The MIB Module for DS3/E3 interface 
configuration , statistics and Alarm 

This MIB is supported in T3/E3 service modules
in MGX products. 
Some of the T3/E3 service modules(Cards) are:

 PXM1     : Processor Switch Module.
 CESM-T3E3: Circuit Emulation Service Module
 FRSM-VHS : Frame Relay Service Module. Includes
            T3 and Channelized T3 categories.
 FRSM-2CT3: Channelized FRSM Module
 SRM-3T3  : Service Resource Module

Terminologies Used :

  SDH     : SONET Digital Hierarchy
  PLCP    : Physical Layer Convergence Procedure.
  BERT    : Bit Error Rate Testing.
  FEAC    : Far End Alarm Code.
  OOF     : Out Of Frame.
  AIS     : Alarm Indication Signal.
  LOF     : Loss Of Frame.
  RAI     : Remote Alarm Indication.
  HCS     : Header Check Sequence
  HEC     : Header Error Control

  MA byte : Maintenance and Adaptation byte

  Tx MA Byte: This is explained in ITU-T G.832
              This Byte contains following fields:
                Payload type
                Payload dependent bits
                Timing maker bit
  Rx MA Byte: This is explained in ITU-T G.832
              This Byte contains following fields:
                Payload type
                Timing maker bit

