This MIB module is for managing a Secure Socket Layer
(SSL) Proxy device which terminates and accelarates
SSL and Transport Layer Security (TLS) transactions. 

The proxy device can act as a SSL server or a SSL client
depending on the configuration and the application.

In one application, the device acts as a proxy SSL 
server. It terminates SSL handshakes and TCP connections
initiated by SSL clients. The device is configured with
a key and a certificate bearing the identity of the SSL
server. The device uses this identity to establish the 
SSL session on behalf of the server, offloading the key
establishment and data encryption and decryption work.

After the SSL session has been successfully established
between the client and the proxy device, the device 
starts to receive and decrypt the encrypted data sent 
from the client and forward to the server. The device 
forwards the clear data to the server on a backend 
connection. Clear data sent from the server is encrypted
by the proxy device before it is forwarded to the SSL 

Optionally, the proxy device is configured to reencrypt
the decrypted data sent from the client to the server. 
The proxy device acts as a SSL client to initiate a SSL
session to the server. The decrypted data is encrypted 
within this SSL session to be forwarded to the server. 
The encrypted data sent from the server to the device 
is decrypted and then reencrypted before it is 
forwarded to the client.

In another application, the proxy device forwards data
generated by one or more sources to the destination 
via a SSL session. The proxy device acts as a SSL 
client and intiates a SSL session to the next hop 
device. When data is received from the source, the 
proxy device forwards the data to the next hop using 
the SSL session.  The next hop can continue to forward 
the data if it is not the destination.

The proxy device supports a number of proxy services.
Each proxy service defines the role of the proxy device,
whether it acts as a SSL server or a SSL client. The 
rest of the configuration include cryptographic and 
protocol parameters.

This MIB is used for monitoring the configuration, 
statuses and statistics of the proxy services and 
the protocols including TCP, SSL and TLS.

