The MIB for managing the SS7 Signalling Point (SP)
implemented in the Cisco IOS SS7 offload product.  The
relevant ITU documents describing this technology is
the ITU Q series, including ITU Q.700: Introduction to
CCITT Signalling System No. 7 and ITU Q.701 Functional
description of the message transfer part (MTP) of
Signalling System No. 7.

This MIB models the SP as follows:

The SP is associated with one or more point codes.
Each pointcode is associated with:
  an ss7 variant, timers, and linksets.

Linksets contain:
  destination point code 
  linkset byte/packet statistics,
  accounting information per DPC and OPC
  violation accounting information per DPC and OPC
  reference to incoming and outgoing ACL
  reference to a routing table for each SS7 packet type

Links contain:
  timers, and byte/packet statistics.

The figure below provides a diagrammatic representation
of the relationships. Each box may be replicated
providing multiple instances of the object. 

'--->' indicates that the object to the left contains
a reference to the object to the right.

'###>' indicates that the object to the left contains
an instance of the object to the right.

The down arrow indicates that the object being pointed
to contains snmp indices of the objects above it.

 |                |
 |      Sp        |###> point code, timers
 |                |
 |                |---> Accounting
 |    Linkset     |---> Violation Accounting
 |                |---> Incoming ACL
 |                |---> Outgoing ACL
 |________________|---> Routing Tables.
 |     Link       |###> timers
 |________________|---> statistics

