CPE WAN Management Protocol The CPE WAN Management Protocol (Cwmp) service allows the administrator to manage the unit using the TR-069 protocol. |
mediatrixServices | MX-SMI2 |
MxAdvancedIpPort, MxDigitMap, MxIpSubnetMask, MxIpPort, MxIpAddress, MxIpHostName, MxActivationState, MxEnableState | MX-TC |
MxUInt64, MxFloat32, MxIpHostNamePort, MxIpAddr, MxIpAddrPort, MxIpAddrMask, MxUri, MxUrl | MX-TC2 |
MODULE-IDENTITY, Integer32, Unsigned32, OBJECT-TYPE | SNMPv2-SMI |
cwmpMIB | .0.3900 | |
cwmpMIBObjects | .0.3900.1 | |
rootElement | .0.3900.1.100 | |
acsGroup | .0.3900.1.1000 | |
acsUrlConfigSource | .0.3900.1.1000.100 | |
acsStaticUrl | .0.3900.1.1000.200 | |
username | .0.3900.1.1000.300 | |
password | .0.3900.1.1000.600 | |
acsStatus | .0.3900.1.1000.700 | |
acsUrl | .0.3900.1.1000.750 | |
connectionRequestUsername | .0.3900.1.1000.800 | |
connectionRequestPassword | .0.3900.1.1000.900 | |
networkInterface | .0.3900.1.190 | |
listeningPort | .0.3900.1.200 | |
periodicInformGroup | .0.3900.1.2000 | |
periodicInformEnable | .0.3900.1.2000.100 | |
periodicInformInterval | .0.3900.1.2000.200 | |
periodicInformTime | .0.3900.1.2000.300 | |
tr069Group | .0.3900.1.2100 | |
tr069AnnexFEnable | .0.3900.1.2100.100 | |
tr104Group | .0.3900.1.2900 | |
tr104Enable | .0.3900.1.2900.100 | |
tr106Group | .0.3900.1.3000 | |
tr106LanNetworkInterface | .0.3900.1.3000.100 | |
tr111Group | .0.3900.1.4000 | |
tr111StunEnable | .0.3900.1.4000.100 | |
tr111NatDetected | .0.3900.1.4000.200 | |
tr111StunServerHost | .0.3900.1.4000.300 | |
tr111StunKeepAlivePeriod | .0.3900.1.4000.400 | |
tr111StunUsername | .0.3900.1.4000.500 | |
tr111StunStatus | .0.3900.1.4000.600 | |
dataModelGroup | .0.3900.1.4500 | |
nlmLocalLogLogEnable | .0.3900.1.4500.100 | |
transportGroup | .0.3900.1.5000 | |
transportHttpsCipherSuite | .0.3900.1.5000.100 | |
transportHttpsTlsVersion | .0.3900.1.5000.150 | |
transportCertificateValidation | .0.3900.1.5000.200 | |
interopGroup | .0.3900.1.50000 | |
interopAllowUnauthenticatedUDPConnectionRequests | .0.3900.1.50000.100 | |
interopParameterTypeValidation | .0.3900.1.50000.200 | |
interopMacAddressFormat | .0.3900.1.50000.300 | |
notificationsGroup | .0.3900.1.60010 | |
minSeverity | .0.3900.1.60010.100 | |
configurationGroup | .0.3900.1.60020 | |
needRestartInfo | .0.3900.1.60020.100 |