The MIB module to configure the Frame Relay
connection configuration.

Terminologies Used:

    SIW - Frame-Relay-to ATM Service Interworking.
          In SIW, the ATM port connected to a frame
          relay port does not need to be aware that
          it is connected to an interworking function.

          This is explained in document FRF.8.

    NIW - Frame-Relay-to ATM Network Interworking.
          In NIW, the ATM port connected to a frame
          relay port does need to be aware that
          it is connected to an interworking function.

    PVC - Permanent Virtual Circuit OR
          Permanent Virtual Connection

          A frame relay logical link, whose endpoints
          and class of service are defined by network
          management. A PVC consists of the originating
          frame relay network element address, originating
          DLCI, terminating frame relay network element
          address and terminating DLCI.

          This is controlled by PAR(Portable Auto Route)

    SPVC - Soft Permanent Virtual Circuits.
           This is a PVC controlled by PNNI Controller.

    Frame Relay PVC/SPVC end-point/Channel is referred to as 
    frame Relay connection in this MIB.

    Traffic shaping parameters:
        CIR, EIR, Bc, Be, DE, Tc, AR corresponding to
        rate of the physical interface.

    CIR - Committed Information Rate.

          This is the rate of traffic that the PVC
          will support as 'comitted' traffic.

          The committed rate(in bits per second) at which
          the ingress access interface trunk interfaces,
          and egress access interface of a frame relay
          network transfer information to the destination
          frame relay end system under normal conditions.
          The rate is averaged over a minimum time interval

    AR  - Access Rate
          The maximum number of bits per second that an end
          station can transmit into the network is
          bounded by the acess rate of the user-network
          interface. The line speed of the user network
          connection limits the access rate.

    Bc  - Committed Burst Size
          The maximum amount of data(in bits) that the
          network agrees to transfer, under normal conditions
          during a time interval Tc.
          The data is in bytes in the current implementation.

    Be  - Excess Burst Size
          The maximum amount of uncommitted data(in bits)
          in excess of BC that a frame relay network can
          attempt to deliver during a time interval Tc.
          This data generally is delivered with a low
          probability than Bc. The network treats Be
          data as discard eligible.
          The data is in bytes in the current implementation.

    Tc  - The committed rate measurement interval.
          The time interval during which the user can send
          only BC committed amount of data and BE excess
          amount of data.

    EIR - Excess Information Rate
          This is the bandwidth in excess of CIR
          the PVC will be allowed to burst on a 
          a given PVC.

          The average rate at which excess traffic is
          to be policed. This number is computed based
          on Bc, Be, CIR and Tc.

    DE  - Discard Eligibility

    Frame Forwarding Port: Frame Forwarding Ports are identified
    by portType = frame-forward(3). 

    NOTE: The objects related to frame relay ports are
          available in ifTable,if ifTable is implemented
          in service module/card.

    Following Service Modules support ifTable:

Imported Objects

frChan, frameRelayBASIS-MIB
frChanCnfGrp .
frChanCnfGrpTable .
frChanCnfGrpEntry .
chanNum .
egressQDEThresh .
egressQECNThresh .
deTaggingEnable .
cir .
bc .
be .
ibs .
foreSightEnable .
qir .
mir .
chanRowStatus .
pir .
chanLocRmtLpbkState .
chanTestType .
chanTestState .
chanRTDResult .
chanType .
chanFECNconfig .
chanDEtoCLPmap .
chanCLPtoDEmap .
chanIngrPercentUtil .
chanPortNum .
chanEgrPercentUtil .
chanEgrSrvRate .
chanOvrSubOvrRide .
chanFrConnType .
frCDRNumber .
frLocalVpi .
frLocalVci .
frLocalNSAP .
frRemoteVpi .
frRemoteVci .
dLCI .
frRemoteNSAP .
frMastership .
frVpcFlag .
frConnServiceType .
frRoutingPriority .
frMaxCost .
frRestrictTrunkType .
frConnPCR .
frConnRemotePCR .
frConnMCR .
egressQSelect .
frConnRemoteMCR .
frConnPercentUtil .
frConnRemotePercentUtil .
frConnForeSightEnable .
frConnFGCRAEnable .
chanServType .
chanServiceRateOverride .
chanServiceRate .
zeroCirConEir .
chanReroute .
ingressQDepth .
frConnSCR .
frConnRemoteSCR .
frConnTemplateId .
frConnAdminStatus .
frChanCnfChangeCount .
frChanCnfIgnoreIncomingDE .
frChanOamCCEnable .
frChanStatsEnable .
frChanLocalLpbkEnable .
frChanUpcEnable .
ingressQECNThresh .
frChanSlaveType .
frConnRemoteMBS .
frChanPrefRouteId .
frChanDirectRoute .
ingressQDEThresh .
egressQDepth .
chanNumNextAvailable .
frstdABRCnfGrpTable .
frstdABRCnfGrpEntry .
frstdABRcnfChanNum .
frstdABRICR .
frstdABRMCR .
frstdABRPCR .
frstdABRTBE .
frstdABRFRTT .
frstdABRRDF .
frstdABRRIF .
frstdABRNrm .
frstdABRTrm .
frstdABRCDF .
frstdABRADTF .
frChanStateGrp .
frChanStateGrpTable .
frChanStateGrpEntry .
stateChanNum .
chanState .
xmtAbitState .
rcvAbitState .
xmtATMState .
rcvATMState .
chanStatusBitMap .
frEndPtMapGrp .
frEndPtMapGrpTable .
frEndPtMapGrpEntry .
endPortNum .
endDLCI .
endChanNum .
endLineNum .
ciscoWanFrConnMIBConformance .
ciscoWanFrConnMIBGroups .
ciscoWanFrConnMIBCompliances .