Imported Objects

OBJECT-TYPE, Counter32, Counter64, Integer32, Gauge32, TimeTicks, Unsigned32, MODULE-IDENTITY, NOTIFICATION-TYPESNMPv2-SMI
DisplayString, TimeStamp, TruthValue, TEXTUAL-CONVENTIONSNMPv2-TC
ciscoSpMIBObjects .
cSpScalars .
cSpSs7Variant .
cSpMtp2T07 .
cSpMtp2T08 .
cSpMtp3T01 .
cSpMtp3T02 .
cSpMtp3T03 .
cSpMtp3T04 .
cSpMtp3T05 .
cSpMtp3T06 .
cSpMtp3T07 .
cSpMtp3T08 .
cSpPointCode .
cSpMtp3T10 .
cSpMtp3T11 .
cSpMtp3T12 .
cSpMtp3T13 .
cSpMtp3T14 .
cSpMtp3T15 .
cSpMtp3T16 .
cSpMtp3T17 .
cSpMtp3T18 .
cSpMtp3T19 .
cSpMtp2T01 .
cSpMtp3T20 .
cSpMtp3T21 .
cSpMtp3T22 .
cSpMtp3T23 .
cSpMtp3T24 .
cSpMtp3T25 .
cSpMtp3T26 .
cSpMtp3T27 .
cSpMtp3T28 .
cSpMtp3T29 .
cSpMtp2T02 .
cSpMtp3T30 .
cSpMtp3T31 .
cSpMtp3T32 .
cSpMtp3T33 .
cSpMtp3T34 .
cSpMtp2T03 .
cSpMtp2T4N .
cSpMtp2T4E .
cSpMtp2T05 .
cSpMtp2T06 .
cSpLinkset .
cSpLinksetTable .
cSpLinksetTableEntry .
cSpLinksetName .
cSpLinksetTupRouteTableName .
cSpLinksetIsupRouteTableName .
cSpLinksetDupcRouteTableName .
cSpLinksetDupfRouteTableName .
cSpLinksetMtupRouteTableName .
cSpLinksetBisupRouteTableName .
cSpLinksetSisupRouteTableName .
cSpLinksetSpare11RouteTableName .
cSpLinksetSpare12RouteTableName .
cSpLinksetSpare13RouteTableName .
cSpLinksetAdjacentPointCode .
cSpLinksetSpare14RouteTableName .
cSpLinksetSpare15RouteTableName .
cSpLinksetAccountingEnabled .
cSpLinksetNumLinks .
cSpLinksetPacketsSent .
cSpLinksetHCPacketsSent .
cSpLinksetPacketsRcvd .
cSpLinksetHCPacketsRcvd .
cSpLinksetBytesSent .
cSpLinksetHCBytesSent .
cSpLinksetState .
cSpLinksetBytesRcvd .
cSpLinksetHCBytesRcvd .
cSpLinksetDurationInService .
cSpLinksetDurationOutService .
cSpLinksetMtp2T01 .
cSpLinksetMtp2T02 .
cSpLinksetMtp2T03 .
cSpLinksetMtp2T4N .
cSpLinksetMtp2T4E .
cSpLinksetMtp2T05 .
cSpLinksetInboundAcl .
cSpLinksetMtp2T06 .
cSpLinksetMtp2T07 .
cSpLinksetMtp2T08 .
cSpLinksetMtp3T01 .
cSpLinksetMtp3T02 .
cSpLinksetMtp3T03 .
cSpLinksetMtp3T04 .
cSpLinksetMtp3T05 .
cSpLinksetMtp3T06 .
cSpLinksetMtp3T07 .
cSpLinksetOutboundAcl .
cSpLinksetMtp3T08 .
cSpLinksetMtp3T10 .
cSpLinksetMtp3T11 .
cSpLinksetMtp3T12 .
cSpLinksetMtp3T13 .
cSpLinksetMtp3T14 .
cSpLinksetMtp3T15 .
cSpLinksetMtp3T16 .
cSpLinksetMtp3T17 .
cSpLinksetMtp3T18 .
cSpLinksetSnmmRouteTableName .
cSpLinksetMtp3T19 .
cSpLinksetMtp3T20 .
cSpLinksetMtp3T21 .
cSpLinksetMtp3T22 .
cSpLinksetMtp3T23 .
cSpLinksetMtp3T24 .
cSpLinksetMtp3T25 .
cSpLinksetMtp3T26 .
cSpLinksetMtp3T27 .
cSpLinksetMtp3T28 .
cSpLinksetSntmRouteTableName .
cSpLinksetMtp3T29 .
cSpLinksetMtp3T30 .
cSpLinksetMtp3T31 .
cSpLinksetMtp3T32 .
cSpLinksetMtp3T33 .
cSpLinksetMtp3T34 .
cSpLinksetSpare2RouteTableName .
cSpLinksetSccpRouteTableName .
cSpLink .
cSpLinkTable .
cSpLinkTableEntry .
cSpLinkSlc .
cSpLinkMtp3BytesRcvd .
cSpLinkMtp3BytesSent .
cSpLinkHCMtp3BytesRcvd .
cSpLinkHCMtp3BytesSent .
cSpLinkMtp2T01 .
cSpLinkMtp2T02 .
cSpLinkMtp2T03 .
cSpLinkMtp2T4N .
cSpLinkMtp2T4E .
cSpLinkMtp2T05 .
