Trap Log MIB: information about most recent traps generated by
an Access Controller (wireless switch).

A trap occurrence that could be logged corresponds to an event
detected by the Access Controller (wireless switch).
Not all kinds of events will cause a Trap Log entry to be added.
The list of accepted notification types should be configurable.

This MIB does _not_ specify any means for configuring
the notification types accepted for logging (the ''filter'').

Configuration options for filtering (not necessarily SNMP-based)
should be described in the manuals for the wireless switch.

There is _no_ guarantee that the Trap Log will be preserved
in part or in total across restarts of the SNMP agent.

The Trap Log as a whole operates like a circular buffer:
if adding a new entry (trap occurrence) would exhaust the
available resources, the oldest entry (or entries)
will be discarded.

This MIB does _not_ specify any means for configuring
any of the resource limits applicable to trap logging.

Copyright 2009 Trapeze Networks, Inc.
All rights reserved.
This Trapeze Networks SNMP Management Information Base
Specification (Specification) embodies Trapeze Networks'
confidential and proprietary intellectual property.
Trapeze Networks retains all title and ownership in
the Specification, including any revisions.

This Specification is supplied 'AS IS' and Trapeze Networks
makes no warranty, either express or implied, as to the use,
operation, condition, or performance of the Specification.

Imported Objects

MODULE-IDENTITY, OBJECT-TYPE, Integer32, Unsigned32, TimeTicks, Counter32, Counter64, IpAddressSNMPv2-SMI
trpzTraplogMibObjects .
trpzTraplogGuideObjects .
trpzTraplogOldestTrapIndex .
trpzTraplogNewestTrapIndex .
trpzTraplogNewestTrapTime .
trpzTraplogNewestTrapDateAndTime .
trpzTraplogTrapTable .
trpzTraplogTrapEntry .
trpzTraplogTrapIndex .
trpzTraplogTrapTime .
trpzTraplogTrapDateAndTime .
trpzTraplogTrapNotificationID .
trpzTraplogTrapNumVars .
trpzTraplogVarTable .
trpzTraplogVarEntry .
trpzTraplogVarTrapIndex .
trpzTraplogVarIpAddressVal .
trpzTraplogVarOidVal .
trpzTraplogVarCounter64Val .
trpzTraplogVarIndex .
trpzTraplogVarID .
trpzTraplogVarValueType .
trpzTraplogVarCounter32Val .
trpzTraplogVarUnsigned32Val .
trpzTraplogVarTimeTicksVal .
trpzTraplogVarInteger32Val .
trpzTraplogVarOctetStringVal .
trpzTraplogConformance .
trpzTraplogCompliances .
trpzTraplogGroups .