This MIB module describes Virtual Connect (VC) domain level MIB objects
for HP Virtual Connect Manager (VCM). The VCM is responsible for managing
an entire Virtual Connect (VC) domain.
This MIB module reports all managed objects with in the VC domain,such as
VC Ethernet modules (Enet), VC FibreChannel (FC) modules, Physical Servers,
network, fabrics, server profiles and associations between various VC objects.

Keeping the limitations of SMI specifications in mind, the complex
relationships between VC objects are represented in the form of mapping
tables with appropriate index values to indicate the assoications.

Imported Objects

OBJECT-TYPE, zeroDotZero, mib-2, Gauge32, Counter32, NOTIFICATION-TYPE, Unsigned32, Integer32, MODULE-IDENTITYSNMPv2-SMI
TEXTUAL-CONVENTION, TruthValue, RowPointer, TimeStampSNMPv2-TC
TransportAddressType, TransportAddressTRANSPORT-ADDRESS-MIB
hp .
hpSysMgt .
hpEmbeddedServerMgt .
hpModuleMgmtProc .
virtualConnect .
vcDomainMIBObjects .
vcDomain .
vcDomainName .
vcDomainReasonCode .
vcDomainPrimaryAddressIpv6 .
vcDomainManagedStatus .
vcDomainPrimaryAddressType .
vcDomainPrimaryAddress .
vcDomainCheckpointValid .
vcDomainLastCheckpointTime .
vcDomainStackingLinkRedundant .
vcDomainRootCause .
vcDomainCause .
vcFcFabricVcPortMap .
vcFcFabricVcPortMapTable .
vcFcFabricVcPortMapEntry .
vcFcFabricVcPortMapFcFabricIndex .
vcFcFabricVcPortMapVcPortIndex .
vcProfileNetworkMap .
vcProfileNetworkMapTable .
vcProfileNetworkMapEntry .
vcProfileNetworkMapProfileIndex .
vcProfileNetworkMapConnectionIndex .
vcProfileNetworkMapNetworkIndex .
vcProfileFcFabricMap .
vcProfileFcFabricMapTable .
vcProfileFcFabricMapEntry .
vcProfileFcFabricMapProfileIndex .
vcProfileFcFabricMapConnectionIndex .
vcProfileFcFabricMapFcFabricIndex .
vcEnclosure .
vcEnclosureTable .
vcEnclosureEntry .
vcEnclosureIndex .
vcEnclosureAddressIpv6 .
vcEnclosureName .
vcEnclosureManagedStatus .
vcEnclosureAddressType .
vcEnclosureAddress .
vcEnclosureUUID .
vcEnclosureRootCause .
vcEnclosureCause .
vcEnclosureReasonCode .
vcModule .
vcModuleTable .
vcModuleEntry .
vcModuleIndex .
vcModuleAddressType .
vcModuleAddress .
vcModuleID .
vcModuleRootCause .
vcModuleCause .
vcModuleReasonCode .
vcModuleAddressIpv6 .
vcModuleType .
vcModuleManagedStatus .
vcModulePartNumber .
vcModuleSerialNumber .
vcModuleProductName .
vcModuleFwRev .
vcModuleEnclosurePointer .
vcModuleLocation .
vcPort .
vcPortTable .
vcPortEntry .
vcPortIndex .
vcPortType .
vcPortManagedStatus .
vcPortManagerAddressType .
vcPortManagerAddress .
vcPortPhysicalPortPointer .
vcPortContainerPointer .
vcPhysicalServer .
vcPhysicalServerTable .
vcPhysicalServerEntry .
vcPhysicalServerIndex .
vcPhysicalServerReasonCode .
vcPhysicalServerEnclosureIndex .
vcPhysicalServerManagedStatus .
vcPhysicalServerPartNumber .
vcPhysicalServerSerialNumber .
vcPhysicalServerProductName .
vcPhysicalServerLocation .
vcPhysicalServerRootCause .
vcPhysicalServerCause .
vcEnetNetwork .
vcEnetNetworkTable .
vcEnetNetworkEntry .
vcEnetNetworkIndex .
vcEnetNetworkName .
vcEnetNetworkManagedStatus .
vcEnetNetworkUplinkVlanId .
vcEnetNetworkRootCause .
vcEnetNetworkCause .
vcEnetNetworkReasonCode .
vcFcFabric .
vcFcFabricTable .
vcFcFabricEntry .
vcFcFabricIndex .
vcFcFabricName .
vcFcFabricManagedStatus .
vcFcFabricRootCause .
vcFcFabricCause .
vcFcFabricReasonCode .
vcProfile .
vcProfileTable .
vcProfileEntry .
vcProfileIndex .
vcProfileName .
vcProfileManagedStatus .
vcProfilePhysicalServerIndex .
vcProfileLogicalSerialNumber .
vcProfileRootCause .
vcProfileCause .
vcProfileReasonCode .
vcEnetNetworkVcPortMap .
vcEnetNetworkVcPortMapTable .
vcEnetNetworkVcPortMapEntry .
vcEnetNetworkVcPortMapNetworkIndex .
vcEnetNetworkVcPortMapVcPortIndex .
vcDomainMIBNotificationPrefix .
vcDomainMIBNotifications .
vcDomainManagedStatusChange .
vcTestTrap .
vcDomainStackingLinkRendundancyStatusChange .
vcCheckpointTimeout .
vcCheckpointCompleted .
vcEnetNetworkManagedStatusChange .
vcFcFabricManagedStatusChange .
vcModuleManagedStatusChange .
vcEnclosureManagedStatusChange .
vcPhysicalServerManagedStatusChange .
vcProfileManagedStatusChange .
vcDomainMIBNotificationObjects .
vcDomainMIBConformance .
vcDomainMIBCompliances .
vcDomainMIBGroups .