MIB of the Kentix devices

Imported Objects

Counter32, Unsigned32, Gauge32, Opaque, Integer32, OBJECT-TYPE, TimeTicks, enterprises, MODULE-IDENTITY, OBJECT-IDENTITY, NOTIFICATION-TYPESNMPv2-SMI
TEXTUAL-CONVENTION, DisplayString, TruthValueSNMPv2-TC
multiplierTemperature .
multiplierFrequency .
multiplierConsumption .
multiplierPue .
multiplierHumidity .
multiplierDewpoint .
multiplierBatterylevel .
multiplierVoltage .
multiplierCurrent .
multiplierActivepower .
multiplierReactivepower .
multiplierApparent .
alarm1 .
alarmhum .
alarmdewpoint .
alarmco .
alarmvoltage .
alarmcurrent .
alarmfrequency .
alarmactivpower .
alarmreactivepower .
alarmapparentpower .
alarmflicker .
alarm2 .
alarmsurge .
alarmpeak .
serverstate .
sensorcommunication .
sabotage .
gsmsignal .
gsmok .
systemarmed .
alarmtemp .
active .
apparent .
reactive .
consumption .
pue .
generalTable .
generalEntry .
generalIndex .
sensorName .
sensorType .
sensorVersion .
sensorAddress .
sensorPort .
sensorZone .
sensorCommunication .
sensorBatteryLevel .
input1Table .
input1Entry .
input1Index .
input1Name .
input1Zone .
input1Value .
input1Alarm .
input10Table .
input10Entry .
input10Index .
input10Name .
input10Zone .
input10Value .
input10Alarm .
input11Table .
input11Entry .
input11Index .
input11Name .
input11Zone .
input11Value .
input11Alarm .
input12Table .
input12Entry .
input12Index .
input12Name .
input12Zone .
input12Value .
input12Alarm .
input13Table .
input13Entry .
input13Index .
input13Name .
input13Zone .
input13Value .
input13Alarm .
input14Table .
input14Entry .
input14Index .
input14Name .
input14Zone .
input14Value .
input14Alarm .
input15Table .
input15Entry .
input15Index .
input15Name .
input15Zone .
input15Value .
input15Alarm .
input16Table .
input16Entry .
input16Index .
input16Name .
input16Zone .
input16Value .
input16Alarm .
input2Table .
input2Entry .
input2Index .
input2Name .
input2Zone .
input2Value .
input2Alarm .
input3Table .
input3Entry .
input3Index .
input3Name .
input3Zone .
input3Value .
input3Alarm .
input4Table .
input4Entry .
input4Index .
input4Name .
input4Zone .
input4Value .
input4Alarm .
input5Table .
input5Entry .
input5Index .
input5Name .
input5Zone .
input5Value .
input5Alarm .
input6Table .
input6Entry .
input6Index .
input6Name .
input6Zone .
input6Value .
input6Alarm .
input7Table .
input7Entry .
input7Index .
input7Name .
input7Zone .
input7Value .
input7Alarm .
input8Table .
input8Entry .
input8Index .
input8Name .
input8Zone .
input8Value .
input8Alarm .
input9Table .
input9Entry .
input9Index .
input9Name .
input9Zone .
input9Value .
input9Alarm .
output1Table .
output1Entry .
output1Index .
output1Name .
output1Value .
output2Table .
output2Entry .
output2Index .
output2Name .
output2Value .
output3Table .
output3Entry .
output3Index .
output3Name .
output3Value .
output4Table .
output4Entry .
output4Index .
output4Name .
output4Value .
output5Table .
output5Entry .
output5Index .
output5Name .
output5Value .
output6Table .
output6Entry .
output6Index .
output6Name .
output6Value .
output7Table .
output7Entry .
output7Index .
output7Name .
output7Value .
output8Table .
output8Entry .
output8Index .
output8Name .
output8Value .
pdu1GeneralTable .
pdu1GeneralEntry .
