This MIB module provides network management
support for Cisco cellular 3G and 4G LTE WAN products.


1xRTT - 1 times Radio Transmission Technology.

3G - Third generation of mobile phones standards and

4G - Fourth generation of mobile phones standards and

Azimuth - Angle of rotation of a satellite Dish.

BER - Bit Error Ratio.

BS - Base Station.

CDMA - Code Division Multiple Access.

dB - decibel.

dBm - power ratio in decibels (dB) of the measured power
      referenced to one milliwatt (mW).

CnS - Control and Status proprietary protocol for
      managing the control and status of the modem.

Ec/Io - ratio of received pilot energy, Ec, to total received
        energy or the total power spectral density, Io.

EDGE - Enhanced Data rate for GSM Evolution.

EPS  - Evolved Packet System

EVDO - EVolution Data Optimized.

FDD  - Frequency Division Duplexing

GPRS - General Packet Radio Service.

GSM - Global System for Mobile communications.

GPS - Global Positioning System.

HSDPA - High Speed Downlink Packet Access.

HSPA - High Speed Packet Access.

HSUPA - High Speed Uplink Packet Access.

LBS - Location Based Service.

LTE - Long Term Evolution

MT - Mobile Termination.

PDP - Packet Data Protocol.

PLMN - Public Land Mobile Network. 

QoS - Quality of Service.

RSSI - Received Signal Strength Indication.

SDU - Service Data Unit.

SER - SDU Error Ratio.

SIM - Subscriber Identity Module.

SMS  -  Short Messaging Service.

SNR  - Signal to Noise Ratio.

TDD  - Time Division Duplexing

UMTS - Universal Mobile Telecommunication System.

WCDMA - Wideband Code Division Multiple Access.

