Hardware and system software version and runtime information for 
        TippingPoint Next-Generation Firewall products.
        Copyright (C) 2016 Trend Micro Incorporated. All Rights Reserved.
        Trend Micro makes no warranty of any kind with regard to this material,
        including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability
        and fitness for a particular purpose. Trend Micro shall not be liable for
        errors contained herein or for incidental or consequential damages in
        connection with the furnishing, performance, or use of this material. This
        document contains proprietary information, which is protected by copyright. No
        part of this document may be photocopied, reproduced, or translated into
        another language without the prior written consent of Trend Micro. The
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        change without notice. The only warranties for Trend Micro products and
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        products and services. Nothing herein should be construed as constituting an
        additional warranty. Trend Micro shall not be liable for technical or editorial
        errors or omissions contained herein. TippingPoint(R), the TippingPoint logo, and
        Digital Vaccine(R) are registered trademarks of Trend Micro. All other company
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Imported Objects

InetAddressType, InetAddressINET-ADDRESS-MIB
tpt-ngfw-compls, tpt-ngfw-groups, tpt-ngfw-objs, tpt-ngfw-eventsV2, tptNgfwNotifySeverityTPT-NGFW-REG-MIB
tptNgfwSystemSerial .
tptNgfwSystemFailsafeVersion .
tptNgfwSystemBootTime .
tptNgfwSystemUpTime .
tptNgfwSystemSmsManaged .
tptNgfwSystemSmsIpAddressType .
tptNgfwSystemSmsIpAddress .
tptNgfwSystemFipsAdminState .
tptNgfwSystemFipsOperState .
tptNgfwSystemMasterKeySet .
tptNgfwSystemSoftwareVersion .
tptNgfwSystemBuildDate .
tptNgfwSystemBuildType .
tptNgfwSystemBuildRevision .
tptNgfwSystemDigitalVaccineVersion .
tptNgfwSystemModel .
tptNgfwSystemHardwareSerial .
tptNgfwSystemHardwareRevision .
tptNgfwSystemReadyNotify .
tptNgfwSystemShutdownNotify .
tptNgfwSystemSmsNotAuthNotify .