pdu1GeneralIndex .
pdu1GeneralName .
pdu1GeneralVoltage .
pdu1GeneralFrequency .
pdu1GeneralConsumptionValue .
pdu1GeneralConsumptionValueLastRecord .
pdu1SurgeTable .
pdu1SurgeEntry .
pdu1SurgeIndex .
pdu1SurgeValue .
pdu1SurgeAlarm .
pdu1SurgeHalfwaves .
pdu1VoltageTable .
pdu1VoltageEntry .
pdu1VoltageIndex .
pdu1VoltageValue .
pdu1VoltageAlarm .
pdu1VoltageMin .
pdu1VoltageMax .
pdu1CurrentTable .
pdu1CurrentEntry .
pdu1CurrentIndex .
pdu1CurrentValue .
pdu1CurrentAlarm .
pdu1CurrentMax .
pdu1ActivepowerTable .
pdu1ActivepowerEntry .
pdu1ActivepowerIndex .
pdu1ActivepowerValue .
pdu1ActivepowerAlarm .
pdu1ActivepowerMax .
pdu1ReactivepowerTable .
pdu1ReactivepowerEntry .
pdu1ReactivepowerIndex .
pdu1ReactivepowerValue .
pdu1ReactivepowerAlarm .
pdu1ReactivepowerMax .
pdu1ApparentpowerTable .
pdu1ApparentpowerEntry .
pdu1ApparentpowerIndex .
pdu1ApparentpowerValue .
pdu1ApparentpowerAlarm .
pdu1ApparentpowerMax .
pdu1FrequencyTable .
pdu1FrequencyEntry .
pdu1FrequencyIndex .
pdu1FrequencyValue .
pdu1FrequencyAlarm .
pdu1FrequencyMax .
pdu1PeakTable .
pdu1PeakEntry .
pdu1PeakIndex .
pdu1PeakValue .
pdu1PeakAlarm .
pdu1PeakMax .
pdu1FlickerTable .
pdu1FlickerEntry .
pdu1FlickerIndex .
pdu1FlickerValue .
pdu1FlickerAlarm .
pdu1FlickerHalfwaves .
pdu10GeneralTable .
pdu10GeneralEntry .
pdu10GeneralIndex .
pdu10GeneralName .
pdu10GeneralVoltage .
pdu10GeneralFrequency .
pdu10GeneralConsumptionValue .
pdu10GeneralConsumptionValueLastRecord .
pdu11GeneralTable .
pdu11GeneralEntry .
pdu11GeneralIndex .
pdu11GeneralName .
pdu11GeneralVoltage .
pdu11GeneralFrequency .
pdu11GeneralConsumptionValue .
pdu11GeneralConsumptionValueLastRecord .
pdu12GeneralTable .
pdu12GeneralEntry .
pdu12GeneralIndex .
pdu12GeneralName .
pdu12GeneralVoltage .
pdu12GeneralFrequency .
pdu12GeneralConsumptionValue .
pdu12GeneralConsumptionValueLastRecord .
pdu13GeneralTable .
pdu13GeneralEntry .
pdu13GeneralIndex .
pdu13GeneralName .
pdu13GeneralVoltage .
pdu13GeneralFrequency .
pdu13GeneralConsumptionValue .
pdu13GeneralConsumptionValueLastRecord .
pdu14GeneralTable .
pdu14GeneralEntry .
pdu14GeneralIndex .
pdu14GeneralName .
pdu14GeneralVoltage .
pdu14GeneralFrequency .
pdu14GeneralConsumptionValue .
pdu14GeneralConsumptionValueLastRecord .
pdu15GeneralTable .
pdu15GeneralEntry .
pdu15GeneralIndex .
pdu15GeneralName .
pdu15GeneralVoltage .
pdu15GeneralFrequency .
pdu15GeneralConsumptionValue .
pdu15GeneralConsumptionValueLastRecord .
pdu16GeneralTable .
