This file defines the private Enterprise MIB extensions
that define LAN ethernet interface related objects supported 
 by the Zhone CPEs.

Imported Objects

MODULE-IDENTITY, OBJECT-TYPE, enterprises, Integer32, Unsigned32, IpAddress, Gauge32SNMPv2-SMI
TEXTUAL-CONVENTION, MacAddress, RowStatus, TruthValueSNMPv2-TC
zhnLANDeviceObjects .
lanDeviceTable .
lanDeviceEntry .
lanDeviceIndex .
lanEthernetInterfaceNumberOfEntries .
lanUSBInterfaceNumberOfEntries .
lanWLANConfigurationNumberOfEntries .
lanMocaInterfaceNumberOfEntries .
igmpSnoopingCfgTable .
igmpSnoopingCfgEntry .
igmpEnable .
igmpMode .
igmpIfName .
lanHostConfigManagementObjects .
lanHostConfigManagementTable .
lanHostConfigManagementEntry .
dhcpServerConfigurable .
domainName .
ipRouters .
dhcpLeaseTime .
ipInterfaceNumberOfEntries .
zhnDhcpServerEnable .
dhcpRelay .
dhcpRelayServer .
minAddress .
maxAddress .
reservedAddresses .
subnetMask .
dnsServers .
ipInterfaceObjects .
zhnIpInterfaceTable .
zhnIpInterfaceEntry .
ipInterfaceIndex .
dhcpcPid .
dnsType .
primaryDnsIPAddress .
secondaryDnsIPAddress .
zhnVlanType .
connectionType .
maxMTUSize .
alternateWanIfName .
naptEnabled .
ipInterfaceEnable .
ipInterfaceIPAddress .
ipInterfaceSubnetMask .
ipInterfaceAddressingType .
ipInterfaceifName .
firewallEnabled .
defaultGateway .
natEnabled .
pppoeConfigObjects .
pppoeConfigTable .
pppoeConfigEntry .
pppoeIfName .
idleDisconnectTime .
holdOffTime .
useStaticIpAddress .
staticIpAddress .
enableDebug .
pid .
connectionRequest .
username .
password .
authentication .
serviceName .
encryptionProtocol .
compressionProtocol .
pppoeStatusObjects .
pppoeStatusTable .
pppoeStatusEntry .
connectionStatus .
lastConnectionError .
connectionEstablishedTime .
currentMTUSize .
uptime .
zhnDhcpConditionalServingPoolObjects .
zhnDhcpConditionalServingPoolTable .
zhnDhcpConditionalServingPoolEntry .
dhcpPoolIndex .
dhcpPoolDomainName .
dhcpPoolIPRouters .
dhcpPoolLeaseTime .
dhcpPoolUseWanVlan .
dhcpPoolEnableStaticLease .
dhcpPoolRowStatus .
dhcpPoolEnable .
dhcpPoolChaddr .
dhcpPoolChaddrMask .
dhcpPoolMinAddress .
dhcpPoolMaxAddress .
dhcpPoolReservedAddresses .
dhcpPoolSubnetMask .
dhcpPoolDnsServers .
zhnLANEthernetInterfaceObjects .
lanEthernetInterfaceConfigTable .
lanEthernetInterfaceConfigEntry .
lanEthernetIndex .
dot1qPvid .
lanEthernetAlias .
pauseMode .
lanEthernetAcl .
lanEthernetAclRulesNumberofEntries .
lanEthernetLanFollowsWan .
lanEthernetIgmpPriorityMark .
lanEthernetIgmpPvid .
lanEthernetEnable .
lanEthernetStatus .
macAddress .
macAddressControlEnabled .
maxBitRate .
duplexMode .
zhnIfName .
zhnEthernetPriorityMark .
lanEthIntfStatisticsTable .
lanEthIntfStatisticsEntry .
bytesSent .
bytesReceived .
packetsSent .
packetsReceived .
txErrors .
rxErrors .
txDrops .
rxDrops .
lanEthIntfStatusTable .
lanEthIntfStatusEntry .
linkStatus .
rateStatus .
duplexStatus .
pauseStatus .
lanEthIntfRateLimitTable .
lanEthIntfRateLimitEntry .
rateLimitEnable .
peakRate .
burstSize .
rateDirection .
inboundPeakRate .
igmpGroupsTable .
igmpGroupsEntry .
igmpGroupIndex .
igmpGroupAddress .
igmpGroupReporterIP .
igmpGroupReporterMAC .
igmpGroupInterface .
igmpGroupVlan .
igmpGroupExpiration .
igmpGroupQuerier .
zhnLANDeviceSystemObjects .
lanDefaultIfName .
lanDefaultIfIpAddress .
lanEthAclRulesTable .
lanEthAclRulesEntry .
lanAclRuleKey .
lanAclRuleIfName .
lanAclRuleName .
lanAclRuleSourceIPAddress .
lanAclRuleIPProtocol .
lanAclRuleSourceMACAddress .
lanAclRuleSourceMACMask .
lanAclRuleRowStatus .
zhnLANDeviceConformance .
zhnLANDeviceGroups .
zhnLANDeviceCompliances .