The MIB module for management of Pseudowires.

The tables contained in this MIB are:

(1) The General group contains some general attributes as time stamps
    and tables sizes.

(2) The generic table contains generic information and configuration
    applicable to all types of pseudowires. All created pseudowires
    will be represented by an entry in this table.

(3) The MPLS table contains MPLS specific information and
    configuration. A pseudowire configured to run over a MPLS packet switched
    network will be represented by an entry in this table.

(4) The Ethernet table contains specific information and configuration
    for all pseudowires configured to carry Ethernet traffic. An
    Ethernet pseudowire will be represented by one entry in this table.

(5) The multi-segment pseudowire table contains specific information
    and configuration for all multi-segment pseudowires. A multi-segment
    pseudowire will be represented by on entry in this table.

    Generic table is used for all pseudowires. MPLS table and Ethernet table are
    only used for edge pseudowire, while multi-segment table is specifically used
    for multi-segment pseudowire.

Imported Objects

lumModules, lumPwMIBLUM-REG
MplsLabel, PortNumber, MgmtNameString, CommandStringLUM-TC
MODULE-IDENTITY, OBJECT-TYPE, Unsigned32, Integer32, Counter64SNMPv2-SMI
DisplayString, DateAndTime, RowStatusSNMPv2-TC
pwGeneralLastChangeTime .
pwGeneralStateLastChangeTime .
pwGeneralPwGenericTableSize .
pwGeneralPwMplsTableSize .
pwGeneralPwEnetTableSize .
pwGeneralPwMspwTableSize .
pwGenericTable .
pwGenericEntry .
pwGenericIndex .
pwGenericOutPackets .
pwGenericOutBytes .
pwGenericResetCont .
pwGenericRowStatus .
pwGenericPwType .
pwGenericTrafficClass .
pwGenericReservedBW .
pwGenericPwNumber .
pwGenericConfigurationSet .
pwGenericFlowLabel .
pwGenericName .
pwGenericIdentifier .
pwGenericInternalReference .
pwGenericDescr .
pwGenericOutboundLabel .
pwGenericInboundLabel .
pwGenericInPackets .
pwGenericInBytes .
pwMplsTable .
pwMplsEntry .
pwMplsIndex .
pwMplsName .
pwMplsIdentifier .
pwMplsInternalReference .
pwMplsOutboundTunnelId .
pwMplsAssociateTunnel deprecated.
pwMplsRowStatus .
pwEnetTable .
pwEnetEntry .
pwEnetIndex .
pwEnetClassification .
pwEnetFecType .
pwEnetSdTagVlanActionIngress .
pwEnetSdTagVlanIngress .
pwEnetSdTagVlanActionEgress .
pwEnetSdTagVlanEgress .
pwEnetOpMode .
pwEnetIfNo .
pwEnetTxPort .
pwEnetInterfaceName .
pwEnetName .
pwEnetIdentifier .
pwEnetInternalReference .
pwEnetPortVlan .
pwEnetPortIndex .
pwEnetPortName .
pwEnetTpid .
pwEnetRowStatus .
pwMspwTable .
pwMspwEntry .
pwMspwIndex .
pwMspwWestOutboundTunnelId .
pwMspwRowStatus .
pwMspwName .
pwMspwIdentifier .
pwMspwInternalReference .
pwMspwEastInboundLabel .
pwMspwEastOutboundLabel .
pwMspwEastOutboundTunnelId .
pwMspwWestInboundLabel .
pwMspwWestOutboundLabel .