This document is work in progress, and it is likely to

Reference: NID4613.

MIB for Video Appliance Services. The MIB describes objects
for setting up and monitoring of reliable video transports
over an IP network.  It also contains configuration objects
for encoders and decoders.

The MIB contains conceptual tables that describes the
different objects:

The table vasIfTable contains physical video ports, such as
ASI or SDI ports.

The table vasEncPipeTable contains video encoder pipelines.
A video encoder pipeline can encode the video (e.g. from SDI
to MPEG-4) to a stream, and process the audio, video and

The table vasDecPipeTable contains video decoder pipelines.
A video decoder pipeline can decode a stream (from
e.g. MPEG-4 to SDI) and process the audio, video and data in
the stream.

The table vasUdpSnkTable contains objects that receives an
UDP video stream on an IP interface and provides it as an
input to another source object.

The table vasUdpSrcTable contains objects that takes a video
stream from a sink object and transmits it as a UDP stream
from an IP interface. This object is the complement to an
object in the vasUdpSnkTable.

The table vasPulSrcTable contains the source objects of a
pull transport, i.e. a transport of a stream that is
initiated at the sink side, where the stream is pulled from
the source (sender) to the sink (receiver) at the sink.

The table vasMpuSrcTable contains the source objects of pull
transports, where multiple transports to different
destinations may be setup from the same source.

The table vasPulSnkTable contains the sink part of a pull
transport, i.e. a transport of a stream that is initiated at
the sink side, where the stream is pulled from the source
(sender) to the sink (receiver) at the sink.

The table vasPusSrcTable contains the source part of a push
transport, i.e. a transport that is initiated from the source
side, and is pushed from the source (sender) to the sink
(receiver) at the source.

The table vasPusSnkTable contains the sink part of a push
transport, i.e. a transport that is initiated from the source
side, and is pushed from the source (sender) to the sink
(receiver) at the source.

The MIB also contains tables for statistics.

