Reference: NID757.

MIB for Isochronous Transport Services (ITS).  ITS provides
transport of isochronous (time sensitive) traffic across the
DTM network in a transparent way.  All the bits are
transported unmodified with preserved timing information.
The following services are all regarded as ITS:

- PDH primary rates


- Audio (AES-EBU)

- SDH transport

The MIB includes three primary conceptual tables; for
configuring the trail termination points on the originating
(source) and terminating (sink) side of the connection, and
for configuring the interfaces.

The table itsSrcTtpTable defines the trail termination points
for the originating (source) side.

The table itsSnkTtpTable defines the trail termination points
for the terminating (sink) side.

The table itsIfTable defines the interfaces.  In addition to
the itsIfTable, there are dedicated tables for technology
specific configuration objects.

The interconnection between the trail termination points
shall be done through configuration in the Channel Manager

A bi-directional connections are handled by creating two
uni-directional connections, one in each direction, between
the trail termination points.

Imported Objects

MODULE-IDENTITY, OBJECT-TYPE, Integer32, Unsigned32, Gauge32SNMPv2-SMI
RowPointer, RowStatus, TimeStamp, TruthValue, TEXTUAL-CONVENTIONSNMPv2-TC
itsObjects .
itsIfGroup .
itsIfLastChange .
itsIfJ2kTable .
itsIfJ2kEntry .
itsIfJ2kEncoderEnable .
itsIfJ2kReduceAudioTransportBitrate .
itsIfJ2kDecoderActive .
itsIfJ2kSignalFormat .
itsIfJ2kRateVideo .
itsIfJ2kRateVideoMax .
itsIfJ2kRateVbi .
itsIfJ2kRateAnc .
itsIfJ2kRateAudio .
itsIfJ2kAudioSampleSize .
itsIfSdiAudioTable .
itsIfSdiAudioEntry .
itsIfSdiAudioIndex .
itsIfSdiAudioForward .
itsIfSdiVbiTable .
itsIfSdiVbiEntry .
itsIfSdiVbiIndex .
itsIfSdiVbiLineNumber .
itsIfSdiVbiForward .
itsIfSdiAncTable .
itsIfSdiAncEntry .
itsIfSdiAncIndex .
itsIfSdiAncDescription .
itsIfSdiAncDid .
itsIfSdiAncSdid .
itsIfSdiAncForward .
itsIfPs3Table .
itsIfPs3Entry .
itsIfPs3DifferentialDelay .
itsIfPs3DifferentialDelayValid .
itsIfPs3AheadInterface .
itsIfPs3HitlessProtection .
itsIfPs3ProtectionStatus .
itsIfPs3ExpectedProtectionStatus .
itsIfPs3ForceHit .
itsIfPs3ActiveInterface .
itsIfPs3MaxExpDifferentialDelay .
itsIfTable .
itsIfEntry .
itsIfIndex .
itsIfProperties .
itsIfDefects .
itsIfFailure .
itsIfPMReference .
itsIfOperStatus .
itsIfTxMuteOnFault .
itsIfPurpose .
itsIfInterfaceType .
itsIfMembersSrc .
itsIfMembersSnk .
itsIfIfIndex .
itsIfName .
itsIfDescr .
itsIfSpeed .
itsIfSuppressAlarm .
itsIfLoopMode .
itsIfLoopTime deprecated.
itsIfCapabilities .
itsIfPdhTable .
itsIfPdhEntry .
itsIfPdhSignal .
itsIfPdhFraming .
itsIfSdhTable .
itsIfSdhEntry .
itsIfSdhTiming .
itsIfSdhMode .
itsIfSdhSs .
itsIfSdhS1 .
itsIfSdhSoh .
itsIfSdhPoh .
itsIfSdhJc .
itsIfDvbTable .
itsIfDvbEntry .
itsIfDvbFormat .
itsIfDvbOutputMode .
itsIfAesTable .
itsIfAesEntry .
itsIfAesIsTimingProvider .
itsIfAesReference .
itsIfSdiTable .
itsIfSdiEntry .
itsIfSdiFormat .
itsIfSdiAutoSense .
itsIfSdiIsTimingProvider .
itsIfSdiReference .
itsIfSdiFsVDelay obsolete.
itsIfSdiFsHDelay obsolete.
itsIfSdiFsDelay .
itsIfMonTable .
itsIfMonEntry .
itsIfMonMonitoredInterface .
itsIfMonDirection .
itsIfEnableButton .
itsSourceGroup .
itsSrcTtpLastChange .
itsSrcTtpNextIndex .
itsSrcTtpTable .
itsSrcTtpEntry .
itsSrcTtpIndex .
itsSrcTtpFailure .
itsSrcTtpAdminStatus .
itsSrcTtpOperStatus .
itsSrcTtpRowStatus .
itsSrcTtpName .
itsSrcTtpCustomerId .
itsSrcTtpPurpose .
itsSrcTtpLocalIf .
itsSrcTtpLocalDsti .
itsSrcTtpMode .
itsSrcTtpODescription .
itsSrcTtpOConnection .
itsSrcIndexLookupTable .
itsSrcIndexLookupEntry .
itsSrcIndexLookupIndex .
itsSinkGroup .
itsSnkTtpLastChange .
itsSnkTtpNextIndex .
itsSnkTtpTable .
itsSnkTtpEntry .
itsSnkTtpIndex .
itsSnkTtpDefects .
itsSnkTtpFailure .
itsSnkTtpPMReference .
itsSnkTtpAdminStatus .
itsSnkTtpOperStatus .
itsSnkTtpRowStatus .
itsSnkTtpTConnection2 .
itsSnkTtpPSAllow .
itsSnkTtpName .
itsSnkTtpCustomerId .
itsSnkTtpPurpose .
itsSnkTtpLocalIf .
itsSnkTtpLocalDsti .
itsSnkTtpPSActiveChannel .
itsSnkTtpSuppressAlarm .
itsSnkTtpTConnection .
itsSnkIndexLookupTable .
itsSnkIndexLookupEntry .
itsSnkIndexLookupIndex .