cSpLinkState .
cSpLinkMtp2T06 .
cSpLinkMtp2T07 .
cSpLinkMtp2T08 .
cSpLinkMtp3T01 .
cSpLinkMtp3T02 .
cSpLinkMtp3T03 .
cSpLinkMtp3T04 .
cSpLinkMtp3T05 .
cSpLinkMtp3T06 .
cSpLinkMtp3T07 .
cSpLinkType .
cSpLinkMtp3T08 .
cSpLinkMtp3T10 .
cSpLinkMtp3T11 .
cSpLinkMtp3T12 .
cSpLinkMtp3T13 .
cSpLinkMtp3T14 .
cSpLinkMtp3T15 .
cSpLinkMtp3T16 .
cSpLinkMtp3T17 .
cSpLinkMtp3T18 .
cSpLinkifIndex .
cSpLinkMtp3T19 .
cSpLinkMtp3T20 .
cSpLinkMtp3T21 .
cSpLinkMtp3T22 .
cSpLinkMtp3T23 .
cSpLinkMtp3T24 .
cSpLinkMtp3T25 .
cSpLinkMtp3T26 .
cSpLinkMtp3T27 .
cSpLinkMtp3T28 .
cSpLinkSctpAssociation .
cSpLinkMtp3T29 .
cSpLinkMtp3T30 .
cSpLinkMtp3T31 .
cSpLinkMtp3T32 .
cSpLinkMtp3T33 .
cSpLinkMtp3T34 .
cSpLinkXmitQueueDepth .
cSpLinkXmitQueueDepthHigh .
cSpLinkXmitQueueDepthHighReset .
cSpLinkCongestionState .
cSpLinkMtp3PacketsRcvd .
cSpLinkCongestionAbate1 .
cSpLinkCongestionAbate2 .
cSpLinkCongestionAbate3 .
cSpLinkCongestionOnset1 .
cSpLinkCongestionOnset2 .
cSpLinkCongestionOnset3 .
cSpLinkSigLinkTest .
cSpLinkQ752T1E1 .
cSpLinkQ752T1E2 .
cSpLinkQ752T1E3 .
cSpLinkMtp3PacketsSent .
cSpLinkQ752T1E4 .
cSpLinkQ752T1E5 .
cSpLinkQ752T1E6 .
cSpLinkQ752T1E7 .
cSpLinkQ752T1E8 .
cSpLinkQ752T1E9 .
cSpLinkQ752T1E10 .
cSpLinkQ752T1E11 .
cSpLinkQ752T2E1 .
cSpLinkQ752T2E5 .
cSpLinkHCMtp3PacketsRcvd .
cSpLinkQ752T2E6 .
cSpLinkQ752T2E7 .
cSpLinkQ752T2E9 .
cSpLinkQ752T2E10 .
cSpLinkQ752T2E15 .
cSpLinkQ752T2E16 .
cSpLinkQ752T2E18 .
cSpLinkMtp3PacketsRetrans .
cSpLinkMtp3BytesRetrans .
cSpLinkQ752T3E6 .
cSpLinkHCMtp3PacketsSent .
cSpLinkQ752T3E7 .
cSpLinkQ752T3E10L1 .
cSpLinkQ752T3E10L2 .
cSpLinkQ752T3E10L3 .
cSpLinkQ752T3E11L1 .
cSpLinkQ752T3E11L2 .
cSpLinkQ752T3E11L3 .
cSpRoute .
cSpRouteTable .
cSpRouteTableEntry .
cSpRouteTableName .
cSpRouteDpc .
cSpRouteDestLsCost .
cSpRouteDestLinkset .
cSpRouteMask .
cSpRouteStatus .
cSpAccessControlList .
cSpAclTable .
cSpAclTableEntry .
cSpAclId .
cSpAclOffset .
cSpAclAction .
cSpAclEntryNumber .
cSpAclType .
cSpAclDpc .
cSpAclDpcMask .
cSpAclOpc .
cSpAclOpcMask .
cSpAclSi .
cSpAclPattern .
cSpAccounting .
cSpAccountingTable .
cSpAccountingTableEntry .
cSpAccTableId .
cSpAccSentBytes .
cSpAccSpare11RcvdPackets .
cSpAccHCSpare11RcvdPackets .
cSpAccSpare11RcvdBytes .
cSpAccHCSpare11RcvdBytes .
cSpAccSpare11SentPackets .
cSpAccHCSpare11SentPackets .
cSpAccSpare11SentBytes .
cSpAccHCSpare11SentBytes .
cSpAccSpare12RcvdPackets .
cSpAccHCSpare12RcvdPackets .
cSpAccHCSentBytes .
cSpAccSpare12RcvdBytes .
cSpAccHCSpare12RcvdBytes .
cSpAccSpare12SentPackets .
cSpAccHCSpare12SentPackets .
cSpAccSpare12SentBytes .
cSpAccHCSpare12SentBytes .
cSpAccSpare13RcvdPackets .
cSpAccHCSpare13RcvdPackets .
cSpAccSpare13RcvdBytes .
cSpAccHCSpare13RcvdBytes .
cSpAccSnmmRcvdPackets .
cSpAccSpare13SentPackets .
cSpAccHCSpare13SentPackets .
cSpAccSpare13SentBytes .
cSpAccHCSpare13SentBytes .
cSpAccSpare14RcvdPackets .
cSpAccHCSpare14RcvdPackets .
