Digital Signal Processing (DSP) Management MIB module.
The MIB module monitors the DSP resource and status.

Acronyms & Terms 

DTMF - Dual Tone Multi-Frequency.
       DTMF uses two frequencies, the high frequency
       omponent and the low frequency component,
       to generate digit signals.
DSPFarm - DSPFarm ia a logical name given to a functionality
       which groups the DSP resources to provide certain
       service like transcoding and conferencing using DSP.
DSPFarm profile - A DSPFarm profile logically groups the DSP
       to perform service like transcoding and conferencing.
       It is uniquely identified by a profile number.
MTP  - Media Termination Point. RTP packet received by
       MTP in the incoming call leg will be regenerated
       and send out through the outgoing call leg.
transcode - Translating codec. transcoder is used to do
       codec translation. If incoming call leg negotiates
       codec-A and outgoing call leg negotiates codec-B
       then transcoder will convert received RTP packet
       from codec-A to codec-B or codec-B to codec-A.
MTP hardware session - Media termination functionality 
       with using DSP.
MTP software session - Media termination functionality
       without using DSP.
RTP  - Real-time Transport protocol.
Video Pool - A group of DSP resources dedicated to providing 
       video services.

Imported Objects

entPhysicalName, entPhysicalIndexENTITY-MIB
TimeStamp, TruthValue, DisplayString, RowStatus, StorageTypeSNMPv2-TC
cdspMgmtNotifications .
cdspMgmtObjects .
cdspCardObjects .
cdspCardStatusTable .
cdspCardStatusEntry .
cdspCardIndex .
cdspCongestedDsp .
cdspNormalDsp .
cdspNx64Dsp .
cdspCodecTemplateSupported .
cdspCardVideoPoolUtilization .
cdspCardVideoPoolUtilizationThreshold .
cdspCardState .
cdspCardResourceUtilization .
cdspCardLastHiWaterUtilization .
cdspCardLastResetTime .
cdspCardMaxChanPerDSP .
cdspTotalDsp .
cdspFailedDsp .
cdspDspSwitchOverThreshold .
cdspObjects .
cdspStatusTable .
cdspStatusEntry .
cdspOperState .
cdspNumCongestionOccurrence .
cdspDspNum .
cdspAlarms .
cdspLastAlarmCause .
cdspLastAlarmCauseText .
cdspLastAlarmTime .
cdspTotalChannels .
cdspInUseChannels .
cdspActiveChannels .
cdspSigBearerChannelSplit .
cdspStatusXTable .
cdspStatusXEntry .
cdspXNumberOfBearerCalls .
cdspXNumberOfSigCalls .
cdspXAvailableBearerBandwidth .
cdspXAvailableSigBandwidth .
cdspMIBNotificationEnables .
cdspMIBEnableCardStatusNotification .
cdspEnableOperStateNotification .
cdspVideoUsageNotificationEnable .
cdspVideoOutOfResourceNotificationEnable .
cdspVoiceObjects .
cdspVoiceParamTable .
cdspVoiceParamEntry .
cdspRtpSidPayloadType .
cdspRtcpXrControl .
cdspRtcpXrTransMultiplier .
cdspRtcpXrGminDefault .
cdspRtcpXrExtRfactor .
cdspPktLossConcealment .
cdspVqmThreshSES .
cdspTransparentIpIp deprecated.
cdspVoiceModeIpIp .
cdspRtcpControl .
cdspRtcpTransInterval .
cdspRtcpRecvMultiplier .
cdspVadAdaptive .
cdspDtmfPowerLevel .
cdspDtmfPowerTwist .
cdspRtcpTimerControl .
cdspVqmControl .
cdspUtilObjects .
cdspUtilTable .
cdspUtilEntry .
cdspCodecPoolIndex .
cdspCurrentUtilCap .
cdspCurrentAvlbCap .
cdspDspfarmObjects .
cdspGlobMaxConfTranscodeSess .
cdspGlobMaxAvailTranscodeSess .
cdspTranscodeProfileTable .
cdspTranscodeProfileEntry .
cdspTranscodeProfileId .
cdspTranscodeApplication .
cdspTranscodeApplicationStatus .
cdspTranscodeProfileMaxConfSess .
cdspTranscodeProfileMaxAvailSess .
cdspTranscodeProfileRowStatus .
cdspTranscodeProfileRowStatus .
cdspTranscodeResourceId .
cdspTranscodeDescription .
cdspTranscodeService .
cdspTranscodeAdminState .
cdspMtpProfileTable .
cdspMtpProfileEntry .
cdspMtpProfileId .
cdspMtpApplication .
cdspMtpApplicationStatus .
cdspMtpProfileMaxCodec .
cdspMtpProfileMaxAvailSoftSess .
cdspMtpProfileMaxConfSoftSess .
cdspMtpProfileMaxConfHardSess .
cdspMtpProfileMaxAvailHardSess .
cdspMtpProfileRowStatus .
cdspMtpResourceId .
cdspMtpDescription .
cdspMtpService .
cdspMtpAdminState .
cdspConferenceProfileTable .
cdspConferenceProfileEntry .
cdspConferenceProfileId .
cdspConferenceProfileMaxAvailSess .
cdspConferenceProfileStorageType .
cdspConferenceProfileRowStatus .
cdspConferenceResourceId .
cdspConferenceDescription .
cdspConferenceService .
cdspConferenceAdminState .
cdspConferenceApplication .
cdspConferenceApplicationStatus .
cdspConferenceProfileMaxCodec .
cdspConferenceProfileMaxConfSess .
cdspDspfarmUtilObjects .
cdspTotAvailTranscodeSess .
cdspTotUnusedTranscodeSess .
cdspTotAvailMtpSess .
cdspTotUnusedMtpSess .
cdspMIBNotificationPrefix .
cdspMIBNotifications .
cdspMIBCardStateNotification .
cdspOperStateNotification .
cdspVideoUsageNotification .
cdspVideoOutOfResourceNotification .
cdspMgmtConformance .
cdspMgmtCompliances .
cdspMgmtGroups .