This MIB module defines objects describing the caching and
streaming statistics objects that facilitate the management of
the Cisco CDS-TV product family.

CDS-TV is a suite of products and software applications
providing ingest, storage, caching, streaming, playout and
on-demand delivery of video to television or STB


CCP     Content Control Protocol
CDN     Content Distribution Network
CDS     Content Delivery System
ISA     Interactive Services Architecture
ISV     Integrated Streamer-Vault
FSI     File Service Interface
FTP     File Transfer Protocol
HTTP    Hyper-Text Transfer Protocol
MPEG    Motion Picture Experts Group
MSA     Managed Services Architecture
NDVR    Network Digital Video Recorder
RTSP    Real-Time Streaming Protocol
STB     Set-Top Box
VOD     Video On Demand


Catcher: Device responsible for receiving content (typically
satellite dishes and antennae) from content providers or from a

Content Ingest: Acquisition of content (from a source such as a
catcher or an FTP server) for the purpose of storing it locally
in a vault and making it available to streamers and caching
nodes as needed.

Vault: Content delivery application responsible for ingesting
video content,  storing it, and making it available to

Caching Node: Content delivery application responsible for
caching content from a vault and streaming it to other caching
nodes or streamers.

Streamer: Content delivery application responsible for
streaming video to STB's.

Imported Objects

MODULE-IDENTITY, OBJECT-TYPE, Unsigned32, Counter32, Gauge32SNMPv2-SMI
ciscoCdstvStatsMIBNotifs .
ciscoCdstvStatsMIBObjects .
ciscoCdstvCacheStats .
cdstvCacheCapacity .
cdstvCCPInFromCacheStreams .
cdstvCCPInFromCacheStreamBW .
cdstvCCPInFromStreamerStreamCount .
cdstvCCPInFromStreamerStreamBW .
cdstvHTTPInStreams .
cdstvHTTPInStreamBW .
cdstvActiveIngestStreams .
cdstvActiveIngestStreamBW .
cdstvCacheLevel .
cdstvFillReceiveStreams .
cdstvFillStreamCommittedBW .
cdstvFillStreamActualBW .
cdstvDiskReadStreams .
cdstvDiskReadBW .
cdstvCCPInfromVaultStreams .
cdstvCCPInFromVaultStreamBW .
ciscoCdstvStreamStats .
cdstvActiveStreams .
cdstvSessionSetupFailures .
cdstvSecondsSinceReference .
cdstvStreamControlMessageQueueMax .
cdstvStreamControlMessageQueueSize .
cdstvSkippedPlaylistElements .
cdstvStatsByContentTypeTable .
cdstvStatsByContentTypeEntry .
cdstvContentType .
cdstvActiveEgressCount .
cdstvActiveEgressBW .
cdstvActiveIngressCount .
cdstvActiveIngressBW .
cdstvActiveStreamBW .
cdstvUniqueStreams .
cdstvUniqueStreamBW .
cdstvCCPOutStreams .
cdstvCCPOutStreamBW .
cdstvHTTPOutStreams .
cdstvHTTPOutStreamBW .
cdstvSessionSetupSuccess .
ciscoCdstvStatsMIBConform .
ciscoCdstvStatsMIBCompliances .
ciscoCdstvStatsMIBGroups .