Imported Objects

entPhysicalIndex, entPhysicalNameENTITY-MIB
InetAddressType, InetAddressINET-ADDRESS-MIB
Gauge32, MODULE-IDENTITY, Counter32, Counter64, Unsigned32, Integer32, NOTIFICATION-TYPE, OBJECT-TYPESNMPv2-SMI
RowStatus, DisplayString, TEXTUAL-CONVENTION, TruthValueSNMPv2-TC
ciscoWan3gMIBNotifs .
c3gModemUpNotif .
c3gModemTemperOnsetNotif .
c3gModemTemperAbateNotif .
c3gModemTemperOnsetRecoveryNotif .
c3gModemTemperAbateRecoveryNotif .
c3gModemDownNotif .
c3gServiceChangedNotif .
c3gNetworkChangedNotif .
c3gConnectionStatusChangedNotif .
c3gRssiOnsetNotif .
c3gRssiAbateNotif .
c3gEcIoOnsetNotif .
c3gEcIoAbateNotif .
ciscoWan3gMIBObjects .
c3gWanCommonTable .
c3gWanCommonEntry .
c3gStandard .
c3gNotifRssi .
c3gNotifEcIo .
c3gModemTemperature .
c3gRssiOnsetNotifThreshold .
c3gRssiAbateNotifThreshold .
c3gEcIoOnsetNotifThreshold .
c3gEcIoAbateNotifThreshold .
c3gModemTemperOnsetNotifThreshold .
c3gModemTemperAbateNotifThreshold .
c3gModemReset .
c3gCapability .
c3gModemUpNotifEnabled .
c3gModemDownNotifEnabled .
c3gServiceChangedNotifEnabled .
c3gNetworkChangedNotifEnabled .
c3gConnectionStatusChangedNotifFlag .
c3gRssiOnsetNotifFlag .
c3gRssiAbateNotifFlag .
c3gEcIoOnsetNotifFlag .
c3gEcIoAbateNotifFlag .
c3gModemTemperOnsetNotifEnabled .
c3gModemState .
c3gModemTemperAbateNotifEnabled .
c3gGpsState .
c3gPreviousServiceType .
c3gCurrentServiceType .
c3gRoamingStatus .
c3gCurrentSystemTime .
c3gConnectionStatus .
c3gNotifRadioService .
c3gWanCdma .
c3gCdmaSessionTable .
c3gCdmaSessionEntry .
c3gCdmaTotalCallDuration .
c3gCdmaTotalTransmitted .
c3gCdmaTotalReceived .
c3gHdrDdtmPreference .
c3gCdmaConnectionTable .
c3gCdmaConnectionEntry .
c3gOutgoingCallNumber .
c3gAuthStatus .
c3gHdrDrc .
c3gHdrDrcCover .
c3gHdrRri .
c3gMobileIpErrorCode .
c3gCdmaCurrentTransmitted .
c3gCdmaCurrentReceived .
c3gCdmaCurrentCallStatus .
c3gCdmaCurrentCallDuration .
c3gCdmaCurrentCallType .
c3gHdrAtState .
c3gCdmaLastCallDisconnReason .
c3gCdmaLastConnError .
c3gHdrSessionState .
c3gUati .
c3gColorCode .
c3gRati .
c3gHdrSessionDuration .
c3gHdrSessionStart .
c3gHdrSessionEnd .
c3gCdmaIdentityTable .
c3gCdmaIdentityEntry .
c3gEsn .
c3gModemActivationStatus .
c3gAccountActivationDate .
c3gCdmaRoamingPreference .
c3gPrlVersion .
c3gMdn .
c3gMsid .
c3gMsl .
c3gCdmaNetworkTable .
c3gCdmaNetworkEntry .
c3gCdmaCurrentServiceStatus .
c3gServingBaseStationLongitude .
c3gServingBaseStationLatitude .
c3gCdmaHybridModePreference .
c3gCdmaCurrentRoamingStatus .
c3gCurrentIdleDigitalMode .
c3gCurrentSid .
c3gCurrentNid .
c3gCurrentCallSetupMode .
c3gSipUsername .
c3gSipPassword .
c3gCdmaProfile .
c3gCdmaProfileCommonTable .
c3gCdmaProfileCommonEntry .
c3gNumberOfDataProfileConfigurable .
c3gCurrentActiveDataProfile .
c3gCdmaProfileTable .
c3gCdmaProfileEntry .
c3gCdmaProfileIndex .
c3gHomeAddr .
c3gPriHaAddrType .
c3gPriHaAddr .
c3gSecHaAddrType .
c3gSecHaAddr .
c3gNai .
c3gAaaPassword .
c3gMnHaSs .
c3gMnHaSpi .
c3gMnAaaSs .
c3gMnAaaSpi .
c3gReverseTunnelPreference .
c3gHomeAddrType .
c3gCdmaRadio .
