This file defines the private Enterprise MIB extensions
that define system related objects. 

==                                                          ==
==      Copyright (C) 2008-2012 Zhone Technologies, Inc.    ==
==                                                          ==

Imported Objects

MODULE-IDENTITY, OBJECT-TYPE, enterprises, Integer32, Unsigned32, IpAddressSNMPv2-SMI
TEXTUAL-CONVENTION, DisplayString, MacAddress, RowStatus, TruthValueSNMPv2-TC
zhnSystemObjects .
zhnSystemGeneralObjects .
modelNumber .
zhnSysContact .
sysTransmitClockSource .
sysLocalTimingReference .
sysSynchronizationMode .
sysSynchronousEthernet .
sysClockMode .
sysCfgDBAction .
sysSoftwareReboot .
sysSystemClockSource .
sysEthernetTransmitClockSource .
macBaseAddress .
sysDs1ClockSourcePort .
sysBootloaderVersion .
sysFirmwareVersion .
sysAltFirmwareVersion .
sysRestoreAltFirmwareVersion .
sysSnmpProvisioningLock .
sysSnmpProvisioningChange .
numberOfMacAddresses .
wifiNetworkType .
powerSupplyType .
locationLatitude .
locationLongitude .
zhnSystemAction .
zhnSysLocation .
zhnSystemSNTPObjects .
sntpAdminStatus .
sntpOperStatus .
sntpServer1 .
sntpServer2 .
sntpServer3 .
sntpServer4 .
sntpServer5 .
sntpLocalTimeZone .
sntpCurrentDateAndTime .
zhnSystemUserLoginObjects .
adminUserName .
adminPassword .
supportUserName .
supportPassword .
userUserName .
userPassword .
zhnSystemPowerSheddingObjects .
powerSheddingAdminStatus .
powerSheddingShutdownDelay .
powerSheddingRestoreDelay .
zhnSystemFirewallObjects .
sysFirewallEnable .
sysFirewallTcpSynCookies .
zhnSystemDNSClientObjects .
sysDNSAddressingType .
sysDNSDHCPSource .
sysDNSPrimaryIPAddress .
sysDNSSecondaryIPAddress .
zhnSystemDNSProxyObjects .
zhnDnsProxyHostMaxHostEntries .
zhnDnsProxyHostTable .
zhnDnsProxyHostEntry .
dnsProxyHostIndex .
dnsProxyHostIPAddress .
dnsProxyHostName .
dnsProxyRowStatus .
zhnSystemWanBackupObjects .
failoverTimer .
connectionTimeout .
backupIpAddressMode .
backupIpAddress .
backupDefaultGateway .
backupSubnetMask .
backupPrimaryDns .
backupSecondaryDns .
restoralTimer .
backupDataVlan .
cellularPinNumber .
cellularDataNumber .
atInitCommands .
accessPointName .
chapPapUsername .
chapPapPassword .
zhnSystemTr69cObjects .
sysTr69cConfigObjects .
sysTr69cConfigLoggingSOAP .
sysTr69cConfigConnectionRequestAuthentication .
sysTr69cServerObjects .
sysTr69cServerURL .
sysTr69cServerConnectionRequestUsername .
sysTr69cServerConnectionRequestPassword .
sysTr69cServerUpgradesManaged .
sysTr69cServerLastConnectedURL .
sysTr69cServerUsername .
sysTr69cServerPassword .
sysTr69cServerPeriodicInformEnable .
sysTr69cServerPeriodicInformInterval .
sysTr69cServerParameterKey .
sysTr69cServerBoundIfName .
sysTr69cServerConnectionRequestURL .
zhnSystemBoardObjects .
numberOfBoards .
boardDescriptorTable .
boardDescriptorEntry .
boardIndex .
boardName .
boardPartNumber .
boardSerialNumber .
boardRevision .
zhnSystemPldObjects .
numberOfPlds .
pldDescriptorTable .
pldDescriptorEntry .
pldIndex .
pldName .
pldVersion .
zhnSystemRadioObjects .
numberOfRadios .
zhnSystemEthernetLikeObjects .
numberOfEthernetLikeInterfaces .
ethernetlikeInterfaceTable .
ethernetlikeInterfaceEntry .
etherIndex .
etherName .
etherType .
etherSubtype .
etherNumberOfPorts .
etherLinePower .
etherPowerPairs .
zhnSystemTempSensorObjects .
numberOfTemperatureSensors .
temperatureSensorTable .
temperatureSensorEntry .
temperatureSensorIndex .
temperatureSensorName .
temperatureSensorMaximum .
temperatureSensorMinimum .
zhnSystemSNMPObjects .
numberOfCommunities .
zhnCommunityTable .
zhnCommunityTableEntry .
communityName .
communityType .
communityRowStatus .
zhnFixedCommunityTable .
zhnFixedCommunityTableEntry .
fixedCommunityName .
fixedCommunityType .
fixedCommunityRowStatus .
zhnSystemTrapObjects .
numberOfTrapManagers .
zhnDefaultTrapCommunity .
zhnTrapTypeLinkUpDown .
zhnTrapTypeAuthFailure .
zhnTrapTypeConfigChange .
zhnTrapManagerInfoTable .
zhnTrapManagerInfoTableEntry .
trapDestination .
trapCommunityName .
trapVersion .
trapPort .
trapRowStatus .
zhnTrapTypeColdStart .
zhnTrapTypeWarmStart .
zhnTrapTypeEnterprise .
zhnSystemSyslogObjects .
sysLogAdminStatus .
sysLogLocalLogLevel .
sysLogRemoteLogLevel .
sysLogDisplayLogLevel .
sysLogMode .
sysLogRemoteServerAddress .
sysLogRemoteServerPort .
zhnSystemConformance .
zhnSystemGroups .
zhnSystemCompliances .