This MIB module defines managed objects that facilitate the
management of various policies within the Cisco Trusted Security
(TrustSec) infrastructure. 

The information available through this MIB includes:

o Device and interface level configuration for enabling
  SGACL (Security Group Access Control List) enforcement
  on Layer2/3 traffic. 

o Administrative and operational SGACL mapping to Security
  Group Tag (SGT). 

o Various statistics counters for traffic subject to SGACL

o TrustSec policies with respect to peer device. 

o Interface level configuration for enabling the propagation
  of SGT along with the Layer 3 traffic in portions of network
  which does not have the capability to support TrustSec 
o TrustSec policies with respect to SGT propagation with
  Layer 3 traffic. 

The following terms are used throughout this MIB:

VRF:   Virtual Routing and Forwarding.

SGACL: Security Group Access Control List.

ACE: Access Control Entries.

SXP: SGT Propagation Protocol.

SVI: Switch Virtual Interface.

IPM: Identity Port Mapping.

SGT (Security Group Tag) is a unique 16 bits value assigned
to every security group and used by network devices to
enforce SGACL.

Peer is another device connected to the local device on the
other side of a TrustSec link.

Default Policy:  Policy applied to traffic when there is 
no explicit policy between the SGT associated with the 
originator of the traffic and the SGT associated with 
the destination of the traffic.