pdu16GeneralEntry .
pdu16GeneralIndex .
pdu16GeneralName .
pdu16GeneralVoltage .
pdu16GeneralFrequency .
pdu16GeneralConsumptionValue .
pdu16GeneralConsumptionValueLastRecord .
pdu2GeneralTable .
pdu2GeneralEntry .
pdu2GeneralIndex .
pdu2GeneralName .
pdu2GeneralVoltage .
pdu2GeneralFrequency .
pdu2GeneralConsumptionValue .
pdu2GeneralConsumptionValueLastRecord .
pdu2SurgeTable .
pdu2SurgeEntry .
pdu2SurgeIndex .
pdu2SurgeValue .
pdu2SurgeAlarm .
pdu2SurgeHalfwaves .
pdu2VoltageTable .
pdu2VoltageEntry .
pdu2VoltageIndex .
pdu2VoltageValue .
pdu2VoltageAlarm .
pdu2VoltageMin .
pdu2VoltageMax .
pdu2CurrentTable .
pdu2CurrentEntry .
pdu2CurrentIndex .
pdu2CurrentValue .
pdu2CurrentAlarm .
pdu2CurrentMax .
pdu2ActivepowerTable .
pdu2ActivepowerEntry .
pdu2ActivepowerIndex .
pdu2ActivepowerValue .
pdu2ActivepowerAlarm .
pdu2ActivepowerMax .
pdu2ReactivepowerTable .
pdu2ReactivepowerEntry .
pdu2ReactivepowerIndex .
pdu2ReactivepowerValue .
pdu2ReactivepowerAlarm .
pdu2ReactivepowerMax .
pdu2ApparentpowerTable .
pdu2ApparentpowerEntry .
pdu2ApparentpowerIndex .
pdu2ApparentpowerValue .
pdu2ApparentpowerAlarm .
pdu2ApparentpowerMax .
pdu2FrequencyTable .
pdu2FrequencyEntry .
pdu2FrequencyIndex .
pdu2FrequencyValue .
pdu2FrequencyAlarm .
pdu2FrequencyMax .
pdu2PeakTable .
pdu2PeakEntry .
pdu2PeakIndex .
pdu2PeakValue .
pdu2PeakAlarm .
pdu2PeakMax .
pdu2FlickerTable .
pdu2FlickerEntry .
pdu2FlickerIndex .
pdu2FlickerValue .
pdu2FlickerAlarm .
pdu2FlickerHalfwaves .
pdu3GeneralTable .
pdu3GeneralEntry .
pdu3GeneralIndex .
pdu3GeneralName .
pdu3GeneralVoltage .
pdu3GeneralFrequency .
pdu3GeneralConsumptionValue .
pdu3GeneralConsumptionValueLastRecord .
pdu3SurgeTable .
pdu3SurgeEntry .
pdu3SurgeIndex .
pdu3SurgeValue .
pdu3SurgeAlarm .
pdu3SurgeHalfwaves .
pdu3VoltageTable .
pdu3VoltageEntry .
pdu3VoltageIndex .
pdu3VoltageValue .
pdu3VoltageAlarm .
pdu3VoltageMin .
pdu3VoltageMax .
pdu3CurrentTable .
pdu3CurrentEntry .
pdu3CurrentIndex .
pdu3CurrentValue .
pdu3CurrentAlarm .
pdu3CurrentMax .
pdu3ActivepowerTable .
pdu3ActivepowerEntry .
pdu3ActivepowerIndex .
pdu3ActivepowerValue .
pdu3ActivepowerAlarm .
pdu3ActivepowerMax .
pdu3ReactivepowerTable .
pdu3ReactivepowerEntry .
pdu3ReactivepowerIndex .
pdu3ReactivepowerValue .
pdu3ReactivepowerAlarm .
pdu3ReactivepowerMax .
pdu3ApparentpowerTable .
pdu3ApparentpowerEntry .
