This module contains the hitless extension for a Level 1
aggregations of SIAE equipments.

The Hitless L1 aggregation is a method to define radio link
degradation in order to remove it from aggregation in advance
(link status estimator).
Only ethernet traffic is affected.

The current TX profile of a link is used as extimator of the
link status. When ACM modulation goes under a predefined profile
(configurable by operator) the corresponding link is removed from
RLAG. A radio link is considered unavailable for ethernet traffic
during all the time that the current modulation remain under
the predefined HITLESS profile (modulation). 

Every radio link is considered working in four separate ZONEs
- GOOD ZONE: When it is working between the HITLESS profile
             (included) and the UPPER profile (included) 
- HITLESS ZONE: When it is working between the LOWER profile 
                (included) and the HITLESS profile (excluded)
- BAD ZONE: When the modem is unlocked
- DISQUALIFIED: When it is excluded by the the balancing algorithm

NE is in charge to select which of the links, that are working into
the HITLESS ZONE, participate in RLAG. The decision is taken 
according to three possible behaviors:
- ALL survive:  All links remain used by aggregator when working
                into the HITLESS ZONE
- ONE survive:  When NO link is working into the GOOD ZONE,
                the last link entered into the HITLESS ZONE
                continues to be used by the aggregator 
- NONE survive: Each link is removed from aggregation when working
                into the HITLESS ZONE

Note that when HITLESS profile is configured equal to the LOWER 
profile, the ONE survive and NONE survive behave like the ALL

Imported Objects

linkSettingsEntry, linkStatusEntrySIAE-RADIO-SYSTEM-MIB
hlAggrL1MibVersion .
hlAggrL1Table .
hlAggrL1Entry .
hlAggrL1Mode .
hlAggrL1Behaviour .
hlLinkSettingsTable .
hlLinkSettingsEntry .
linkHitlessProfile .
hlLinkStatusTable .
hlLinkStatusEntry .
linkHitlessZone .