Acronyms and Definitions
         The following acronyms and terms are used in this 
           IPSec: Secure IP Protocol
           VPN:   Virtual Private Network
           RAS:   Remote Access Service
           ISP:   Internet Service Provider.
           LAN:   Local Area Network
           Group: A collection of remote access users grouped
 and managed together as a single entity for
 administrative convenience.
           Session: A Remote Access Session.
           SVC:    SSL VPN Client
           Webvpn: VPN connection established using web browser.
        Overview of the MIB
         This is a MIB Module for monitoring the structures in Virtual 
         Private Networks based remote access networks. The MIB seeks 
         to create a common model of Remote Access across implementations 
         of the service on layer 2 (PPTP, L2TP, L2F), layer 3 (IPsec) and 
         layer 4 (SSL) virtual private networks. The MIB defines counters 
         and objects of interest to performance/fault monitoring in a 
         way which is independent of the technology of the remote access 
         MIB contains eight major groups of objects which are used 
         to manage Remote Access connections:
          a) Remote Access capacity group
               This section defines metrics to gauge the limits of 
               resources on this device which are critical to RAS 
          b) Remote Access resource usage group
               This section defines metrics to gauge the usage of 
               resources on this device which are critical to RAS 
               service service.
          c) Current activity and performance of RAS service
               This section defines metrics to gauge the current 
               remote access activity.
          d) Remote Access Service failures
               This section defines metrics to monitor session
               failures and failures of the service itself, measured
               at aggregate level, session level and group level.
          e) Security violations in the Remote Access service
               This section defines metrics which reflect the state 
               of remote access service of interest to Security 
               Operations staff in an enterprise.
          f) Threshold group (allows definition of high water marks)
               This section allows the management entity to define 
               thresholds to set high water marks on critical metrics.
          g) Notifications
               This section defines notifications to signal
               significant events pertaining to the Remote Access

Imported Objects

InetAddress, InetAddressTypeINET-ADDRESS-MIB
OBJECT-TYPE, zeroDotZero, Unsigned32, Integer32, Gauge32, Counter64, Counter32, NOTIFICATION-TYPE, MODULE-IDENTITYSNMPv2-SMI
ciscoRasMonitorMIBNotifs .
ciscoRasTooManySessions .
ciscoRasTooManyFailedAuths .
ciscoRasTooHighThroughput .
ciscoRasMonitorMIBObjects .
crasCapacity .
crasMaxSessionsSupportable .
crasMaxUsersSupportable .
crasMaxGroupsSupportable .
crasNumCryptoAccelerators .
crasResourceUsage .
crasGlobalBwUsage .
crasActivity .
crasNumSessions .
crasGlobalOutUncompOctets .
crasGlobalInDropPkts .
crasGlobalOutDropPkts .
crasNumPrevSessions .
crasSessionTable .
crasSessionEntry .
crasUsername .
crasISPAddress .
crasSessionProtocol .
crasProtocolElement .
crasSessionEncryptionAlgo .
crasSessionPktAuthenAlgo .
crasSessionCompressionAlgo .
crasHeartbeatInterval .
crasClientVendorString .
crasClientVersionString .
crasClientOSVendorString .
crasGroup .
crasClientOSVersionString .
crasPrimWINSServerAddrType .
crasPrimWINSServer .
crasSecWINSServerAddrType .
crasSecWINSServer .
crasPrimDNSServerAddrType .
crasPrimDNSServer .
crasSecDNSServerAddrType .
crasSecDNSServer .
crasDHCPServerAddrType .
crasSessionIndex .
crasDHCPServer .
crasSessionInPkts .
crasSessionOutPkts .
crasSessionInDropPkts .
crasSessionOutDropPkts .
crasSessionInOctets .
crasSessionOutOctets .
crasSessionState .
crasAuthenMethod .
crasAuthorMethod .
crasSessionDuration .
crasLocalAddressType .
crasLocalAddress .
crasISPAddressType .
crasActGroupTable .
crasActGroupEntry .
crasActGrpName .
crasActGrNumUsers .
crasActGrpInPkts .
crasActGrpOutPkts .
crasActGrpInDropPkts .
crasActGrpOutDropPkts .
crasActGrpInOctets .
crasActGrpOutOctets .
crasEmailNumSessions .
crasEmailCumulateSessions .
crasEmailPeakConcurrentSessions .
crasIPSecNumSessions .
crasIPSecCumulateSessions .
crasIPSecPeakConcurrentSessions .
crasL2LNumSessions .
crasNumUsers .
crasL2LCumulateSessions .
crasL2LPeakConcurrentSessions .
crasLBNumSessions .
crasLBCumulateSessions .
crasLBPeakConcurrentSessions .
crasSVCNumSessions .
crasSVCCumulateSessions .
crasSVCPeakConcurrentSessions .
crasWebvpnNumSessions .
crasWebvpnCumulateSessions .
crasNumGroups .
crasWebvpnPeakConcurrentSessions .
crasGlobalInPkts .
crasGlobalOutPkts .
crasGlobalInOctets .
crasGlobalInDecompOctets .
crasGlobalOutOctets .
crasFailures .
crasFailuresGlobals .
crasNumTotalFailures .
crasNumDeclinedSessions .
crasNumSetupFailInsufResources .
crasNumAbortedSessions .
crasFailGlobalCntl .
crasFailTableSize .
crasSessFailures .
crasSessFailTable .
crasSessFailEntry .
crasSessFailIndex .
crasSessFailLocalAddrType .
crasSessFailLocalAddr .
crasSessFailUsername .
crasSessFailGroupname .
crasSessFailType .
crasSessFailReason .
crasSessFailTime .
crasSessFailSessionIndex .
crasSessFailISPAddrType .
crasSessFailISPAddr .
crasFailLastFailIndex .
crasGroupFailures .
crasGrpFailTable .
crasGrpFailEntry .
crasGrpFailGroupname .
crasGrpFailNumFailAuths .
crasGrpFailNumResourceFailures .
crasGrpFailNumDeclined .
crasGrpFailNumTerminatedMgmt .
crasGrpFailNumTerminatedOther .
crasSecurity .
crasSecurityGlobals .
crasNumDisabledAccounts .
crasThresholds .
crasThrMaxSessions .
crasThrMaxFailedAuths .
crasThrMaxThroughput .
crasNotifCntl .
crasCntlTooManySessions .
crasCntlTooManyFailedAuths .
crasCntlTooHighThroughput .
ciscoRasMonitorMIBConform .
ciscoRasMonitorMIBCompliances .
ciscoRasMonitorMIBGroups .