c3gCdma1xRttRadioTable .
c3gCdma1xRttRadioEntry .
c3gCurrent1xRttRssi .
c3gCurrent1xRttEcIo .
c3gCurrent1xRttChannelNumber .
c3gCurrent1xRttChannelState .
c3gCdma1xRttBandClassTable .
c3gCdma1xRttBandClassEntry .
c3gBandClassIndex .
c3g1xRttBandClass .
c3gCdmaEvDoRadioTable .
c3gCdmaEvDoRadioEntry .
c3gCurrentEvDoRssi .
c3gTxTotalPower .
c3gTxGainAdjust .
c3gCarrierToInterferenceRatio .
c3gCurrentEvDoEcIo .
c3gCurrentEvDoChannelNumber .
c3gSectorId .
c3gSubnetMask .
c3gHdrColorCode .
c3gPnOffset .
c3gRxMainGainControl .
c3gRxDiversityGainControl .
c3gCdmaEvDoBandClassTable .
c3gCdmaEvDoBandClassEntry .
c3gEvDoBandClass .
c3gCdmaHistoryTable .
c3gCdmaHistoryEntry .
c3gCdmaHistory1xRttRssiPerSecond .
c3gCdmaHistory1xRttRssiPerMinute .
c3gCdmaHistory1xRttRssiPerHour .
c3gCdmaHistoryEvDoRssiPerSecond .
c3gCdmaHistoryEvDoRssiPerMinute .
c3gCdmaHistoryEvDoRssiPerHour .
c3gCdmaSecurity .
c3gCdmaSecurityTable .
c3gCdmaSecurityEntry .
c3gCdmaPinSecurityStatus .
c3gCdmaPowerUpLockStatus .
c3gWanGsm .
c3gGsmIdentityTable .
c3gGsmIdentityEntry .
c3gImsi .
c3gImei .
c3gIccId .
c3gMsisdn .
c3gFsn .
c3gModemStatus .
c3gGsmRoamingPreference .
c3gGsmNetworkTable .
c3gGsmNetworkEntry .
c3gGsmLac .
c3gGsmMcc .
c3gGsmMnc .
c3gGsmRac .
c3gGsmCurrentCellId .
c3gGsmCurrentPrimaryScramblingCode .
c3gGsmPlmnSelection .
c3gGsmRegPlmn .
c3gGsmPlmnAbbr .
c3gGsmServiceProvider .
c3gGsmTotalByteTransmitted .
c3gGsmCurrentServiceStatus .
c3gGsmTotalByteReceived .
c3gGsmCurrentServiceError .
c3gGsmCurrentService .
c3gGsmPacketService .
c3gGsmCurrentRoamingStatus .
c3gGsmNetworkSelectionMode .
c3gGsmCountry .
c3gGsmNetwork .
c3gGsmPdpProfile .
c3gGsmPdpProfileTable .
c3gGsmPdpProfileEntry .
c3gGsmPdpProfileIndex .
c3gGsmPdpProfileType .
c3gGsmPdpProfileAddr .
c3gGsmPdpProfileApn .
c3gGsmPdpProfileAuthenType .
c3gGsmPdpProfileUsername .
c3gGsmPdpProfilePassword .
c3gGsmPdpProfileRowStatus .
c3gGsmPacketSessionTable .
c3gGsmPacketSessionEntry .
c3gGsmPacketSessionStatus .
c3gGsmPdpType .
c3gGsmPdpAddress .
c3gGsmReqUmtsQosTable .
c3gGsmReqUmtsQosEntry .
c3gGsmReqUmtsQosSer .
c3gGsmReqUmtsQosBer .
c3gGsmReqUmtsQosDelay .
c3gGsmReqUmtsQosPriority .
c3gGsmReqUmtsQosSrcStatDescriptor .
c3gGsmReqUmtsQosSignalIndication .
c3gGsmReqUmtsQosRowStatus .
c3gGsmReqUmtsQosTrafficClass .
c3gGsmReqUmtsQosMaxUpLinkBitRate .
c3gGsmReqUmtsQosMaxDownLinkBitRate .
c3gGsmReqUmtsQosGuaUpLinkBitRate .
c3gGsmReqUmtsQosGuaDownLinkBitRate .
c3gGsmReqUmtsQosOrder .
c3gGsmReqUmtsQosErroneousSdu .
c3gGsmReqUmtsQosMaxSduSize .
c3gGsmMinUmtsQosTable .
c3gGsmMinUmtsQosEntry .
c3gGsmMinUmtsQosTrafficClass .
c3gGsmMinUmtsQosBer .
c3gGsmMinUmtsQosDelay .
c3gGsmMinUmtsQosPriority .
c3gGsmMinUmtsQosSrcStatDescriptor .
c3gGsmMinUmtsQosSignalIndication .
c3gGsmMinUmtsQosRowStatus .
c3gGsmMinUmtsQosMaxUpLinkBitRate .
c3gGsmMinUmtsQosMaxDownLinkBitRate .
c3gGsmMinUmtsQosGuaUpLinkBitRate .
c3gGsmMinUmtsQosGuaDownLinkBitRate .
c3gGsmMinUmtsQosOrder .
c3gGsmMinUmtsQosErroneousSdu .
c3gGsmMinUmtsQosMaxSduSize .
c3gGsmMinUmtsQosSer .
c3gGsmNegoUmtsQosTable .
