Dell Networking OS OpenFlow MIB provides information base of
OpenFlow enabled Dell Networking OS Switch. This MIB exposes information
about the Switch in OpenFlow perspective.
Information of :
1) OpenFlow Instances configured,
2) Controller that configured it,
3) Ports that are configured under these instances,
4) VLANs that are part of these instances and
5) Flows & Flowactions configured
are shared via this MIB.

Imported Objects

InetPortNumber, InetAddress, InetAddressTypeINET-ADDRESS-MIB
OBJECT-TYPE, IpAddress, Integer32, NOTIFICATION-TYPE, TimeTicks, Unsigned32, Counter64, MODULE-IDENTITYSNMPv2-SMI
TruthValue, MacAddress, TEXTUAL-CONVENTION, DisplayString, TimeStampSNMPv2-TC
ofSwitchObjects .
ofSwitchId .
ofVlanTable .
ofVlanEntry .
ofVlanIfIndex .
ofVlanId .
ofFlowTable .
ofFlowEntry .
ofFlowId .
ofFlowTblId .
ofFlowPriority .
ofFlowIdleTime .
ofFlowHardTime .
ofFlowUpTime .
ofFlowCookie .
ofFlowPacketCount .
ofFlowByteCount .
ofFlowMatchParamsTable .
ofFlowMatchParamsEntry .
ofFlowMatchInPort .
ofFlowMatchIpDestAddr .
ofFlowMatchTpSrcPort .
ofFlowMatchTpDstPort .
ofFlowMatchEtherSrcAddr .
ofFlowMatchEtherDstAddr .
ofFlowMatchVlanId .
ofFlowMatchEthType .
ofFlowMatchVlanPri .
ofFlowMatchIpTos .
ofFlowMatchIpProto .
ofFlowMatchIpSrcAddr .
ofFlowActionTable .
ofFlowActionEntry .
ofFlowActionId .
ofFlowActionType .
ofFlowActionSrcMac .
ofFlowActionDstMac .
ofFlowActionPortIndex .
ofFlowActionVlanId .
ofFlowActionMaxLen .
ofFlowActionVlanPcp .
ofFlowActionNWTos .
ofSwitchMibConformance .
ofSwitchMibCompliances .
ofSwitchMibGroups .
ofManufacturerDesc .
ofHardwareDesc .
ofSoftwareDesc .
ofSwitchSerialNo .
ofSwitchVersion .
ofInstTable .
ofInstEntry .
ofInstId .
ofInstSuppActions .
ofInstAdminState .
ofInstIntfType .
ofInstDataPathId .
ofInstConnectTimeout .
ofInstEchoReplyTimeout .
ofInstEchoReqInterval .
ofInstNumFlows .
ofInstSuppCapabilities .
ofCntlrTable .
ofCntlrEntry .
ofCntlrId .
ofCntlrAddrType .
ofCntlrAddr .
ofCntlrPortNumber .
ofCntlrProtocol .
ofCntlrConState .
ofPortTable .
ofPortEntry .
ofPortIfIndex .
ofPortAssociationType .
ofSwitchNotification .
ofSwitchNotifications .
ofSwitchCntlrSessionStatusChanged .
ofSwitchFlowTableFull .
ofSwitchNotifyVariable .
ofSwitchFlowTableSrc .