
The private MIB module definition for the Dell 
PowerConnect 3248 Network Switch.

Imported Objects

dot1dStpPort, dot1dStpPortEntry, Timeout, BridgeIdBRIDGE-MIB
OBJECT-TYPE, Counter32, internet, NOTIFICATION-TYPE, IpAddress, Integer32, Unsigned32, MODULE-IDENTITYSNMPv2-SMI
DisplayString, RowStatus, TruthValueSNMPv2-TC
private .
enterprises .
dell .
dellLan .
powerConnect3248MIBObjects .
switchMgt .
switchManagementVlan .
switchNumber .
switchInfoTable .
switchInfoEntry .
swUnitIndex .
swSerialNumber .
swExpansionSlot1 .
swExpansionSlot2 .
swServiceTag .
swHardwareVer .
swMicrocodeVer .
swLoaderVer .
swBootRomVer .
swOpCodeVer .
swPortNumber .
swPowerStatus .
swRoleInSystem .
switchOperState .
switchProductId .
swProdName .
swProdManufacturer .
swProdDescription .
swProdVersion .
swProdUrl .
swIdentifier .
swChassisServiceTag .
switchIndivPowerTable .
switchIndivPowerEntry .
swIndivPowerUnitIndex .
swIndivPowerIndex .
swIndivPowerStatus .
ipMgt .
netConfigTable .
netConfigEntry .
netConfigIfIndex .
netConfigIPAddress .
netConfigSubnetMask .
netConfigPrimaryInterface .
netConfigUnnumbered .
netConfigStatus .
netDefaultGateway .
ipHttpState .
ipHttpPort .
ipDhcpRestart .
ipHttpsState .
ipHttpsPort .
bcastStormMgt .
bcastStormTable .
bcastStormEntry .
bcastStormIfIndex .
bcastStormStatus .
bcastStormSampleType .
bcastStormPktRate .
bcastStormOctetRate .
bcastStormPercent .
vlanMgt .
vlanTable .
vlanEntry .
vlanIndex .
vlanAddressMethod .
vlanPortTable .
vlanPortEntry .
vlanPortIndex .
vlanPortMode .
priorityMgt .
prioIpPrecDscpStatus .
prioIpPrecTable .
prioIpPrecEntry .
prioIpPrecPort .
prioIpPrecValue .
prioIpPrecCos .
prioIpPrecRestoreDefault .
prioIpDscpTable .
prioIpDscpEntry .
prioIpDscpPort .
prioIpDscpValue .
prioIpDscpCos .
prioIpDscpRestoreDefault .
prioIpPortEnableStatus .
prioIpPortTable .
prioIpPortEntry .
prioIpPortPhysPort .
prioIpPortValue .
prioIpPortCos .
prioIpPortStatus .
prioCopy .
prioCopyIpPrec .
prioCopyIpDscp .
prioCopyIpPort .
prioWrrTable .
prioWrrEntry .
prioWrrTrafficClass .
prioWrrWeight .
trapDestMgt .
trapDestTable .
trapDestEntry .
trapDestAddress .
trapDestCommunity .
trapDestStatus .
trapDestVersion .
securityMgt .
portSecurityMgt .
portSecPortTable .
portSecPortEntry .
portSecPortIndex .
portSecPortStatus .
portSecAction .
radiusMgt .
radiusServerAddress .
radiusServerPortNumber .
radiusServerKey .
radiusServerRetransmit .
radiusServerTimeout .
tacacsMgt .
tacacsServerAddress .
tacacsServerPortNumber .
tacacsServerKey .
sshMgt .
sshServerStatus .
sshServerMajorVersion .
sshServerMinorVersion .
sshTimeout .
sshAuthRetries .
sshConnInfoTable .
sshConnInfoEntry .
sshConnID .
sshConnMajorVersion .
sshConnMinorVersion .
sshConnEncryptionType .
sshConnStatus .
sshConnUserName .
sshDisconnect .
sysLogMgt .
sysLogStatus .
sysLogHistoryFlashLevel .
sysLogHistoryRamLevel .
remoteLogMgt .
remoteLogStatus .
remoteLogLevel .
remoteLogFacilityType .
remoteLogServerTable .
remoteLogServerEntry .
remoteLogServerIp .
remoteLogServerStatus .
portMgt .
portTable .
portEntry .
portIndex .
portTrunkIndex .
portName .
portType .
