspLinkMtp2T01Counts .
cgspLinkMtp2T02Counts .
cgspLinkMtp2T03Counts .
cgspLinkSctpAssociation deprecated.
cgspLinkMtp2T04Counts .
cgspLinkMtp2T05Counts .
cgspLinkMtp2T06Counts .
cgspLinkMtp2T07Counts .
cgspLinkOMAERMCounts .
cgspLinkOMAERMFailCounts .
cgspLinkOMSURMCounts .
cgspLinkOMSURMFailCounts .
cgspLinkPlanCapacityRcvd .
cgspLinkUtilThresholdRcvd .
cgspLinkXmitQueueDepth .
cgspLinkUtilizationRcvd .
cgspLinkUtilStateRcvd .
cgspLinkL2BytesRcvd .
cgspLinkPlanCapacitySent .
cgspLinkUtilThresholdSent .
cgspLinkUtilizationSent .
cgspLinkUtilStateSent .
cgspLinkL2BytesSent .
cgspLinkTestResult .
cgspLinkRowStatus .
cgspLinkXmitQueueDepthHigh .
cgspLinkSctpAssociationId .
cgspLinkQ752T1E12 .
cgspLinkQ752T1E12Errors .
cgspLinkQ752T2E11 .
cgspLinkQ752T2E17 .
cgspLinkQ752T2E19 .
cgspLinkRxCongestionState .
cgspLinkTimerTable .
cgspLinkTimerTableEntry .
cgspLinkTimerNumber .
cgspLinkTimerValue .
cgspLinkTimerRowStatus .
cgspLinkRemoteIpAddrTable .
cgspLinkRemoteIpAddrTableEntry .
cgspLinkRemoteIpAddrNumber .
cgspLinkRemoteIpAddrType .
cgspLinkRemoteIpAddress .
cgspLinkRemoteIpAddrRowStatus .
cgspLinkUtilTable .
cgspLinkUtilTableEntry .
cgspLinkUtilIndex .
cgspLinkUtilRcvd .
cgspLinkUtilSent .
cgspLinkUtilEndTimestamp .
cgspNotificationsEnable .
cgspLsStateChangeNotifEnabled .
cgspLnkStateChangeNotifEnabled .
cgspCongestionNotifEnabled .
cgspLinkUtilNotifEnabled .
cgspIsolationNotifEnabled .
cgspUPUNotifEnabled .
cgspNotificationsInfo .
cgspUPUIntervalDuration .
cgspIntervalUPUs .
ciscoGspMIBConform .
ciscoGspMIBCompliances .
ciscoGspMIBGroups .