This MIB is used to acquire ip accounting information.
        The hh3cIpaAccountListTable is set by user to define the group of ip address
        which they want to account.
        This module can be enabled in each port,
        which was defined in the hh3cIpaIfConfigTable.
        If this module has been enabled, the packets will be accounted
        when crossing the router from the ports having been enabled by user,
        according to whether the source/destination ip address is in hh3cIpaAccountListTable
        and what kinds of function(in/out/both/fw) are enabled
        and also whether it is denied by the firewall.
        If it is denied by the firewall, it will be accounted in hh3cIpaFWListTable
        If it is accepted by the firewall, and ip source or ip destination is in hh3cIpaAccountListTable,
        it will be accounted in hh3cIpaIntListTable, otherwise it will be accounted
        in hh3cIpaExtListTable.
        And IP Accounting function also differentiates the packets by direction.
        If the packet is inbound, the accounting information can be seen as
          hh3cIpaIntListInPackets/hh3cIpaIntListInBytes in hh3cIpaIntListTable,
          hh3cIpaExtListInPackets/hh3cIpaExtListInBytes in hh3cIpaExtListTable,
          hh3cIpaFWListInPackets/hh3cIpaFWListInBytes in hh3cIpaFWListTable.
        or else the accounting information can be seen as
          hh3cIpaIntListOutPackets/hh3cIpaIntListOutBytes in hh3cIpaIntListTable,
          hh3cIpaExtListOutPackets/hh3cIpaExtListOutBytes in hh3cIpaExtListTable,
          hh3cIpaFWListOutPackets/hh3cIpaFWListOutBytes in hh3cIpaFWListTable.

Imported Objects

MODULE-IDENTITY, OBJECT-TYPE, Counter32, Counter64, Integer32, IpAddressSNMPv2-SMI
hh3cIpaGlobalStats .
hh3cIpaGlobalEnable .
hh3cIpaTimeOutSeconds .
hh3cIpaIntListMaxItemNum .
hh3cIpaExtListMaxItemNum .
hh3cIpaFWListMaxItemNum .
hh3cIpaAccountListMaxItemNum .
hh3cIpaAccountListNextIndex .
hh3cIpaListCleaningFlag .
hh3cIpaIfConfigTable .
hh3cIpaIfConfigEntry .
hh3cIpaIfConfigIfIndex .
hh3cIpaIfConfigInEnable .
hh3cIpaIfConfigOutEnable .
hh3cIpaIfConfigFWEnable .
hh3cIpaAccountListTable .
hh3cIpaAccountListEntry .
hh3cIpaAccountListIndex .
hh3cIpaAccountListIpAddr .
hh3cIpaAccountListIpMask .
hh3cIpaAccountListRowStatus .
hh3cIpaIntListTable .
hh3cIpaIntListEntry .
hh3cIpaIntListIpSrc .
hh3cIpaIntListIpDst .
hh3cIpaIntListProtocol .
hh3cIpaIntListInPackets .
hh3cIpaIntListInBytes .
hh3cIpaIntListOutPackets .
hh3cIpaIntListOutBytes .
hh3cIpaExtListTable .
hh3cIpaExtListEntry .
hh3cIpaExtListIpSrc .
hh3cIpaExtListIpDst .
hh3cIpaExtListProtocol .
hh3cIpaExtListInPackets .
hh3cIpaExtListInBytes .
hh3cIpaExtListOutPackets .
hh3cIpaExtListOutBytes .
hh3cIpaFWListTable .
hh3cIpaFWListEntry .
hh3cIpaFWListIpSrc .
hh3cIpaFWListIpDst .
hh3cIpaFWListInPackets .
hh3cIpaFWListInBytes .
hh3cIpaFWListOutPackets .
hh3cIpaFWListOutBytes .