This MIB module defines management objects for the
Multicast Switching features on Cisco Layer 2/3 

Definition of some of the terms used in this MIB:

    Multicast Replication - The mechanism by which a 
    system creates one or more copies of a multicast 
    packet for forwarding.

    Ingress Multicast Replication - A type of multicast
    replication where the replication engine on the 
    ingress module always performs the whole replication.

    Egress Multicast Replication - A type of multicast
    replication where the replication engines on both
    the ingress and egress modules perform the replication. 

    VPN  -  Virtual private network.
    A secure IP-based network that shares resources 
    with one or more physical networks.

    VRF  - VPN Routing and Forwarding instance
    Consists of an IP routing table, a derived 
    forwarding table, a set of interfaces that use
    the forwarding table, and a set of rules and 
    routing protocols that determine what goes into 
    the forwarding table. 

    MVPN - Multicast VPN

    MVRF - Multicast VRF
    A VRF which has multicast routing enabled.

    VRF-lite -  A feature that enables a service 
    provider to support two or more VPNs, where IP 
    addresses can be overlapped among the VPNs.

    LTL - Local Target Logic
    A hardware resource table to aid in switching.

    OIF - Outgoing Interface
    The interface through which packets are 
    forwarded out.

    DF - Designated Forwarder.

Imported Objects

EntPhysicalIndexOrZero, CiscoInterfaceIndexListCISCO-TC
InterfaceIndexOrZero, InterfaceIndexIF-MIB
InetAddressPrefixLength, InetAddress, InetAddressTypeINET-ADDRESS-MIB
Counter64, Integer32, Gauge32, Unsigned32, OBJECT-TYPE, MODULE-IDENTITYSNMPv2-SMI
TimeStamp, StorageType, TruthValue, RowStatusSNMPv2-TC
cswmMIBNotifs .
cswmMIBObjects .
cswmGlobal .
cswmMvpnHwSwitchingStatus .
cswmVrfLiteStatus .
cswmMRouteConsistCheck .
cswmProcessorConsistCheck .
cswmReplication .
cswmReplCapabilityTable .
cswmReplCapabilityEntry .
cswmReplCapability .
cswmReplConfigTable .
cswmReplConfigEntry .
cswmReplConfigAddrType .
cswmReplConfigCurMode .
cswmReplConfigAutoDetect .
cswmGlobalReplcationMode .
cswmMvrfStats .
cswmMvrfStatsTable .
cswmMvrfStatsEntry .
cswmMvrfName .
cswmMvrfTotalFlows .
cswmMvrfPartialFlows .
cswmMvrfRpfMfdFlows .
cswmBiDirPimDfStats .
cswmBiDirPimDfUsed .
cswmBiDirPimDfTotal .
cswmMvrfBiDirPimDfUsageTable .
cswmMvrfBiDirPimDfUsageEntry .
cswmMvrfBiDirPimDfAddrType .
cswmMvrfBiDirPimDfUsed .
cswmMvrfBiDirPimDfTotal .
cswmLtlStats .
cswmLtlUsed .
cswmLtlTotal .
cswmForwarding .
cswmForwardingTable .
cswmForwardingEntry .
cswmInterfaceIndex .
cswmForwardingAddrType .
cswmForwardingEnabled .
cswmFlowQueryResult .
cswmFlowMaxQueries .
cswmFlowQueryTable .
cswmFlowQueryEntry .
cswmFlowQueryIndex .
cswmFlowQuerySkipNFlows .
cswmFlowQueryTotalFlows .
cswmFlowMcastQueryRows .
cswmFlowMcastQueryMoreRows .
cswmFlowQueryOwner .
cswmFlowQueryCreateTime .
cswmFlowQueryStorage .
cswmFlowQueryStatus .
cswmFlowQueryMask .
cswmFlowQueryMvrf .
cswmFlowQueryAddrType .
cswmFlowQuerySource .
cswmFlowQueryGroup .
cswmFlowQueryGroupMask .
cswmFlowQueryType .
cswmFlowQueryEntityIndex .
cswmFlowResultTable .
cswmFlowResultEntry .
cswmFlowResultIndex .
cswmFlowResultPackets .
cswmFlowResultOctets .
cswmFlowResultMvrf .
cswmFlowResultAddrType .
cswmFlowResultGroup .
cswmFlowResultGroupMask .
cswmFlowResultSource .
cswmFlowResultFlags .
cswmFlowResultRpfInterface .
cswmFlowResultOIFTable .
cswmFlowResultOIFEntry .
cswmFlowResultOIFIndex .
cswmFlowResultOIFIntList .
cswmFlowResultDFTable .
cswmFlowResultDFEntry .
cswmFlowResultDFIndex .
cswmFlowResultDFIntList .
cswmMIBConform .
cswmMIBCompliances .
cswmMIBGroups .