c3gGsmNegoUmtsQosEntry .
c3gGsmNegoUmtsQosTrafficClass .
c3gGsmNegoUmtsQosBer .
c3gGsmNegoUmtsQosDelay .
c3gGsmNegoUmtsQosPriority .
c3gGsmNegoUmtsQosSrcStatDescriptor .
c3gGsmNegoUmtsQosSignalIndication .
c3gGsmNegoUmtsQosMaxUpLinkBitRate .
c3gGsmNegoUmtsQosMaxDownLinkBitRate .
c3gGsmNegoUmtsQosGuaUpLinkBitRate .
c3gGsmNegoUmtsQosGuaDownLinkBitRate .
c3gGsmNegoUmtsQosOrder .
c3gGsmNegoUmtsQosErroneousSdu .
c3gGsmNegoUmtsQosMaxSduSize .
c3gGsmNegoUmtsQosSer .
c3gGsmReqGprsQosTable .
c3gGsmReqGprsQosEntry .
c3gGsmReqGprsQosPrecedence .
c3gGsmReqGprsQosDelay .
c3gGsmReqGprsQosReliability .
c3gGsmReqGprsQosPeakRate .
c3gGsmReqGprsQosMeanRate .
c3gGsmReqGprsQosRowStatus .
c3gGsmMinGprsQosTable .
c3gGsmMinGprsQosEntry .
c3gGsmMinGprsQosPrecedence .
c3gGsmMinGprsQosDelay .
c3gGsmMinGprsQosReliability .
c3gGsmMinGprsQosPeakRate .
c3gGsmMinGprsQosMeanRate .
c3gGsmMinGprsQosRowStatus .
c3gGsmNegoGprsQosTable .
c3gGsmNegoGprsQosEntry .
c3gGsmNegoGprsQosPrecedence .
c3gGsmNegoGprsQosDelay .
c3gGsmNegoGprsQosReliability .
c3gGsmNegoGprsQosPeakRate .
c3gGsmNegoGprsQosMeanRate .
c3gGsmRadio .
c3gGsmRadioTable .
c3gGsmRadioEntry .
c3gCurrentGsmRssi .
c3gCurrentGsmEcIo .
c3gGsmCurrentBand .
c3gGsmChannelNumber .
c3gGsmNumberOfNearbyCell .
c3gGsmNearbyCellTable .
c3gGsmNearbyCellEntry .
c3gGsmNearbyCellIndex .
c3gGsmNearbyCellPrimaryScramblingCode .
c3gGsmNearbyCellRscp .
c3gGsmNearbyCellEcIoMeasurement .
c3gGsmHistoryTable .
c3gGsmHistoryEntry .
c3gGsmHistoryRssiPerSecond .
c3gGsmHistoryRssiPerMinute .
c3gGsmHistoryRssiPerHour .
c3gGsmSecurity .
c3gGsmSecurityTable .
c3gGsmSecurityEntry .
c3gGsmChv1 .
c3gGsmSimStatus .
c3gGsmSimUserOperationRequired .
c3gGsmNumberOfRetriesRemaining .
c3gWanLbs .
c3gWanLbsCommon .
c3gWanLbsCommonTable .
c3gWanLbsCommonEntry .
c3gLbsModeSelected .
c3gLbsFixtype .
c3gLbsHeightValid .
c3gLbsHeight .
c3gLbsLocUncertaintyVertical .
c3gLbsVelocityValid .
c3gLbsHeading .
c3gLbsVelocityHorizontal .
c3gLbsVelocityVertical .
c3gLbsHepe .
c3gLbsNumSatellites .
c3gLbsState .
c3gLbsLocFixError .
c3gLbsLatitude .
c3gLbsLongitude .
c3gLbsTimeStamp .
c3gLbsLocUncertaintyAngle .
c3gLbsLocUncertaintyA .
c3gLbsLocUncertaintyPos .
c3gWanLbsSatelliteInfo .
c3gWanLbsSatelliteInfoTable .
c3gWanLbsSatelliteInfoEntry .
c3gWanLbsSatelliteInfoIndex .
c3gWanLbsSatelliteNumber .
c3gWanLbsSatelliteElevation .
c3gWanLbsSatelliteAzimuth .
c3gWanLbsSatelliteInfoSignalNoiseRatio .
c3gWanLbsSatelliteUsed .
c3gWanLbsSatelliteInfoRowStatus .
c3gWanSmsCommon .
c3gWanSms .
c3gSmsCommonTable .
c3gSmsCommonEntry .
c3gSmsServiceAvailable .
c3gSmsInSmsCount .
c3gSmsInSmsDeleted .
c3gSmsInSmsStorageMax .
c3gSmsInSmsCallBack .
c3gSmsOutSmsPendingCount .
c3gSmsOutSmsArchiveCount .
c3gSmsOutSmsArchiveErrorCount .
c3gSmsInSmsArchived .
c3gSmsOutSmsCount .
c3gSmsOutSmsErrorCount .
c3gSmsInSmsStorageUsed .
c3gSmsInSmsStorageUnused .
c3gSmsInSmsArchiveCount .
c3gSmsInSmsArchiveErrorCount .
c3gSmsArchiveUrl .
c3gSmsOutSmsStatus .
ciscoWan3gMIBConform .
ciscoWan3gMIBCompliances .
ciscoWan3gMIBGroups .