The MIB module for managing licenses on the system.
The licensing mechanism provides flexibility to
enforce licensing for various features in the system.

The following description introduces different concepts and
terminologies necessary to understand the MIB
definition and to perform license management.

Product Instance: An instance of a Cisco software image that
runs on a hardware platform and requires some licensing

Software ID tag: A string generated by the Cisco
Connected Software IT team to uniquely identify a Cisco 
software product.

Smart Account: A Smart Licensing account that is created
for Cisco customers or partners to manage their Smart
Licensing product instances and licenses.  The account is
created on the Cisco Smart Software Manager portal.  An
enterprise account can have several virtual accounts (a.k.a.
pools) of licenses.  

Cisco Smart Software Manager (CSSM): The Smart Licensing
back-end  system, hosted on Cisco IT infrastructure, is
responsible for managing all Smart Licensing services and
transactions.  It  provides a set of  APIs that the Smart Agent
can communicate with and an external-facing 
UI for Cisco customers and partners to log into and
manage their  Smart Licensing account.

Registration Token: A token that is generated from the
Cisco Smart Software Manager.  The token is used to register a
product instance with the Cisco Smart Software Manager.

Smart Agent: A Smart Licensing software client that runs
on a product instance and communicates with the Cisco Smart
Software Manager.

Entitlement Tag: A unique string that identifies a
feature that can be enabled on a product instance.  The tags are
used by both the  Smart Agent and the Cisco Smart Software
Manager to track entitlement requests.  

Transport Mode: The Smart Agent uses the Smart Call Home
(SCH) service as a transport medium to communicate with the
Smart Licensing back-end. 

Crypto (LCS) Service: In addition to HTTPS exchanged
messages are further signed and verified on both sides to ensure
the authenticity of all communication.   The Smart Software
Licensing system uses a crypto service and underlying crypto
library (either CiscoSSL or PKI). The Smart Software Licensing
back-end leverages the Licensing Crypto Service (LCS) service.

UDI: Unique Device Identifier that uniquely identifies a
device. Primarily it consists of a product ID, version ID and
serial number of the Customers device.

Grace Period: A product enters into a grace period when
the authorization period expires. This is the result of
multiple authorization attempt failures which occurring 90 days
after the last successful authorization.  The grace period
continues until the grace period expires - 90 days after the
grace period starts.

Counted License: Limits the number of similar entities that can
consume a license. For example, a counted    license when used
by a feature can limit the number of
IP phones that can connect or the number of tunnels that can be

Evaluation License: An Evaluation License grants the
right to a customer to enable functionality of a product
instance before registering it and without an explicit portal
based license for a limited amount of time.  This amount of time
ranges on average between 60 to 90 days.  Evaluation licenses
are available for most functionality, but may be limited  for a
variety of 
reasons such as legal, royalty, regulatory, or other

This MIB module also defines various notifications that
will be triggered to asynchronously notify the management
application of any critical events.

Imported Objects

ciscoSlaMIBObjects .
ciscoSlaInstanceId .
ciscoSlaSUDIInfo .
ciscoSlaVersion .
ciscoSlaEnabled .
ciscoSlaEntitlementInfo .
ciscoSlaEntitlementInfoTable .
ciscoSlaEntitlementInfoEntry .
ciscoSlaEntitlementInfoIndex .
ciscoSlaEntitlementRequestCount .
ciscoSlaEntitlementTag .
ciscoSlaEntitlementVersion .
ciscoSlaEntitlementEnforceMode .
ciscoSlaEntitlementDescription .
ciscoSlaEntitlementFeatureName .
ciscoSlaRegistrationStatusInfo .
ciscoSlaRegistrationStatus .
ciscoSlaVirtualAccount .
ciscoSlaNextCertificateExpireTime .
ciscoSlaEnterpriseAccountName .
ciscoSlaRegisterTime .
ciscoSlaRegisterInitTime .
ciscoSlaRegisterSuccess .
ciscoSlaRegisterFailureReason .
ciscoSlaRegisterNextRetryTime .
ciscoSlaRenewTime .
ciscoSlaRenewInitTime .
ciscoSlaRenewSuccess .
ciscoSlaRenewFailureReason .
ciscoSlaRenewNextRetryTime .
ciscoSlaAuthorizationInfo .
ciscoSlaAuthExpireTime .
ciscoSlaAuthComplianceStatus .
ciscoSlaAuthOOCStartTime .
ciscoSlaAuthEvalPeriod .
ciscoSlaAuthEvalPeriodInUse .
ciscoSlaAuthEvalExpiredTime .
ciscoSlaAuthEvalPeriodLeft .
ciscoSlaAuthRenewTime .
ciscoSlaAuthRenewInitTime .
ciscoSlaAuthRenewSuccess .
ciscoSlaAuthRenewFailureReason .
ciscoSlaAuthRenewNextRetryTime .
ciscoSlaNotifObjects .
ciscoSlaGlobalNotifEnable .
ciscoSlaEntitlementNotifEnable .
ciscoSlaMIBNotifs .
ciscoSlaSmartAgentNotifyEnforcementMode .
ciscoSlaSmartAgentNotifyAuthRenewSuccess .
ciscoSlaSmartAgentNotifyAuthRenewFail .
ciscoSlaSmartAgentNotifyCommunicationFailure .
ciscoSlaSmartAgentNotifyCommunicationRestored .
ciscoSlaSmartAgentNotifyIdCertRenewNotStarted .
ciscoSlaSmartAgentNotifyEntitlementEnforceMode .
ciscoSlaSmartAgentNotifyIdCertOutOfRange .
ciscoSlaSmartAgentNotifySystemClockChanged .
ciscoSlaSmartAgentNotifyEvalExpiryWarning .
ciscoSlaSmartAgentNotifyEvalExpired .
ciscoSlaSmartAgentNotifyReady .
ciscoSlaSmartAgentNotifyIdCertExpiryWarning .
ciscoSlaSmartAgentNotifyEnabled .
ciscoSlaSmartAgentNotifyDisabled .
ciscoSlaSmartAgentNotifyRegisterFailed .
ciscoSlaSmartAgentNotifyRegisterSuccess .
ciscoSlaSmartAgentNotifyIdCertExpired .
ciscoSlaSmartAgentNotifyIdCertRenewSuccess .
ciscoSlaSmartAgentNotifyIdCertRenewFail .
ciscoSlaMIBConform .
ciscoSlaMIBCompliances .
ciscoSlaMIBGroups .