Imported Objects

dsx3Line, dsx3FramingBASIS-MIB
dsx3Config .
cwDsx3ConfigTable .
cwDsx3ConfigEntry .
dsx3LineNum .
dsx3LineBERTEnable .
dsx3LineBERTPattern .
dsx3LineBERTResult .
dsx3BERTResultClrButton .
dsx3TrailTraceOption .
dsx3TxTrailTrace .
dsx3RxTrailTrace .
dsx3TxTimingMarker .
dsx3RxTimingMarker .
dsx3TxPayloadType .
cwDsx3LineType .
dsx3RxPayloadType .
dsx3TxTumf .
dsx3RxTumf .
dsx3LineEnable .
dsx3FarEndLoopbkLineNum .
dsx3LineXmtClockSrc .
dsx3FarEndLoopbkLineStatus .
dsx3LineEqualizer .
dsx3NearEndLoopbkLineStatus .
dsx3SubRateEnable .
cwDsx3LineCoding .
dsx3DsuSelect .
dsx3LineRate .
dsx3LineScrambleEnable .
cwDsx3LineLength .
dsx3LineOOFCriteria .
dsx3LineAIScBitsCheck .
dsx3LineLoopbackCommand .
dsx3LineRcvFEACValidation .
dsx3LineXmtFEACCode .
dsx3LineNumOfValidEntries .
dsx3AlarmConfig .
dsx3AlarmConfigTable .
dsx3AlarmConfigEntry .
dsx3RedSeverity .
dsx3LCV15MinThreshold .
dsx3LCV24HrThreshold .
dsx3LES15MinThreshold .
dsx3LES24HrThreshold .
dsx3LSES15MinThreshold .
dsx3LSES24HrThreshold .
dsx3PCV15MinThreshold .
dsx3PCV24HrThreshold .
dsx3PES15MinThreshold .
dsx3PES24HrThreshold .
dsx3RAISeverity .
dsx3PSES15MinThreshold .
dsx3PSES24HrThreshold .
dsx3SEFS15MinThreshold .
dsx3SEFS24HrThreshold .
dsx3AISS15MinThreshold .
dsx3AISS24HrThreshold .
dsx3UAS15MinThreshold .
dsx3UAS24HrThreshold .
dsx3E3BIP8CV15MinThreshold .
dsx3E3BIP8CV24HrThreshold .
dsx3NEAlarmUpCount .
dsx3E3BIP8ES15MinThreshold .
dsx3E3BIP8ES24HrThreshold .
dsx3E3BIP8SES15MinThreshold .
dsx3E3BIP8SES24HrThreshold .
dsx3CCV15MinThreshold .
dsx3CCV24HrThreshold .
dsx3CES15MinThreshold .
dsx3CES24HrThreshold .
dsx3CSES15MinThreshold .
dsx3CSES24HrThreshold .
dsx3NEAlarmDownCount .
dsx3NEAlarmThreshold .
dsx3FEAlarmUpCount .
dsx3FEAlarmDownCount .
dsx3FEAlarmThreshold .
dsx3StatisticalAlarmSeverity .
dsx3Alarm .
dsx3AlarmTable .
dsx3AlarmEntry .
dsx3LineAlarmState .
dsx3LSES15MinBucket .
dsx3LSES24HrBucket .
dsx3PCVCurrent .
dsx3PCV15MinBucket .
dsx3PCV24HrBucket .
dsx3PESCurrent .
dsx3PES15MinBucket .
dsx3PES24HrBucket .
dsx3PSESCurrent .
dsx3PSES15MinBucket .
dsx3LineStatisticalAlarmState .
dsx3PSES24HrBucket .
dsx3SEFSCurrent .
dsx3SEFS15MinBucket .
dsx3SEFS24HrBucket .
dsx3AISSCurrent .
dsx3AISS15MinBucket .
dsx3AISS24HrBucket .
dsx3UASCurrent .
dsx3UAS15MinBucket .
dsx3UAS24HrBucket .
dsx3LCVCurrent .
dsx3PercentLcvEFS .
dsx3E3BIP8CVCurrent .
dsx3E3BIP8CV15MinBucket .
dsx3E3BIP8CV24HrBucket .
dsx3E3BIP8ESCurrent .
dsx3E3BIP8ES15MinBucket .
dsx3E3BIP8ES24HrBucket .
dsx3E3BIP8SESCurrent .
dsx3E3BIP8SES15MinBucket .
dsx3E3BIP8SES24HrBucket .
dsx3LCV15MinBucket .
dsx3LineAlarmClrButton .
dsx3CCVCurrent .
dsx3CCV15MinBucket .
dsx3CCV24HrBucket .
dsx3CESCurrent .
dsx3CES15MinBucket .
dsx3CES24HrBucket .
dsx3CSESCurrent .
dsx3CSES15MinBucket .
dsx3CSES24HrBucket .
dsx3LCV24HrBucket .
dsx3LESCurrent .
dsx3LES15MinBucket .
dsx3LES24HrBucket .
dsx3LSESCurrent .
dsx3Counter .
dsx3CounterTable .
dsx3CounterEntry .
dsx3RcvLOSCount .
dsx3RcvPERRCounter .
dsx3RcvFEBECounter .
dsx3RcvEXZCounter .
dsx3LCVCount .
dsx3RcvOOFCount .
dsx3RAICount .
dsx3CCVCount .
dsx3FECount .
dsx3AtmHECCount .
dsx3AtmHECSecCount .
dsx3AtmSEHECSecCount .
dsx3CounterClrButton .
dsx3PlcpConfig .
dsx3PlcpConfigTable .
dsx3PlcpConfigEntry .
dsx3PlcpNum .
dsx3PlcpCellFraming .
dsx3PlcpPayloadScramble .
dsx3PlcpLoopCommand .
dsx3PlcpNumOfValidEntries .
dsx3PlcpAlarmConfig .
dsx3PlcpAlarmConfigTable .
dsx3PlcpAlarmConfigEntry .
dsx3PlcpRedSeverity .
dsx3PlcpBip8CV24HrThreshold .
dsx3PlcpBip8ES15MinThreshold .
dsx3PlcpBip8ES24HrThreshold .
dsx3PlcpBip8SES15MinThreshold .
dsx3PlcpBip8SES24HrThreshold .
dsx3PlcpSEFS15MinThreshold .
dsx3PlcpSEFS24HrThreshold .
dsx3PlcpUAS15MinThreshold .
dsx3PlcpUAS24HrThreshold .
dsx3PlcpRAISeverity .
dsx3PlcpLssSeverity .
dsx3PlcpLssEnable .
dsx3PlcpLssCodeConnected .
dsx3PlcpLssCodeRxLinkDn .
dsx3PlcpLssCodeRxLinkUp .
dsx3PlcpStatisticalAlarmSeverity .
dsx3PlcpBip8CV15MinThreshold .
dsx3PlcpAlarm .
dsx3PlcpAlarmTable .
dsx3PlcpAlarmEntry .
dsx3PlcpLineAlarmState .
dsx3PlcpBip8SES15MinBucket .
dsx3PlcpBip8SES24HrBucket .
dsx3PlcpSEFSCurrent .
dsx3PlcpSEFS15MinBucket .
dsx3PlcpSEFS24HrBucket .
dsx3PlcpUASCurrent .
dsx3PlcpUAS15MinBucket .
dsx3PlcpUAS24HrBucket .
dsx3PlcpAlarmClrButton .
dsx3PlcpLineStatisticalAlarmState .
dsx3PlcpBip8CVCurrent .
dsx3PlcpBip8CV15MinBucket .
dsx3PlcpBip8CV24HrBucket .
dsx3PlcpBip8ESCurrent .
dsx3PlcpBip8ES15MinBucket .
dsx3PlcpBip8ES24HrBucket .
dsx3PlcpBip8SESCurrent .
dsx3PlcpCounter .
dsx3PlcpCounterTable .
dsx3PlcpCounterEntry .
dsx3PlcpRcvBip8Count .
dsx3PlcpHECCount .
dsx3PlcpHECSecCount .
dsx3PlcpSEHECSecCount .
dsx3PlcpCounterClrButton .
dsx3PlcpRcvOOFCount .
dsx3PlcpRcvRAICount .
dsx3PlcpFECount .
dsx3PlcpFESecCount .
dsx3PlcpSEFESecCount .
dsx3PlcpFEBECount .
dsx3PlcpFEBESecCount .
dsx3PlcpSEFEBESecCount .
dsx3PlcpCounterValidEntries .
cmDsx3MIBConformance .
cmDsx3MIBGroups .
cmDsx3MIBCompliances .