This mib defines management information used on products
which support ipx protocol. It includes 4 parts:
    1.ipx interface configuration group - This group
contains configurable management information and statistic
information on each interface.
    2.rip group - Rip means route information protocol. This
group contains configurable management information and
route status and route statistic information.
    3.sap group - Sap means service access group. This group
contains all service information.
    4.ipx statistics group - This group includes ipx statistic
information on all interfaces.

Imported Objects

Integer32, MODULE-IDENTITY, OBJECT-TYPE, TimeTicks, Counter32SNMPv2-SMI
h3cIpxConfig .
h3cIpxStatus .
h3cIpxIfConfigTable .
h3cIpxIfConfigEntry .
h3cIpxIfIndex .
h3cIpxIfSapStatus .
h3cIpxIfSapMtu .
h3cIpxIfGnsReply .
h3cIpxIfRowStatus .
h3cIpxIfNetId .
h3cIpxIfNodeId .
h3cIpxIfSplitHorizon .
h3cIPxIfTick .
h3cIpxIfUpdateChangeOnly .
h3cIpxIfRipMtu .
h3cIpxIfEncapsuleType .
h3cIpxIfNetbiosPropagation .
h3cIpxRip .
h3cIpxRouteMultiplier .
h3cIpxRouteUpdateTimer .
h3cIpxRouteImpRouteStatic .
h3cIpxRouteLoadBalancePaths .
h3cIpxRouteMaxResPaths .
h3cIpxRouteTable .
h3cIpxRouteEntry .
h3cIpxRouteIndex .
h3cIpxRouteDestNetId .
h3cIpxRouteNextHop .
h3cIpxRoutePro .
h3cIpxRoutePre .
h3cIpxRouteTicks .
h3cIpxRouteHops .
h3cIpxRouteTime .
h3cIpxRouteOutInterface .
h3cIpxStaticRouteTable .
h3cIpxStaticRouteEntry .
h3cIpxStaticRouteDestNetId .
h3cIpxStaticRouteNextHop .
h3cIpxStaticRoutePre .
h3cIpxStaticRouteOutIf .
h3cIpxStaticRouteTicks .
h3cIpxStaticRouteHops .
h3cIpxStaticRouteStatus .
h3cIpxStaticRouteRowStatus .
h3cIpxRouteStatTable .
h3cIpxRouteStatEntry .
h3cIpxRouteStatPro .
h3cIpxRouteStatRoutes .
h3cIpxRouteStatActives .
h3cIpxRouteStatAddeds .
h3cIpxRouteStatDeleteds .
h3cIpxRouteStatFreeds .
h3cIpxSap .
h3cIpxSapMultiplier .
h3cIpxSapUpdateTimer .
h3cIpxSapGnsLoadBalance .
h3cIpxSapMaxResServers .
h3cIpxServiceTable .
h3cIpxServiceEntry .
h3cIpxServiceIndex .
h3cIpxServiceName .
h3cIpxServiceType .
h3cIpxServiceNetId .
h3cIpxServiceNodeId .
h3cIpxServiceSocketNo .
h3cIpxServicePreference .
h3cIpxServiceHops .
h3cIpxServiceRecvIf .
h3cIpxStaticServiceTable .
h3cIpxStaticServiceEntry .
h3cIpxStaticServiceType .
h3cIpxStaticServiceName .
h3cIpxStaticServiceNetId .
h3cIpxStaticServiceNodeId .
h3cIpxStatciServiceSocketNo .
h3cIpxStaticServicePreference .
h3cIpxStaticServiceHops .
h3cIpxStaticServiceStatus .
h3cIpxStaticServiceRowStatus .
h3cIpxStat .
h3cIpxStatGlobal .
h3cIpxStatTotalReceives .
h3cIpxStatForwards .
h3cIpxStatGenerates .
h3cIpxStatNoRoutes .
h3cIpxStatOutDiscards .
h3cIpxStatRipSends .
h3cIpxStatRipReceives .
h3cIpxStaRipRspSends .
h3cIpxStaRipRspReceives .
h3cIpxStatRipReqReceives .
h3cIpxStatRipReqDeals .
h3cIpxStatPitchs .
h3cIpxStatRipReqSends .
h3cIpxStatRipPeriUpdates .
h3cIpxStatSapGenReqReceives .
h3cIpxStatSapSpecReqReceives .
h3cIpxStatSapGnsReqReceives .
h3cIpxStatSapGenRspSends .
h3cIpxStatSapSpecRspSends .
h3cIpxStatSapGnsRspSends .
h3cIpxStatSapPeriUpdates .
h3cIpxStatSapInPktErrors .
h3cIpxStatLenErrors .
h3cIpxStatFormatErrors .
h3cIpxStatBadHops .
h3cIpxStatHopsDiscards .
h3cIpxStatOtherErrors .
h3cIpxStatLocalDests .
h3cIpxStatCantDeals .
h3cIpxStatInterface .
h3cIpxIfStatTable .
h3cIpxIfStatEntry .
h3cIpxIfStatIndex .
h3cIpxIfStatRipDiscards .
h3cIpxIfStatRipSpecReqReceives .
h3cIpxIfStatRipSpecRspSends .
h3cIpxIfStatRipGenReqReceives .
h3cIpxIfStatRipGenRspSends .
h3cIpxIfStatSapReceives .
h3cIpxIfStatSapSends .
h3cIpxIfStatSapDiscards .
h3cIpxIfStatSapGnsReqReceives .
h3cIpxIfStatSapGnsRspSends .
h3cIpxIfStatNetId .
h3cIpxIfStatNodeId .
h3cIpxIfStatIpxReceives .
h3cIpxIfStatIpxSends .
h3cIpxIfStatIpxRecvBytes .
h3cIpxIfStatIpxSendBytes .
h3cIpxIfStatRipReceives .
h3cIpxIfStatRipSends .