cSpAccSpare14RcvdBytes .
cSpAccHCSpare14RcvdBytes .
cSpAccSpare14SentPackets .
cSpAccHCSpare14SentPackets .
cSpAccHCSnmmRcvdPackets .
cSpAccSpare14SentBytes .
cSpAccHCSpare14SentBytes .
cSpAccSpare15RcvdPackets .
cSpAccHCSpare15RcvdPackets .
cSpAccSpare15RcvdBytes .
cSpAccHCSpare15RcvdBytes .
cSpAccSpare15SentPackets .
cSpAccHCSpare15SentPackets .
cSpAccSpare15SentBytes .
cSpAccHCSpare15SentBytes .
cSpAccSnmmRcvdBytes .
cSpAccHCSnmmRcvdBytes .
cSpAccSnmmSentPackets .
cSpAccHCSnmmSentPackets .
cSpAccSnmmSentBytes .
cSpAccHCSnmmSentBytes .
cSpAccDpc .
cSpAccSntmRcvdPackets .
cSpAccHCSntmRcvdPackets .
cSpAccSntmRcvdBytes .
cSpAccHCSntmRcvdBytes .
cSpAccSntmSentPackets .
cSpAccHCSntmSentPackets .
cSpAccSntmSentBytes .
cSpAccHCSntmSentBytes .
cSpAccSpare2RcvdPackets .
cSpAccHCSpare2RcvdPackets .
cSpAccOpc .
cSpAccSpare2RcvdBytes .
cSpAccHCSpare2RcvdBytes .
cSpAccSpare2SentPackets .
cSpAccHCSpare2SentPackets .
cSpAccSpare2SentBytes .
cSpAccHCSpare2SentBytes .
cSpAccSccpRcvdPackets .
cSpAccHCSccpRcvdPackets .
cSpAccSccpRcvdBytes .
cSpAccHCSccpRcvdBytes .
cSpAccRcvdPackets .
cSpAccSccpSentPackets .
cSpAccHCSccpSentPackets .
cSpAccSccpSentBytes .
cSpAccHCSccpSentBytes .
cSpAccTupRcvdPackets .
cSpAccHCTupRcvdPackets .
cSpAccTupRcvdBytes .
cSpAccHCTupRcvdBytes .
cSpAccTupSentPackets .
cSpAccHCTupSentPackets .
cSpAccHCRcvdPackets .
cSpAccTupSentBytes .
cSpAccHCTupSentBytes .
cSpAccIsupRcvdPackets .
cSpAccHCIsupRcvdPackets .
cSpAccIsupRcvdBytes .
cSpAccHCIsupRcvdBytes .
cSpAccIsupSentPackets .
cSpAccHCIsupSentPackets .
cSpAccIsupSentBytes .
cSpAccHCIsupSentBytes .
cSpAccSentPackets .
cSpAccDupcRcvdPackets .
cSpAccHCDupcRcvdPackets .
cSpAccDupcRcvdBytes .
cSpAccHCDupcRcvdBytes .
cSpAccDupcSentPackets .
cSpAccHCDupcSentPackets .
cSpAccDupcSentBytes .
cSpAccHCDupcSentBytes .
cSpAccDupfRcvdPackets .
cSpAccHCDupfRcvdPackets .
cSpAccHCSentPackets .
cSpAccDupfRcvdBytes .
cSpAccHCDupfRcvdBytes .
cSpAccDupfSentPackets .
cSpAccHCDupfSentPackets .
cSpAccDupfSentBytes .
cSpAccHCDupfSentBytes .
cSpAccMtupRcvdPackets .
cSpAccHCMtupRcvdPackets .
cSpAccMtupRcvdBytes .
cSpAccHCMtupRcvdBytes .
cSpAccRcvdBytes .
cSpAccMtupSentPackets .
cSpAccHCMtupSentPackets .
cSpAccMtupSentBytes .
cSpAccHCMtupSentBytes .
cSpAccBisupRcvdPackets .
cSpAccHCBisupRcvdPackets .
cSpAccBisupRcvdBytes .
cSpAccHCBisupRcvdBytes .
cSpAccBisupSentPackets .
cSpAccHCBisupSentPackets .
cSpAccHCRcvdBytes .
cSpAccBisupSentBytes .
cSpAccHCBisupSentBytes .
cSpAccSisupRcvdPackets .
cSpAccHCSisupRcvdPackets .
cSpAccSisupRcvdBytes .
cSpAccHCSisupRcvdBytes .
cSpAccSisupSentPackets .
cSpAccHCSisupSentPackets .
cSpAccSisupSentBytes .
cSpAccHCSisupSentBytes .
cSpNotificationsEnable .
cSpLsStateChangeNotifEnabled .
cSpLnkStateChangeNotifEnabled .
ciscoSpMIBNotificationPrefix .
ciscoSpMIBNotifications .
ciscoSpLinksetStateChange .
ciscoSpLinkStateChange .
ciscoSpMIBConformance .
ciscoSpMIBCompliances .
ciscoSpMIBGroups .