Imported Objects

InetPortNumber, InetAddress, InetAddressTypeINET-ADDRESS-MIB
OBJECT-TYPE, Integer32, Unsigned32, Counter64, Counter32, enterprises, MODULE-IDENTITYSNMPv2-SMI
TEXTUAL-CONVENTION, TimeStamp, TruthValue, RowStatus, RowPointer, DateAndTimeSNMPv2-TC
netinsight .
netiGeneric .
vasInterfaceGroup .
vasIfTable .
vasIfEntry .
vasIfIndex .
vasIfPortMode .
vasIfActiveFormat .
vasIfName .
vasIfPurpose .
vasIfAdminStatus .
vasIfOperStatus .
vasIfFailure .
vasIfLastChanged .
vasIfResetStatistics .
vasIfInputFrom .
vasEncoderPipeGroup .
vasEncPipeTable .
vasEncPipeEntry .
vasEncPipeIndex .
vasEncPipeStatsTr101 .
vasEncPipeEnableTr101 .
vasEncPipeInputFrom .
vasEncPipeCipher .
vasEncPipeEncryptKey .
vasEncPipeProcessedFrames .
vasEncPipeCurrentTsBitrate .
vasEncPipeVideoBitrate .
vasEncPipeRowStatus .
vasEncPipeName .
vasEncPipePurpose .
vasEncPipeAdminStatus .
vasEncPipeOperStatus .
vasEncPipeFailure .
vasEncPipeLastChanged .
vasEncPipeResetStatistics .
vasDecoderPipeGroup .
vasDecPipeTable .
vasDecPipeEntry .
vasDecPipeIndex .
vasDecPipeInputFrom .
vasDecPipeCipher .
vasDecPipeDecryptKey .
vasDecPipeProcessedFrames .
vasDecPipeCurrentTsBitrate .
vasDecPipeVideoBitrate .
vasDecPipeRowStatus .
vasDecPipeName .
vasDecPipePurpose .
vasDecPipeAdminStatus .
vasDecPipeOperStatus .
vasDecPipeFailure .
vasDecPipeLastChanged .
vasDecPipeResetStatistics .
vasTransportsGroup .
vasStreamPort .
vasUdpSrcTable .
vasUdpSrcEntry .
vasUdpSrcIndex .
vasUdpSrcResetStatistics .
vasUdpSrcStatsUdp .
vasUdpSrcInputFrom .
vasUdpSrcRemoteHostType .
vasUdpSrcRemoteHostAddress .
vasUdpSrcRemotePort .
vasUdpSrcLocalIfType .
vasUdpSrcLocalIfAddress .
vasUdpSrcLocalPort .
vasUdpSrcCipher .
vasUdpSrcRowStatus .
vasUdpSrcDecryptKey .
vasUdpSrcTtl .
vasUdpSrcDontFragment .
vasUdpSrcName .
vasUdpSrcPurpose .
vasUdpSrcAdminStatus .
vasUdpSrcOperStatus .
vasUdpSrcFailure .
vasUdpSrcLastChanged .
vasUdpSrcConnectionStatus .
vasUdpSnkTable .
vasUdpSnkEntry .
vasUdpSnkIndex .
vasUdpSnkResetStatistics .
vasUdpSnkStatsUdp .
vasUdpSnkStatsTr101 .
vasUdpSnkEnableTr101 .
vasUdpSnkRemoteInetType .
vasUdpSnkRemoteInetAddress .
vasUdpSnkLocalIfType .
vasUdpSnkLocalIfAddress .
vasUdpSnkLocalPort .
vasUdpSnkCipher .
vasUdpSnkRowStatus .
vasUdpSnkEncryptKey .
vasUdpSnkMcastIpType .
vasUdpSnkMcastIp .
vasUdpSnkSsmSourceIp .
vasUdpSnkCompress .
vasUdpSnkName .
vasUdpSnkPurpose .
vasUdpSnkAdminStatus .
vasUdpSnkOperStatus .
vasUdpSnkFailure .
vasUdpSnkLastChanged .
vasUdpSnkConnectionStatus .
vasPulSrcTable .
vasPulSrcEntry .
vasPulSrcIndex .
vasPulSrcResetStatistics .
vasPulSrcStatsTrsp .
vasPulSrcRemoteInetType .
vasPulSrcRemoteInetAddress .
vasPulSrcStreamId .
vasPulSrcInputFrom .
vasPulSrcRemoteId .
vasPulSrcPassword .
vasPulSrcRowStatus .
vasPulSrcName .
vasPulSrcPurpose .
vasPulSrcAdminStatus .
vasPulSrcOperStatus .
vasPulSrcFailure .
vasPulSrcLastChanged .
vasPulSrcConnectionStatus .
vasMpuSrcTable .
vasMpuSrcEntry .
vasMpuSrcIndex .
vasMpuSrcStreamId .
vasMpuSrcInputFrom .
vasMpuSrcRowStatus .
vasMpuSrcName .
