The Cisco Contact Center Applications (CCCA) Management
Information Base (MIB) module defines management
instrumentation for applications that deliver enterprise-wide
intelligent contact routing, call treatment, network-to-
desktop computer telephony integration (CTI), and multi-media
(e.g. voice, email, chat) contact management over an IP

Cisco enterprise contact center applications are distributed,
fault-tolerant, contact routing and management solutions that
encompass multiple, dependent host servers.  Each host is
capable of implementing one or more functions of the
application.  How many functions a single host is capable of
providing is dependent upon capacity and/or performance
limitations.  However, the architecture supports virtually any

The main functional components of Cisco enterprise contact
center applications are:

1.  Router:  The router component provides intelligent routing
    of inbound contacts, e.g. voice calls, emails, chat
    sessions, to contact center agents.

    A subcomponent of the router is the Network Interface
    Controller (NIC).  A NIC, in the context of a Cisco
    enterprise contact center application, is a gateway to a
    voice telephony network.  (A NIC here should not be
    confused with a network interface card on a host
    computer.)  A router component can have one or more NIC

2.  Logger:  The logger component maintains the enterprise
    contact center solution configuration and real-time data

3.  Administration and Data Server:  The administration and
    data server provides access to configuration, historical
    and detailed data, serving one or more reporting clients
    or data archival or aggregation components.  Note that
    this component was previously known as the Administrator
    Workstation (AW) (specifically, the Distributor AW).

4.  Peripheral Gateway (PG):  The PG provides an interface to
    one or more peripheral devices such as a private branch
    exchange (PBX), an automatic call distributor (ACD) or a
    voice response unit (VRU).

    A subcomponent of the PG is the Peripheral Interface
    Manager or 'PIM'.  A PIM acts as a gateway between the PG
    and a single PBX or VRU.  A PG may have multiple PIMs.

5.  Computer Telephony Integration (CTI) Gateway (CG):  The
    CTI gateway is the solution integration point for desktop
    CTI clients.  The CTI client application exposes contact
    data served by the CG to the agent (via 'screen pops') and
    allows the agent to control the contact state, e.g.
    answer/hang-up or transfer voice calls, respond to emails
    or chat with contacts.

6.  CTI Object Server (CTIOS):  CTIOS, as compared to the CTI
    gateway, is a more intelligent and more scalable server
    for desktop CTI clients and offers a higher-level
    interface to those client applications.

7.  Outbound Option (OO):  Outbound Option is an optional,
    add-on product having two primary runtime components:
    the Campaign Manager and the Dialer.  The Campaign Manager
    is deployed co-resident with the Logger while the Dialer
    is deployed co-resident with a Peripheral Gateway.  No
    more than one instance of an Outbound Option component may
    be installed on a server.

Each server of the enterprise contact center solution,
regardless of its specific function, implements the contact
center applications MIB, however, it only populates those
tables that are appropriate for its specific function.
Implementing the same MIB on all hosts simplifies the
acquisition of management instrumentation from the entire
contact center solution.

The instrumentation in each table of this MIB provides three
types of data:

1) dependent host addresses (for topology building),
2) critical configuration information that uniquely identifies
   the functional component and,
3) operational status instrumentation.

The quantity of entries (i.e. rows) in the tables of this MIB
is static while the application is running on the host; rows
cannot be added or deleted at runtime by the management

Glossary of acronyms and terms:

ACD         Automatic Call Distributor
BA          Blended Agent (now called Outbound Option)
CCE         (Cisco Unified) Contact Center Enterprise
CCH         (Cisco Unified) Contact Center Hosted
CG          CTI Gateway
CICM        Customer Intelligent Contact Manager
CTI         Computer Telephony Integration
CTIOS       CTI Object Server
DMP         Device Management Protocol
ICM         (Cisco Unified) Intelligent Contact Management
ICME        (Cisco Unified) Intelligent Contact Management
ICMH        (Cisco Unified) Intelligent Contact Management
IPCC        (Cisco) IP Contact Center -
            Old name, replaced by Cisco Unified Contact Center
IVR         Interactive Voice Response
NAM         Network Application Manager
NIC         Network Interface Controller
OO          Outbound Option
PBX         Private Branch Exchange
PG          Peripheral Gateway
PIM         Peripheral Interface Manager
VRU         Voice Response Unit

duplex      A term used herein to indicate that the functional
            component is fault tolerant.  The component is
            installed on two separate servers (a side A and a
            side B); one side is active while the other is on
            hot standby.  Should a failure occur on one side,
            the other side will immediately activate and
            continue its function with virtually no loss in

instance    A collection of enterprise contact center
            application functional components that encompass
            a complete solution.

simplex     A term used herein to indicate that the functional
            component is not fault tolerant.  The component is
            installed on a single server; if the component
            fails, the system will then be impaired or
            entirely non-functional.

