This MIB module defines the managed objects for physical layer
characteristics of DWDM optical channel interfaces and
performance statistics objects for protocol specific error
counters in DWDM optical devices.

Performance monitoring (PM) parameters are used by service
providers to gather, store, set thresholds for and report
performance data for early detection of problems.
Thresholds are used to set error levels for each PM parameter.
During the accumulation cycle, if the current value of a
performance monitoring parameter reaches or exceeds its
corresponding threshold value, a threshold crossing alarm (TCA)
is generated. The TCAs provide early detection of performance

The definitions contained herein are based on the OTN
specifications in ITU-T G.872[ITU-T G.872], G.709 [ITU-T G.709],
G.798[ITU-T G.798], G.874[ITU-T G.874], and 
G.874.1[ITU-T G.874.1].


OTN  :  Optical Transport Network (ITU-T G.709).
FEC  :  Forward Error Correction.
PM   :  Performance Monitor.
DWDM :  Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing.
FE   :  Farend or client side of the interface.
NE   :  Nearend or trunk side of the interface.
ADM  :  Add Drop Multiplexer.
OCH  :  Optical Channel.
OTS  :  Optical Transport Section.
OMS  :  Optical Multiplex Section.
TCA  :  Threshold Crossing Alarm.
OSC  :  Optical Supervisory Channel.
DCU  :  Dispersion Compensation Unit.
EXP  :  Express Channel.
OSNR :  Optical singal to noise ratio.
OTU  :  Optical Channel Transport Unit.
ODU  :  Optical Channel Data Unit.