vasMpuSrcPurpose .
vasMpuSrcAdminStatus .
vasMpuSrcOperStatus .
vasMpuSrcFailure .
vasMpuSrcLastChanged .
vasPulSnkTable .
vasPulSnkEntry .
vasPulSnkIndex .
vasPulSnkResetStatistics .
vasPulSnkStatsTrsp .
vasPulSnkStatsTr101 .
vasPulSnkEnableTr101 .
vasPulSnkRemoteInetType .
vasPulSnkRemoteInetAddress .
vasPulSnkStreamId .
vasPulSnkPassword .
vasPulSnkRemoteHostType .
vasPulSnkRemoteHostAddress .
vasPulSnkRowStatus .
vasPulSnkRemoteHostType2 .
vasPulSnkRemoteHostAddress2 .
vasPulSnkRemotePort .
vasPulSnkRetransmitBuffer .
vasPulSnkFecMaxOverhead .
vasPulSnkFecOptimize .
vasPulSnkFecLatency .
vasPulSnkName .
vasPulSnkPurpose .
vasPulSnkAdminStatus .
vasPulSnkOperStatus .
vasPulSnkFailure .
vasPulSnkLastChanged .
vasPulSnkConnectionStatus .
vasPusSrcTable .
vasPusSrcEntry .
vasPusSrcIndex .
vasPusSrcResetStatistics .
vasPusSrcStatsTrsp .
vasPusSrcRemoteInetType .
vasPusSrcRemoteInetAddress .
vasPusSrcStreamId .
vasPusSrcInputFrom .
vasPusSrcPassword .
vasPusSrcRemoteHostType .
vasPusSrcRemoteHostAddress .
vasPusSrcRemoteHostType2 .
vasPusSrcRowStatus .
vasPusSrcRemoteHostAddress2 .
vasPusSrcRemotePort .
vasPusSrcLocalIfType .
vasPusSrcLocalIfAddress .
vasPusSrcRetransmitBuffer .
vasPusSrcFecMaxOverhead .
vasPusSrcFecOptimize .
vasPusSrcFecLatency .
vasPusSrcName .
vasPusSrcPurpose .
vasPusSrcAdminStatus .
vasPusSrcOperStatus .
vasPusSrcFailure .
vasPusSrcLastChanged .
vasPusSrcConnectionStatus .
vasPusSnkTable .
vasPusSnkEntry .
vasPusSnkIndex .
vasPusSnkResetStatistics .
vasPusSnkStatsTrsp .
vasPusSnkStatsTr101 .
vasPusSnkEnableTr101 .
vasPusSnkRemoteInetType .
vasPusSnkRemoteInetAddress .
vasPusSnkStreamId .
vasPusSnkPassword .
vasPusSnkRowStatus .
vasPusSnkName .
vasPusSnkPurpose .
vasPusSnkAdminStatus .
vasPusSnkOperStatus .
vasPusSnkFailure .
vasPusSnkLastChanged .
vasPusSnkConnectionStatus .
vasStatisticsGroup .
vasUdpStatisticsTable .
vasUdpStatisticsEntry .
vasUdpStsIndex .
vasUdpStsOwner .
vasUdpStsBitrate .
vasTrspStatisticsTable .
vasTrspStatisticsEntry .
vasTrspIndex .
vasTrspNetRecvDropped .
vasTrspNetRecvJitter .
vasTrspNetRecvJitterRatio .
vasTrspNetRecvOutOfOrder .
vasTrspNetRecvOverflows .
vasTrspNetRecvPackets .
vasTrspNetRecvPacketRate .
vasTrspNetRecvPacketLoss .
vasTrspArqRecvAlmostDropped .
vasTrspArqRecvBitrate .
vasTrspOwner .
vasTrspArqRecvDropped .
vasTrspArqRecvDuplicates .
vasTrspArqRecvOverflows .
vasTrspArqRecvPackets .
vasTrspArqRecvRecovered .
vasTrspArqRecvRequests .
vasTrspNetSendBitrate .
vasTrspNetSendOctets .
vasTrspNetSendLimit .
vasTrspNetSendPackets .
vasTrspLastConnectionChange .
vasTrspNetSendRtt .
vasTrspNetSendErrors .
vasTrspArqSendBitrate .
vasTrspArqSendIgnored .
vasTrspArqSendMissed .
vasTrspArqSendPacketRate .
vasTrspArqSendPackets .
vasTrspFecRecvBitrate .
vasTrspFecRecvPacketRate .
vasTrspFecRecvPackets .
vasTrspConnects .
vasTrspFecRecvRecovered .
vasTrspFecSendBitrate .
vasTrspFecSendPacketRate .
vasTrspFecSendPackets .
vasTrspDisconnects .
vasTrspNetRecvBitrate .
vasTrspNetRecvBurstLoss .
vasTrspNetRecvOctets .
vasTrspNetRecvLatency .