Imported Objects

ciscoCcaMIBNotifs .
cccaIcmEvent .
ciscoCcaMIBObjects .
cccaGeneralInfo .
cccaName .
cccaDescription .
cccaVersion .
cccaTimeZoneName .
cccaTimeZoneOffsetHours .
cccaTimeZoneOffsetMinutes .
cccaSupportToolsURL .
cccaWebSetupURL .
cccaNotificationsEnabled .
cccaComponents .
cccaInstanceTable .
cccaInstanceEntry .
cccaInstanceNumber .
cccaInstanceName .
cccaComponentTable .
cccaComponentEntry .
cccaComponentIndex .
cccaComponentType .
cccaComponentName .
cccaComponentStatus .
cccaComponentElmtTable .
cccaComponentElmtEntry .
cccaComponentElmtIndex .
cccaComponentElmtName .
cccaComponentElmtRunID .
cccaComponentElmtStatus .
cccaComponentInfo .
cccaRouterTable .
cccaRouterEntry .
cccaRouterSide .
cccaRouterDBWorkerEnabled .
cccaRouterPublicHighAddr .
cccaRouterPublicNonHighAddr .
cccaRouterPrivateHighAddr .
cccaRouterPrivateNonHighAddr .
cccaRouterCallsPerSec .
cccaRouterAgentsLoggedOn .
cccaRouterCallsInProgress .
cccaRouterDuplexPairName .
cccaRouterNicCount .
cccaRouterPGsEnabledCount .
cccaRouterCallsInQueue .
cccaRouterAppGwEnabled .
cccaDialerTable .
cccaDialerEntry .
cccaDialerCampaignMgrName .
cccaDialerCallAttemptsPerSec .
cccaDialerConfiguredPorts .
cccaDialerBusyCustomerPorts .
cccaDialerBusyReservationPorts .
cccaDialerIdlePorts .
cccaDialerBlockedPorts .
cccaDialerCampaignMgrStatus .
cccaDialerCtiServerAName .
cccaDialerCtiServerBName .
cccaDialerCtiServerStatus .
cccaDialerMediaRouterStatus .
cccaDialerQueueDepth .
cccaDialerAvgQueueTime .
cccaDialerTalkingAgents .
cccaNicTable .
cccaNicEntry .
cccaNicIndex .
cccaNicType .
cccaNicStatus .
cccaLoggerTable .
cccaLoggerEntry .
cccaLoggerSide .
cccaLoggerType .
cccaLoggerRouterSideAName .
cccaLoggerRouterSideBName .
cccaLoggerDuplexPairName .
cccaLoggerHDSReplication .
cccaLoggerAvgDBWriteTime .
cccaDistAwTable .
cccaDistAwEntry .
cccaDistAwSide deprecated.
cccaDistAwWebViewEnabled .
cccaDistAwWebViewServerName .
cccaDistAwWebReskillingURL .
cccaDistAwType .
cccaDistAwAdminSiteName .
cccaDistAwRouterSideAName .
cccaDistAwRouterSideBName .
cccaDistAwLoggerSideAName .
cccaDistAwLoggerSideBName .
cccaDistAwDuplexPairName deprecated.
cccaDistAwHDSEnabled .
cccaPgTable .
cccaPgEntry .
cccaPgNumber deprecated.
cccaPgAgentsTalking .
cccaPgID .
cccaPgSide .
cccaPgRouterSideAName .
cccaPgRouterSideBName .
cccaPgDuplexPairName .
cccaPgPimCount .
cccaPgCallsInProgress .
cccaPgAgentsLoggedOn .
cccaPgAgentsReady .
cccaPimTable .
cccaPimEntry .
cccaPimNumber .
cccaPimPeripheralName .
cccaPimPeripheralType .
cccaPimStatus .
cccaPimPeripheralHostName .
cccaCgTable .
cccaCgEntry .
cccaCgNumber deprecated.
cccaCgSide .
cccaCgPgSideAName .
cccaCgPgSideBName .
cccaCgDuplexPairName .
cccaCgOpenSessions .
cccaCgOtherSessions .
cccaCgID .
cccaCtiOsTable .
cccaCtiOsEntry .
cccaCtiOsServerName .
cccaCtiOsCallsFailed .
cccaCtiOsPeripheralName .
cccaCtiOsPeripheralType .
cccaCtiOsCgSideAName .
cccaCtiOsCgSideBName .
cccaCtiOsPeerName .
cccaCtiOsActiveClients .
cccaCtiOsActiveMonitors .
cccaCtiOsCallsInProgress .
cccaCampaignMgrTable .
cccaCampaignMgrEntry .
cccaCampaignMgrDbUtilization .
cccaCampaignMgrQueueDepth .
cccaCampaignMgrAvgQueueTime .
cccaCampaignMgrActiveDialers .
cccaNotificationInfo .
cccaEventComponentId .
cccaEventTimestamp .
cccaEventText .
cccaEventState .
cccaEventMessageId .
cccaEventOriginatingNode .
cccaEventOriginatingNodeType .
cccaEventOriginatingProcessName .
cccaEventOriginatingSide .
cccaEventDmpId .
cccaEventSeverity .
ciscoCcaMIBConform .
ciscoCcaMIBCompliances .
ciscoCcaMIBGroups .