This MIB applies to one or more of a set of devices
which have connectivity through some kind of 'fabric'.
Many features which run in such an environment require
the exchange of information between the peer devices
which participate in providing the feature. An example
of the type of information exchanged is configuration
information. It would be advantageous to have the ability
to have configuration for a feature done on one device
and propagated to all other devices in the fabric.
Cisco Fabric Service (CFS) is a general mechanism for
data distribution within the fabric that could be used
by most features.

A feature supported in a device may or may not be CFS 
capable. In case a feature is CFS capable, the control
of the CFS operations are instrumented through this MIB.

A CFS capable feature can be enabled for data
distribution within the fabric by the user via SNMP.
When a CFS capable feature is enabled for data
distribution, CFS operations can then be performed for
that particular feature.

As part of the CFS configuration the first mandatory step
is to explicitly enable the feature for data distribution.
This enabling of distribution for a feature needs to be 
done for those devices in the fabric where the distribution
is intended. Following this mandatory step, feature specific
configurations can be instrumented in the respective MIBs.

Once a feature is enabled for data distribution, first
subsequent feature specific configuration SET operation
results in a snapshot of current 'Running Configuration'
of the feature, on the local device. This snapshot is used
for subsequent modifications by feature specific SET 
operations. Such modified configuration is referred to as
'Pending Configuration'. There can only be one 'Pending
Configuration' in the fabric. Additionally, such 'Pending
Configuration' can be maintained within the context of
additional scope, specific to the respective features.
The user who initiates the creation of the 'Pending
Configuration' is its owner. When a 'Pending Configuration'
for a feature exists in one of the devices of the fabric,
an attempt to create a 'Pending Configuration' for the same
feature and on a different device by way of feature specific
SET operation results in an error. This means feature 
specific SET operations intended for distribution can only
be performed on the device that has the 'Pending 
Configuration' with it. This ensures data consistency for

Once the configuration of a feature is ready to be
distributed to all devices connected to the fabric, a
'commit' action performed on the local device overwrites
the local 'Running Configuration' and then distributes the
new  local 'Running Configuration' to all other devices in
the fabric. The successful 'commit' action also results into
destroying of the 'Pending Configuration' and makes the
feature available for new distribution. Any attempt to
perform 'commit' without any modification results in to an
error. The 'commit' action can only be performed by the
owner of the 'Pending Configuration'.

The 'Pending Configuration' can optionally be destroyed
without any distribution. This can be done by using either
'abort' or 'clear' action. The 'abort' action needs to
performed only on that device where the 'Pending
Configuration' exists and can only be performed by the owner
of the 'Pending Configuration'. The 'clear' action can be
initiated through any of the devices in the fabric. The
successful 'abort' or 'clear' operation makes the feature
available for new distribution.

The CFS, in addition to providing the basic distribution 
infrastructure to the CFS capable features in a stable
fabric, also provides infrastructure to handle data 
distribution when two stable fabrics merge.

This MIB module is to facilitate the global level control
(enabling/disabling) and actions (commit/abort/clear) over
the CFS capable features in the system.

Glossary of the terms used in this MIB:

VSAN                     - Virtual Storage Area Network, 
                           similar to a VLAN.
CFS feature Scope        - The scope of distribution.
                           The scope provides the context 
                           within which the CFS actions 
                           are performed on a CFS capable 
CFS Fabric Merge         - The merging of two stable fabrics.
                           The CFS provides infrastructure
                           to handle data distribution for 
                           CFS distribution enabled features
                           when the two stable fabrics merge.

CFS control and actions : 

CFS Distribution Enable  - This is to enable data distribution
                           for CFS capable feature.
CFS Distribution Disable - This is to disable data 
                           distribution for CFS capable 
CFS Commit               - This is to commit the 'Pending 
                           Configuration' on the local device.
                           This action triggers the 
                           distribution of the 'Pending 
                           Configuration' to all the devices
                           in the fabric.
CFS Abort                - This is to Destroy the 'Pending 
                           Configuration' on the local device
                           without any distribution. Once 
                           local 'Pending Configuration' is
                           destroyed, creation of 'Pending
                           Configuration' in the local or any
                           other device connected to the 
                           fabric is allowed. 
CFS Clear                - This is to Destroy the 'Pending 
                           Configuration' that exists in any
                           of the device in the fabric. Once
                           'Pending Configuration' that exists
                           with one of the devices in the
                           fabric is destroyed, creation of
                           'Pending Configuration' in the 
                           local or any other device connected
                           to the fabric is allowed.

Imported Objects

InetAddressType, InetAddressINET-ADDRESS-MIB
ciscoCFSMIBNotifs .
ciscoCFSFeatureActionNotif .
ciscoCFSMergeFailNotif .
ciscoCFSDiscoveryCompleteNotif .
ciscoCFSMIBObjects .
cfsFeature .
cfsFeatureOpTable .
cfsFeatureOpEntry .
cfsFeatureOpName .
cfsFeatureOpShowCfgOption deprecated.
cfsFeatureOpStatus .
cfsFeatureOpAttribs .
cfsFeatureOpAction .
cfsFeatureOpScopeType .
cfsFeatureOpScopeVal .
cfsFeatureOpLastAction .
cfsFeatureOpLastScopeType .
cfsFeatureOpLastScopeVal .
cfsFeatureOpLastActionResult .
cfsFeatureOpLastFailureReason .
cfsPendingConfOwnerTable .
cfsPendingConfOwnerEntry .
cfsPendingConfOwnerScopeType .
cfsPendingConfOwnerScopeVal .
cfsPendingConfOwnerAddrType .
cfsPendingConfOwnerAddr .
cfsPendingConfOwnerIDType .
cfsPendingConfOwnerID .
cfsMergeStatusTable .
cfsMergeStatusEntry .
cfsMergeStatusScopeType .
cfsMergeStatusScopeVal .
cfsMergeStatusValue .
cfsMergeMembersTable .
cfsMergeMembersEntry .
cfsMergeMemberAddrType .
cfsMergeMemberAddr .
cfsMergeMemberFabricType .
cfsMergeMemberRole .
cfsPeersTable .
cfsPeersEntry .
cfsPeerAddrType .
cfsPeerAddr .
cfsFeaturePeersTable .
cfsFeaturePeersEntry .
cfsFeaturePeersScopeType .
cfsFeaturePeersScopeVal .
cfsFeaturePeersAddrType .
cfsFeaturePeersAddr .
cfsFeatureOpExtTable .
cfsFeatureOpExtEntry .
cfsFeatureOpExtScopeType .
cfsFeatureOpExtScopeVal .
cfsFeatureOpExtLastAction .
cfsFeatureOpExtLastActionResult .
cfsFeatureOpExtLastFailureReason .
cfsFeatureOpExtShowCfgOption .
cfsFeatureOpExtLastActionTime .
cfsNotifObjects .
cfsMergeFailFeatureName .
cfsMergeFailScopeType .
cfsMergeFailScopeVal .
cfsMergeFailReasonDescription .
cfsDiscoveryObjects .
cfsStartPeersDiscovery .
cfsPeersDiscoveryResult .
cfsPeersDiscoveryFailureReason .
cfsDistCtrlObjects .
cfsDistCtrl .
cfsDistCtrlTable .
cfsDistCtrlEntry .
cfsDistCtrlAddrType .
cfsDistCtrlAddr .
cfsDistCtrlAction .
ciscoCFSMIBConformance .
ciscoCFSMIBCompliances .
ciscoCFSMIBGroups .