The MIB module describes Cisco IMA objects. 
This is an extension to the standard of
ATM Forum IMA version 1.1, AF-PHY-0086.001
Spec. atmfImaMib.

Acronyms and terms:
    ATM      Asynchronous Transfer Mode
    CID      Cell Identification (ICP CID)
    CRC      Cyclic Redundancy Check
    DCB      Data Compensation Buffer
    FE       Far-End
    GSM      Group State Machine
    HEC      Header Error Check
    ICP      IMA Control Protocol
    IDCR     IMA Data Cell Rate
    IMA      Inverse Multiplexing for ATM
    IMA ID   IMA Group Identifier
    LID      Link Identifier
    LIF      Link Loss of IMA Frame defect
    LODS     Link Out of Delay Synchronization defect
    LSI      Link Stuff Indication
    M        IMA frame size
    N        Number of links configured in an IMA group
    NE       Near-End
    OAM      Operations And Maintenance
    SNMP     Simple Network Management Protocol

Imported Objects

imaLinkEntry, imaGroupEntry, imaLinkIfIndex, imaGroupIndex, MilliSecondsIMA-MIB
MODULE-IDENTITY, Unsigned32, Integer32, Gauge32, Counter32, OBJECT-TYPESNMPv2-SMI
ciscoImaMIBObjects .
cimaGrpAlarmType deprecated.
cimaLinkAlarmType deprecated.
cimaGroupTable .
cimaGroupEntry .
cimaGroupAccumulatedDelay .
cimaGrpNumRxMissingIcpCells .
cimaGrpNumTxMissingIcpCells .
cimaGrpRestarting .
cimaGrpNeVersion .
cimaGrpMaxCellRate .
cimaGrpVerFallbackEnable .
cimaGrpAutoRestartMode .
cimaGrpRxImaIdExpected .
cimaGrpAutoRestartSyncState .
cimaGroupClearAccDelay .
cimaStuffAndCellIndication .
cimaGrpIntegrationUpTime .
cimaGrpIntegrationDownTime .
cimaGrpNumTxIcpCells .
cimaGrpNumRxIcpCells .
cimaGrpNumRxErrIcpCells .
cimaGrpNumRxInvalidIcpCells .
cimaLinkMappingTable .
cimaLinkMappingEntry .
cimaLinkState .
cimaLinkTable .
cimaLinkEntry .
cimaLinkLifIntUpTime .
cimaLinkNumTxMissingIcpCells .
cimaLinkLifIntDownTime .
cimaLinkLodsIntUpTime .
cimaLinkLodsIntDownTime .
cimaLinkNumTxIcpCells .
cimaLinkNumRxIcpCells .
cimaLinkNumRxErrIcpCells .
cimaLinkNumRxInvalidIcpCells .
cimaLinkNumRxMissingIcpCells .
cimaFeatureTable .
cimaFeatureEntry .
cimaMaxImaGroupsSupported .
cimaConfiguredImaGroups .
cimaMinGrpTxImaId .
cimaMaxGrpTxImaId .
cimaVerFallbackEnable .
cimaAutoRestartEnable .
ciscoImaMIBConformance .
ciscoImaMIBCompliances .
ciscoImaMIBGroups .