Imported Objects

InetAddress, InetAddressTypeINET-ADDRESS-MIB
TimeStamp, RowStatus, TruthValueSNMPv2-TC
cspMIBNotifications .
cspServOperStatus .
cspServCertExpiring .
cspSSLResourceLimitReached .
cspMIBObjects .
cspGlobalConfig .
cspGcVersion .
cspGcFIPSMode .
cspGcRSArc4128md5 .
cspGcRSArc4128sha .
cspGcRSAdescbcsha .
cspGcRSA3descbcsha .
cspGcNotifyProxyServOperStatus .
cspGcNotifyPSCertExpiring .
cspGcPSCertExpireInterval .
cspSslCounters .
cspScConnAttempt .
cspScMaxDeviceQLen .
cspScSessionReuses .
cspScConnComplete .
cspScConnInHandShake .
cspScConnInDataPhase .
cspScRenegAttempt .
cspScConnInReneg .
cspScActiveSessions .
cspScMaxHandShakeConns .
cspScCurrDeviceQLen .
cspSsl3Counters .
cspS3cFullHandShake .
cspS3cRSA3desedecbcsha .
cspS3cResumedHandShake .
cspS3cHandShakeFailed .
cspS3cDataFailed .
cspS3cBadMacRcvd .
cspS3cPadErrors .
cspS3cRSArc4128md5 .
cspS3cRSArc4128sha .
cspS3cRSAdescbcsha .
cspTls1Counters .
cspTlcFullHandShake .
cspTlcRSA3desedecbcsha .
cspTlcResumedHandShake .
cspTlcHandShakeFailed .
cspTlcDataFailed .
cspTlcBadMacRcvd .
cspTlcPadErrors .
cspTlcRSArc4128md5 .
cspTlcRSArc4128sha .
cspTlcRSAdescbcsha .
cspSslCryptoCounters .
cspSccBlksEncrypted .
cspSccBlksDecrypted .
cspSccBytesEncrypted .
cspSccBytesDecrypted .
cspSccPublicKeyOpers .
cspSccPrivateKeyOpers .
cspSccCryptoFails .
cspSccDmaErrors .
cspSslErrorCounters .
cspSecSessAllocFailed .
cspSecHShakeHndleMemFail .
cspSecStalePakDrop .
cspSecServiceIdDiscard .
cspSecHShakeLimitExceed .
cspSecDevConnCtxtFail .
cspSecMemAllocFailed .
cspSecBuffAllocFailed .
cspSecAlertSendFailed .
cspSecOverloadDropped .
cspSecConnAborted .
cspSecSessLimitExceed .
cspSecHShakeInitFailed .
cspSecRenegFailed .
cspSecFatalAlertsRcvd .
cspSecFatalAlertsSent .
cspSecNoCipherAlerts .
cspSecVerMismatchAlerts .
cspSecNoComprsnAlerts .
cspPsCounters .
cspPsCountersTable .
cspPsCounterEntry .
cspPscClearTime .
cspPscBlksEncrypted .
cspPscBlksDecrypted .
cspPscBytesEncrypted .
cspPscBytesDecrypted .
cspPscValidSessions .
cspPscSessLimitExceed .
cspPscHandShakeFailed .
cspPscDataFailed .
cspPscFatalAlertsRcvd .
cspPscFatalAlertsSent .
cspPscConnAttempt .
cspPscBadMacRcvd .
cspPscPadErrors .
cspPscNoCipherAlerts .
cspPscNoComprsnAlerts .
cspPscVerMismatchAlerts .
cspPscConnComplete .
cspPscFullHandShake .
cspPscResumedHandShake .
cspPscConnInHandShake .
cspPscConnInDataPhase .
cspPscRenegAttempt .
cspPscConnInReneg .
cspPsSsl3Counters .
cspPsSsl3CountersTable .
cspPsSsl3CounterEntry .
cspPs3cClearTime .
cspPs3cRSAdescbcsha .
cspPs3cRSA3desedecbcsha .
cspPs3cFullHandShake .
cspPs3cResumedHandShake .
cspPs3cHandShakeFailed .
cspPs3cDataFailed .
cspPs3cBadMacRcvd .
cspPs3cPadErrors .
cspPs3cRSArc4128md5 .
cspPs3cRSArc4128sha .
cspPsTls1Counters .
cspPsTls1CountersTable .
cspPsTls1CounterEntry .
cspPt1cClearTime .
cspPt1cRSAdescbcsha .
cspPt1cRSA3desedecbcsha .
cspPt1cFullHandShake .
cspPt1cResumedHandShake .
cspPt1cHandShakeFailed .
cspPt1cDataFailed .
cspPt1cBadMacRcvd .
cspPt1cPadErrors .
cspPt1cRSArc4128md5 .
cspPt1cRSArc4128sha .
cspCpuStatusInfo .
cspCpuStatusTable .
cspCpuStatusEntry .
cspCpuName .
cspCpuInterruptUtilIn1Min .
cspCpuInterruptUtilIn5Min .
cspCpuStatus .
cspCpuClearTime .
cspCpuProcessUtil .
cspCpuInterruptUtil .
cspCpuProcessUtilIn5Sec .
cspCpuProcessUtilIn1Min .
cspCpuProcessUtilIn5Min .
cspCpuInterruptUtilIn5Sec .
cspHttpHeaderInsertedInfo .
cspHttpHeaderInsertedSslInfoStats .
cspNumOfSslInfoSuccessInserted .
cspNumOfSslInfoFailedInserted .
cspNumOfSpoofHttpHeaderDeleted .
cspNumOfSslSessHeaderExtracted .
cspNumOfSslSessHeaderFailedExtracted .
cspNumOfSslServerCertHeaderExtracted .
cspNumOfSslServerCerHeaderFailedExtracted .
cspNumOfTimesSslHeaderTruncated .
cspHttpHeaderInsertedSslClientCertStats .
cspNumOfSslClientCertHeaderExtracted .
cspNumOfSslClientCertHeaderFailedExtracted .
cspPsConfig .
cspPsTable .
cspPsEntry .
cspPsName .
cspPsAdminStatus .
cspPsOperStatus .
cspPsOperDownReason .
cspPsConfigRowStatus .
cspPsListIndex .
cspPsServiceType .
cspPsVirtualAddressType .
cspPsVirtualAddress .
cspPsVirtualPort .
cspPsServerAddressType .
cspPsServerAddress .
cspPsServerPort .
cspHttpRedirectInfo .
cspHttpRedirectClientCertAuthFailedStats .
cspCertNotYetValidRedirect .
cspCertExpiredRedirect .
cspIssuerCertNotFoundRedirect .
cspCertRevokedRedirect .
cspNoClientCertSentRedirect .
cspNoCrlAvailableRedirect .
cspCrlExpiredRedirect .
cspCertSignatureFailedRedirect .
cspOtherCertErrorRedirect .
cspSslResourceNotifInfo .
cspSslTrapType .
cspSslMaxConn .
cspSslActiveConn .
cspSslConfigHighConnPcnt .
cspSslActiveConnPcnt .
cspSslConfigWatermarkConnPcnt .
cspPsPolicyConfig .
cspPsPolicyTable .
cspPsPolicyEntry .
cspPspVirTcpPolicyName .
cspPspSerTcpPolicyName .
cspPspSslPolicyName .
cspPspHttpHdrPolicyName .
cspPspUrlRewritePolicyName .
cspPsKeyCertConfig .
cspPsKeyCertTable .
cspPsKeyCertEntry .
cspPskcKeyUsage .
cspPskcCertSerialNum .
cspPskcIssuerName .
cspPskcIssuerCertSerialNum .
cspPskcCertStartDate .
cspPskcCertEndDate .
cspPskcConfigRowStatus .
cspPskcTrustPointName .
cspPskcCertFileName .
cspPskcKeyName .
cspPskcKeyFileName .
cspPskcKeySize .
cspPskcKeyTime .
cspPskcCertStatus .
cspPskcCertSubjName .
cspTcpPolicyConfig .
cspTcpPolicyTable .
cspTcpPolicyEntry .
cspTpPolicyName .
cspTpPathMtuDisc .
cspTpConfigRowStatus .
cspTpSynTimeOut .
cspTpInActivityTimeOut .
cspTpNagleAlgo .
cspTpFinWaitTimeOut .
cspTpReassemTimeOut .
cspTpRcvBufShrLim .
cspTpTransBufShrLim .
cspTpMss .
cspSslPolicyConfig .
cspSslPolicyTable .
cspSslPolicyEntry .
cspSpPolicyName .
cspSpConfigRowStatus .
cspSpRSArc4128md5 .
cspSpRSArc4128sha .
cspSpRSAdescbcsha .
cspSpRSA3descbcsha .
cspSpProtocol .
cspSpCloseProtocol .
cspSpSessionCache .
cspSpSessionTimeOut .
cspTcpCountersInfo .
cspTcpCountersClearTime .
cspTcpCounters .
cspTcConnInit .
cspTcDataByteSent .
cspTcTotalPktRcv .
cspTcPktRcvSeq .
cspTcByteRcvSeq .
cspTcConnAccept .
cspTcConnEstab .
cspTcConnDrop .
cspTcConnClosed .
cspTcSynTimeOuts .
cspTcIdleTimeOuts .
cspTcTotalPktSent .
cspTcDataPktSent .
cspSslCountersInfo .
cspSslCountersClearTime .
cspMIBConformance .
cspMIBCompliances .
cspMIBGroups .