pdu3ApparentpowerIndex .
pdu3ApparentpowerValue .
pdu3ApparentpowerAlarm .
pdu3ApparentpowerMax .
pdu3FrequencyTable .
pdu3FrequencyEntry .
pdu3FrequencyIndex .
pdu3FrequencyValue .
pdu3FrequencyAlarm .
pdu3FrequencyMax .
pdu3PeakTable .
pdu3PeakEntry .
pdu3PeakIndex .
pdu3PeakValue .
pdu3PeakAlarm .
pdu3PeakMax .
pdu3FlickerTable .
pdu3FlickerEntry .
pdu3FlickerIndex .
pdu3FlickerValue .
pdu3FlickerAlarm .
pdu3FlickerHalfwaves .
pdu4GeneralTable .
pdu4GeneralEntry .
pdu4GeneralIndex .
pdu4GeneralName .
pdu4GeneralVoltage .
pdu4GeneralFrequency .
pdu4GeneralConsumptionValue .
pdu4GeneralConsumptionValueLastRecord .
pdu5GeneralTable .
pdu5GeneralEntry .
pdu5GeneralIndex .
pdu5GeneralName .
pdu5GeneralVoltage .
pdu5GeneralFrequency .
pdu5GeneralConsumptionValue .
pdu5GeneralConsumptionValueLastRecord .
pdu6GeneralTable .
pdu6GeneralEntry .
pdu6GeneralIndex .
pdu6GeneralName .
pdu6GeneralVoltage .
pdu6GeneralFrequency .
pdu6GeneralConsumptionValue .
pdu6GeneralConsumptionValueLastRecord .
pdu7GeneralTable .
pdu7GeneralEntry .
pdu7GeneralIndex .
pdu7GeneralName .
pdu7GeneralVoltage .
pdu7GeneralFrequency .
pdu7GeneralConsumptionValue .
pdu7GeneralConsumptionValueLastRecord .
pdu8GeneralTable .
pdu8GeneralEntry .
pdu8GeneralIndex .
pdu8GeneralName .
pdu8GeneralVoltage .
pdu8GeneralFrequency .
pdu8GeneralConsumptionValue .
pdu8GeneralConsumptionValueLastRecord .
pdu9GeneralTable .
pdu9GeneralEntry .
pdu9GeneralIndex .
pdu9GeneralName .
pdu9GeneralVoltage .
pdu9GeneralFrequency .
pdu9GeneralConsumptionValue .
pdu9GeneralConsumptionValueLastRecord .
temperatureTable .
temperatureEntry .
temperatureIndex .
tempValue .
tempAlarm .
tempMin .
tempMax .
humidityTable .
humidityEntry .
humidityIndex .
humValue .
humAlarm .
humMax .
dewpointTable .
dewpointEntry .
dewpointIndex .
dewValue .
dewAlarm .
dewMax .
coTable .
coEntry .
coIndex .
coValue .
coAlarm .
coMax .
motionTable .
motionEntry .
motionIndex .
motValue .
motAlarm .
motMax .
vibrationTable .
vibrationEntry .
vibrationIndex .
vibValue .
vibAlarm .
vibMax .
latencyTable .
latencyEntry .
latencyIndex .
latValue .
latAlarm .
latMax .
zoneTable .
zoneEntry .
zoneIndex .
zoneName .
zoneArmedState .
systemLogbookTable .
systemLogbookEntry .
systemLogbookIndex .
systemLogbookDate .
systemLogbookFunction .
systemLogbookDetail .
systemLogbookType .
accessLogbookTable .
accessLogbookEntry .
accessLogbookIndex .
accessLogbookDate .
accessLogbookDoor .
accessLogbookUser .
accessLogbookState .
accessLogbookDetail .
eventLogbookTable .
eventLogbookEntry .
eventLogbookIndex .
eventLogbookDate .
eventLogbookFunction .
eventLogbookUser .
eventLogbookDetail .