This MIB defines all the managed objects used to manage the Meru WLAN 
Voice Statistics infrastructure

Imported Objects

MwlQosCallState, MwlQosProtocol, MwlOnOffSwitch, MwlDeviceType, MwlNetProtocolMERU-TC
OBJECT-TYPE, Integer32, TimeTicks, NOTIFICATION-TYPE, MODULE-IDENTITY, OBJECT-IDENTITY, enterprises, Counter32, Counter64, Gauge32, IpAddressSNMPv2-SMI
TruthValue, DisplayString, MacAddress, RowStatus, DateAndTime, TimeStamp, TimeInterval, TEXTUAL-CONVENTIONSNMPv2-TC
mwPhoneTable .
mwPhoneEntry .
mwPhoneTableIndex .
mwPhoneDeviceType .
mwPhoneIp .
mwPhoneAp .
mwPhoneMac .
mwPhoneType .
mwPhoneApName .
mwPhoneServer .
mwPhoneUsername .
mwPhoneTransport .
mwPhoneCallTable .
mwPhoneCallEntry .
mwPhoneCallTableIndex .
mwPhoneCallToApName .
mwPhoneCallToFlowtag .
mwPhoneCallToPending .
mwPhoneCallFromApName .
mwPhoneCallToUsername .
mwPhoneCallFromFlowtag .
mwPhoneCallFromPending .
mwPhoneCallFromUsername .
mwPhoneCallToIp .
mwPhoneCallToAp .
mwPhoneCallType .
mwPhoneCallToMac .
mwPhoneCallState .
mwPhoneCallFromIp .
mwPhoneCallFromAp .
mwPhoneCallFromMac .
mwVoiceStatusTable .
mwVoiceStatusEntry .
mwVoiceStatusTableIndex .
mwVoiceStatusAp .
mwVoiceStatusApName .
mwVoiceStatusPhoneCount .
mwVoiceStatusRejectCount .
mwVoiceStatusActiveCallCount .
mwVoiceStatusPendingCallCount .