portSpeedDpxCfg .
portFlowCtrlCfg .
portCapabilities .
portAutonegotiation .
portSpeedDpxStatus .
portFlowCtrlStatus .
lineMgt .
consoleMgt .
consoleDataBits .
consoleParity .
consoleBaudRate .
consoleStopBits .
consoleExecTimeout .
consolePasswordThreshold .
consoleSilentTime .
telnetMgt .
telnetExecTimeout .
telnetPasswordThreshold .
trunkMgt .
trunkMaxId .
trunkValidNumber .
trunkTable .
trunkEntry .
trunkIndex .
trunkPorts .
trunkCreation .
trunkStatus .
lacpMgt .
lacpPortTable .
lacpPortEntry .
lacpPortIndex .
lacpPortStatus .
staMgt .
staSystemStatus .
staPortTable .
staPortEntry .
staPortIndex .
staPortFastForward .
staPortProtocolMigration .
staPortAdminEdgePort .
staPortOperEdgePort .
staPortAdminPointToPoint .
staPortOperPointToPoint .
staPortLongPathCost .
staProtocolType .
staTxHoldCount .
staPathCostMethod .
xstMgt .
xstInstanceCfgTable .
xstInstanceCfgEntry .
xstInstanceCfgIndex .
xstInstanceCfgHoldTime .
xstInstanceCfgForwardDelay .
xstInstanceCfgBridgeMaxAge .
xstInstanceCfgBridgeHelloTime .
xstInstanceCfgBridgeForwardDelay .
xstInstanceCfgTxHoldCount .
xstInstanceCfgPathCostMethod .
xstInstanceCfgPriority .
xstInstanceCfgTimeSinceTopologyChange .
xstInstanceCfgTopChanges .
xstInstanceCfgDesignatedRoot .
xstInstanceCfgRootCost .
xstInstanceCfgRootPort .
xstInstanceCfgMaxAge .
xstInstanceCfgHelloTime .
xstInstancePortTable .
xstInstancePortEntry .
xstInstancePortInstance .
xstInstancePortDesignatedPort .
xstInstancePortForwardTransitions .
xstInstancePortPortRole .
xstInstancePortPort .
xstInstancePortPriority .
xstInstancePortState .
xstInstancePortEnable .
xstInstancePortPathCost .
xstInstancePortDesignatedRoot .
xstInstancePortDesignatedCost .
xstInstancePortDesignatedBridge .
tftpMgt .
tftpFileType .
tftpSrcFile .
tftpDestFile .
tftpServer .
tftpAction .
tftpStatus .
restartMgt .
restartOpCodeFile .
restartConfigFile .
restartControl .
mirrorMgt .
mirrorTable .
mirrorEntry .
mirrorDestinationPort .
mirrorSourcePort .
mirrorType .
mirrorStatus .
igmpSnoopMgt .
igmpSnoopStatus .
igmpSnoopMulticastCurrentTable .
igmpSnoopMulticastCurrentEntry .
igmpSnoopMulticastCurrentVlanIndex .
igmpSnoopMulticastCurrentIpAddress .
igmpSnoopMulticastCurrentPorts .
igmpSnoopMulticastCurrentStatus .
igmpSnoopMulticastStaticTable .
igmpSnoopMulticastStaticEntry .
igmpSnoopMulticastStaticVlanIndex .
igmpSnoopMulticastStaticIpAddress .
igmpSnoopMulticastStaticPorts .
igmpSnoopMulticastStaticStatus .
igmpSnoopQuerier .
igmpSnoopQueryCount .
igmpSnoopQueryInterval .
igmpSnoopQueryMaxResponseTime .
igmpSnoopQueryTimeout .
igmpSnoopVersion .
igmpSnoopRouterCurrentTable .
igmpSnoopRouterCurrentEntry .
igmpSnoopRouterCurrentVlanIndex .
igmpSnoopRouterCurrentPorts .
igmpSnoopRouterCurrentStatus .
igmpSnoopRouterStaticTable .
igmpSnoopRouterStaticEntry .
igmpSnoopRouterStaticVlanIndex .
igmpSnoopRouterStaticPorts .
igmpSnoopRouterStaticStatus .
powerConnect3248Notifications .
powerConnect3248Traps .
powerConnect3248TrapsPrefix .
swPowerStatusChangeTrap .
swPortSecurityTrap .
powerConnect3248Conformance .