This MIB contains objects to manage the NDEC device.

Imported Objects

IpAddress, Counter32, Gauge32, Integer32, Unsigned32, NOTIFICATION-TYPE, MODULE-IDENTITY, OBJECT-TYPESNMPv2-SMI
DisplayString, TruthValueSNMPv2-TC
hipsNDECSAListTable .
hipsNDECSAListEntry .
hipsPeerIpAddr .
hipsNegotiateSaMode .
hipsExpBytes .
hipsSoftBytes .
hipsExpTimeout .
hipsSoftTimeout .
hipsProtocol .
hipsSPI .
hipsEncAlgorithm .
hipsAuthAlgorithm .
hipsLocalIpAddr .
hipsSaLifeKBytes .
hipsSaLifeSecond .
hipsByCard .
hikeSATable .
hikeSAEntry .
hikeConnId .
hikePeerIpAddr .
hikeFlag .
hikePhase .
hikeDoi .
hikeClearSA .
hipsIKEPolicyTable .
hipsIKEPolicyEntry .
hipsIsakmpPolPriority .
hipsIsakmpPolEncr .
hipsIsakmpPolHash .
hipsIsakmpPolAuth .
hipsIsakmpPolGroup .
hipsIsakmpPolLifetime .
hipsStaticCryptomapTable .
hipsStaticCryptomapEntry .
hipsStaticCryptomapName .
hipsIfNameUsed .
hipsInAHSPI .
hipsInESPSPI .
hipsOutAHSPI .
hipsOutESPSPI .
hipsInAhHexKeyString .
hipsInEspCipherHexKeyString .
hipsInEspAuthenHexKeyString .
hipsInAhStringKeyString .
hipsInEspStringKeyString .
hipsStaticCryptomapSN .
hipsOutAhHexKeyString .
hipsOutEspCipherHexKeyString .
hipsOutEspAuthenHexKeyString .
hipsOutAhStringKeyString .
hipsOutEspStringKeyString .
hipsStaticCryptomapNegMode .
hipsStaticCryptomapMatchAddr .
hipsStaticCryptomapPeerIpAddr .
hipsStaticCryptomapTransforName .
hipsStaticCryptomapLifetime .
hipsStaticCryptomapLifesize .
hipsStaticCryptomapLocalIpAddr .
hipsTransformNameSetTable .
hipsTransformNameSetEntry .
hipsTransformName .
hipsTransformMode .
hipsTransformProtocol .
hipsAH .
hipsEespEn .
hipsEspAu .
hipsIsCardTransform .
hipsNDECInfoTable .
hipsNDECInfoEntry .
hipsCardSlot .
hipsCardCPLDVer .
hipsCardOperate .
hipsDropPacInUnitTime .
hipsInPac .
hipsOutPac .
hipsInByte .
hipsOutByte .
hipsDropPac .
hipsCardStatus .
hipsCardHardVer .
hipsCardSoftVer .
hipsNDECLeaf .
hipsNDECConnections .
hipsNDECBackup .
hipsTraps .
hipsNDECNormalResetTrap .
hipsNDECStateChangeTrap .
hipsNDECFlowTrap .