Imported Objects

Cisco2KVlanList, CiscoVrfNameCISCO-TC
CtsGenerationId, CtsSgaclMonitorMode, CtsAclNameOrEmpty, CtsAclListOrEmpty, CtsAclList, CtsAclName, CtsSecurityGroupTagCISCO-TRUSTSEC-TC-MIB
InetAddressType, InetAddress, InetAddressPrefixLengthINET-ADDRESS-MIB
StorageType, TruthValue, DateAndTime, RowStatusSNMPv2-TC
ciscoTrustSecPolicyMIBNotifs .
ctspPeerPolicyUpdatedNotif .
ctspAuthorizationSgaclFailNotif .
ciscoTrustSecPolicyMIBObjects .
ctspSgacl .
ctspSgaclGlobals .
ctspSgaclEnforcementEnable .
ctspSgaclIpv4DropNetflowMonitor .
ctspSgaclIpv6DropNetflowMonitor .
ctspVlanConfigTable .
ctspVlanConfigEntry .
ctspVlanConfigIndex .
ctspVlanConfigSgaclEnforcement .
ctspVlanSviActive .
ctspVlanConfigVrfName .
ctspVlanConfigStorageType .
ctspVlanConfigRowStatus .
ctspSgaclMappings .
ctspConfigSgaclMappingTable .
ctspConfigSgaclMappingEntry .
ctspConfigSgaclMappingIpTrafficType .
ctspConfigSgaclMappingDestSgt .
ctspConfigSgaclMappingSourceSgt .
ctspConfigSgaclMappingSgaclName .
ctspConfigSgaclMappingStorageType .
ctspConfigSgaclMappingRowStatus .
ctspConfigSgaclMonitor .
ctspSgaclMonitorEnable .
ctspDefConfigIpv4Sgacls .
ctspDefConfigIpv6Sgacls .
ctspDownloadedSgaclMappingTable .
ctspDownloadedSgaclMappingEntry .
ctspDownloadedSgaclDestSgt .
ctspDownloadedSgaclSourceSgt .
ctspDownloadedSgaclIndex .
ctspDownloadedSgaclName .
ctspDownloadedSgaclGenId .
ctspDownloadedIpTrafficType .
ctspDownloadedSgaclMonitor .
ctspDefDownloadedSgaclMappingTable .
ctspDefDownloadedSgaclMappingEntry .
ctspDefDownloadedSgaclIndex .
ctspDefDownloadedSgaclName .
ctspDefDownloadedSgaclGenId .
ctspDefDownloadedIpTrafficType .
ctspDefDownloadedSgaclMonitor .
ctspOperSgaclMappingTable .
ctspOperSgaclMappingEntry .
ctspOperIpTrafficType .
ctspOperSgaclDestSgt .
ctspOperSgaclSourceSgt .
ctspOperSgaclIndex .
ctspOperationalSgaclName .
ctspOperationalSgaclGenId .
ctspOperSgaclMappingSource .
ctspOperSgaclConfigSource .
ctspOperSgaclMonitor .
ctspDefOperSgaclMappingTable .
ctspDefOperSgaclMappingEntry .
ctspDefOperIpTrafficType .
ctspDefOperSgaclIndex .
ctspDefOperationalSgaclName .
ctspDefOperationalSgaclGenId .
ctspDefOperSgaclMappingSource .
ctspDefOperSgaclConfigSource .
ctspDefOperSgaclMonitor .
ctspDefConfigIpv4SgaclsMonitor .
ctspDefConfigIpv6SgaclsMonitor .
ctspSgaclStatistics .
ctspSgtStatsTable .
ctspSgtStatsEntry .
ctspStatsIpTrafficType .
ctspStatsDestSgt .
ctspStatsSourceSgt .
ctspStatsIpSwDropPkts .
ctspStatsIpHwDropPkts .
ctspStatsIpSwPermitPkts .
ctspStatsIpHwPermitPkts .
ctspStatsIpSwMonitorPkts .
ctspStatsIpHwMonitorPkts .
ctspDefStatsTable .
ctspDefStatsEntry .
ctspDefIpTrafficType .
ctspDefIpSwDropPkts .
ctspDefIpHwDropPkts .
ctspDefIpSwPermitPkts .
ctspDefIpHwPermitPkts .
ctspDefIpSwMonitorPkts .
ctspDefIpHwMonitorPkts .
ctspNotifsOnlyInfo .
ctspOldPeerSgt .
ctspAuthorizationSgaclFailReason .
ctspAuthorizationSgaclFailInfo .
ctspPeerPolicy .
ctspAllPeerPolicyAction .
ctspPeerPolicyTable .
ctspPeerPolicyEntry .
ctspPeerName .
ctspPeerSgt .
ctspPeerSgtGenId .
ctspPeerTrustState .
ctspPeerPolicyLifeTime .
ctspPeerPolicyLastUpdate .
ctspPeerPolicyAction .
ctspLayer3Transport .
ctspLayer3PolicyTable .
ctspLayer3PolicyEntry .
ctspLayer3PolicyIpTrafficType .
ctspLayer3PolicyType .
ctspLayer3PolicyLocalConfig .
ctspLayer3PolicyDownloaded .
ctspLayer3PolicyOperational .
ctspIfL3PolicyConfigTable .
ctspIfL3PolicyConfigEntry .
ctspIfL3Ipv4PolicyEnabled .
ctspIfL3Ipv6PolicyEnabled .
ctspIpSgtMappings .
ctspIpSgtMappingTable .
ctspIpSgtMappingEntry .
ctspIpSgtVrfName .
ctspIpSgtAddressType .
ctspIpSgtIpAddress .
ctspIpSgtAddressLength .
ctspIpSgtValue .
ctspIpSgtSource .
ctspIpSgtStorageType .
ctspIpSgtRowStatus .
ctspSgtPolicy .
ctspAllSgtPolicyAction .
ctspDownloadedSgtPolicyTable .
ctspDownloadedSgtPolicyEntry .
ctspDownloadedSgtPolicySgt .
ctspDownloadedSgtPolicySgtGenId .
ctspDownloadedSgtPolicyLifeTime .
ctspDownloadedSgtPolicyLastUpdate .
ctspDownloadedSgtPolicyAction .
ctspDownloadedDefSgtPolicyTable .
ctspDownloadedDefSgtPolicyEntry .
ctspDownloadedDefSgtPolicyType .
ctspDownloadedDefSgtPolicySgtGenId .
ctspDownloadedDefSgtPolicyLifeTime .
ctspDownloadedDefSgtPolicyLastUpdate .
ctspDownloadedDefSgtPolicyAction .
ctspIfSgtMappings .
ctspIfSgtMappingTable .
ctspIfSgtMappingEntry .
ctspIfSgtValue .
ctspIfSgName .
ctspIfSgtStorageType .
ctspIfSgtRowStatus .
ctspIfSgtMappingInfoTable .
ctspIfSgtMappingInfoEntry .
ctspL3IPMStatus .
ctspVlanSgtMappings .
ctspVlanSgtMappingTable .
ctspVlanSgtMappingEntry .
ctspVlanSgtMappingIndex .
ctspVlanSgtMapValue .
ctspVlanSgtStorageType .
ctspVlanSgtRowStatus .
ctspSgtCaching .
ctspSgtCachingMode .
ctspSgtCachingVlansFirst2K .
ctspSgtCachingVlansSecond2K .
ctspNotifsControl .
ctspPeerPolicyUpdatedNotifEnable .
ctspAuthorizationSgaclFailNotifEnable .
ciscoTrustSecPolicyMIBConformance .
ciscoTrustSecPolicyMIBCompliances .
ciscoTrustSecPolicyMIBGroups .