This is Brocade's proprietary MIB module for Multi-Protocol Label Switched Paths.

Copyright 1996-2010 Brocade Communications Systems, Inc.
       All rights reserved.
       This Brocade Communications Systems SNMP Management Information Base Specification
       embodies Brocade Communications Systems' confidential and proprietary
       intellectual property. Brocade Communications Systems retains all
       title and ownership in the Specification, including any revisions.

       This Specification is supplied AS IS, and Brocade Communications Systems makes
       no warranty, either express or implied, as to the use,
       operation, condition, or performance of the specification, and any unintended
       consequence it may on the user environment.

Imported Objects

OBJECT-TYPE, Integer32, IpAddress, Counter64, Counter32, Unsigned32, NOTIFICATION-TYPE, MODULE-IDENTITYSNMPv2-SMI
DisplayString, TimeStamp, RowStatus, TruthValue, TEXTUAL-CONVENTIONSNMPv2-TC
snMplsLspUp .
snMplsLspDown .
snMplsLspChange .
mplsLspNotifications .
mplsInfo .
mplsVersion .
brcdMplsAdminGroupTable .
brcdMplsAdminGroupEntry .
brcdMplsAdminGroupId .
brcdMplsAdminGroupName .
brcdMplsAdminGroupRowStatus .
brcdMplsInterfaceTable .
brcdMplsInterfaceEntry .
brcdMplsInterfaceIndex .
brcdMplsInterfaceAdminGroup .
brcdMplsInterfaceRowStatus .
mplsLspInfo .
mplsConfiguredLsps deprecated.
mplsActiveLsps deprecated.
mplsLspTable .
mplsLspEntry .
mplsLspSignalingProto .
mplsLspLastTransition .
mplsLspFrom .
mplsLspTo .
mplsLspPathName .
mplsLspPathType .
mplsLspAdaptive .
mplsLspBfdSessionId .
mplsLspReoptimizeTimer .
mplsLspCoS .
mplsLspHopLimit .
mplsLspIndex .
mplsLspCspf .
mplsLspCspfTieBreaker .
mplsLspFrrMode .
mplsLspFrrSetupPriority .
mplsLspFrrHoldingPriority .
mplsLspFrrHopLimit .
mplsLspFrrBandwidth .
mplsLspFrrAdmGrpIncludeAny .
mplsLspFrrAdmGrpIncludeAll .
mplsLspFrrAdmGrpExcludeAny .
mplsLspName .
mplsLspPathSelectMode .
mplsLspPathSelectPathname .
mplsLspPathSelectRevertTimer .
mplsLspShortcutOspfAllowed .
mplsLspShortcutIsisAllowed .
mplsLspShortcutIsisLevel .
mplsLspShortcutIsisAnnounce .
mplsLspShortcutIsisAnnounceMetric .
mplsLspShortcutIsisRelativeMetric .
mplsLspState .
mplsLspPackets .
mplsLspAge .
mplsLspTimeUp .
mplsLspPrimaryTimeUp .
mplsLspTransitions .
mplsVllInfo .
mplsVplsInfo .