Imported Objects

ifName, ifIndexIF-MIB
NOTIFICATION-TYPE, OBJECT-TYPE, Integer32, MODULE-IDENTITY, Counter64, Unsigned32, Counter32SNMPv2-SMI
TEXTUAL-CONVENTION, TruthValue, RowStatus, StorageType, DisplayStringSNMPv2-TC
ciscoOtnIfMIBNotifs .
coiOtnIfOTUStatusChange .
coiOtnIfODUStatusChange .
ciscoOtnIfMIBObjects .
coiDwdmInterface .
coiIfControllerTable .
coiIfControllerEntry .
coiIfControllerLoopback .
coiIfControllerPreFECBERMantissa .
coiIfControllerPreFECBERExponent .
coiIfControllerQFactor .
coiIfControllerQMargin .
coiIfControllerOTNValidIntervals .
coiIfControllerFECValidIntervals .
coiOtnIfOTUStatus .
coiOtnIfODUStatus .
coiIfControllerWavelength .
coiIfControllerLaserAdminStatus .
coiIfControllerLaserOperStatus .
coiIfControllerOtnStatus .
coiIfControllerFECMode .
coiIfControllerTDCOperMode .
coiIfControllerTDCOperStatus .
coiDwdmIfOtn .
coiOtnNearEndThresholdsTable .
coiOtnNearEndThresholdsEntry .
coiOtnNearEndThreshIntervalType .
coiOtnNearEndThreshMonType .
coiOtnNearEndThresholdType .
coiOtnNearEndThreshValue .
coiOtnNearEndThreshStorageType .
coiOtnNearEndThreshStatus .
coiOtnFarEndThresholdsTable .
coiOtnFarEndThresholdsEntry .
coiOtnFarEndThreshIntervalType .
coiOtnFarEndThreshMonType .
coiOtnFarEndThresholdType .
coiOtnFarEndThreshValue .
coiOtnFarEndThreshStorageType .
coiOtnFarEndThreshStatus .
coiOtnNearEndCurrentTable .
coiOtnNearEndCurrentEntry .
coiOtnNearEndCurIntervalType .
coiOtnNearEndCurrentBBERs .
coiOtnNearEndCurrentMonType .
coiOtnNearEndCurrentFCs .
coiOtnNearEndCurrentESs .
coiOtnNearEndCurrentSESs .
coiOtnNearEndCurrentUASs .
coiOtnNearEndCurrentBBEs .
coiOtnNearEndCurrentESRs .
coiOtnNearEndCurrentSESRs .
coiOtnFarEndCurrentTable .
coiOtnFarEndCurrentEntry .
coiOtnFarEndCurIntervalType .
coiOtnFarEndCurrentBBERs .
coiOtnFarEndCurrentMonType .
coiOtnFarEndCurrentFCs .
coiOtnFarEndCurrentESs .
coiOtnFarEndCurrentSESs .
coiOtnFarEndCurrentUASs .
coiOtnFarEndCurrentBBEs .
coiOtnFarEndCurrentESRs .
coiOtnFarEndCurrentSESRs .
coiOtnNearEndIntervalTable .
coiOtnNearEndIntervalEntry .
coiOtnNearEndIntervalType .
coiOtnNearEndIntervalSESRs .
coiOtnNearEndIntervalBBERs .
coiOtnNearEndIntervalValidData .
coiOtnNearEndIntervalMonType .
coiOtnNearEndIntervalNum .
coiOtnNearEndIntervalFCs .
coiOtnNearEndIntervalESs .
coiOtnNearEndIntervalSESs .
coiOtnNearEndIntervalUASs .
coiOtnNearEndIntervalBBEs .
coiOtnNearEndIntervalESRs .
coiOtnFarEndIntervalTable .
coiOtnFarEndIntervalEntry .
coiOtnFarEndIntervalType .
coiOtnFarEndIntervalSESRs .
coiOtnFarEndIntervalBBERs .
coiOtnFarEndIntervalValidData .
coiOtnFarEndIntervalMonType .
coiOtnFarEndIntervalNum .
coiOtnFarEndIntervalFCs .
coiOtnFarEndIntervalESs .
coiOtnFarEndIntervalSESs .
coiOtnFarEndIntervalUASs .
coiOtnFarEndIntervalBBEs .
coiOtnFarEndIntervalESRs .
coiOtnIfNotifEnabled .
coiDwdmIfFEC .
coiFECThresholdsTable .
coiFECThresholdsEntry .
coiFECThreshIntervalType .
coiFECThreshType .
coiFECThreshValue .
coiFECThreshStorageType .
coiFECThreshStatus .
coiFECCurrentTable .
coiFECCurrentEntry .
coiFECCurIntervalType .
coiFECCurrentPostFECMin .
coiFECCurrentPostFECMax .
coiFECCurrentPostFECAvg .
coiFECCurrentQFactorMin .
coiFECCurrentQFactorMax .
coiFECCurrentQFactorAvg .
coiFECCurrentQMarginMin .
coiFECCurrentQMarginMax .
coiFECCurrentQMarginAvg .
coiFECCurrentCorBitErrs .
coiFECCurrentCorByteErrs .
coiFECCurrentDetZeroErrs .
coiFECCurrentDetOneErrs .
coiFECCurrentUncorWords .
coiFECCurrentPreFECMin .
coiFECCurrentPreFECMax .
coiFECCurrentPreFECAvg .
coiFECIntervalTable .
coiFECIntervalEntry .
coiFECIntervalType .
coiFECIntervalPreFECMax .
coiFECIntervalPreFECAvg .
coiFECIntervalPostFECMin .
coiFECIntervalPostFECMax .
coiFECIntervalPostFECAvg .
coiFECIntervalQFactorMin .
coiFECIntervalQFactorMax .
coiFECIntervalQFactorAvg .
coiFECIntervalQMarginMin .
coiFECIntervalQMarginMax .
coiFECIntervalNum .
coiFECIntervalQMarginAvg .
coiFECIntervalCorBitErrs .
coiFECIntervalCorByteErrs .
coiFECIntervalDetZeroErrs .
coiFECIntervalDetOneErrs .
coiFECIntervalUncorWords .
coiFECIntervalValidData .
coiFECIntervalPreFECMin .
ciscoOtnIfMIBConformance .
ciscoOtnIfMIBCompliances .
ciscoOtnIfMIBGroups .