This MIB module defines objects that describe the configuration
of the authentication manager for the Cisco Content Delivery
System for TV (CDS-TV).

CDS-TV is a suite of products and software applications
providing ingest, storage, caching, streaming, playout and
on-demand delivery of video to television or set-top-box

Authentication Manager is an optional feature of CDS-TV and is
only for specific RTSP environments (EventIS). The
Authentication Manager communicates with the back-office to
validate a request received from a set-top box before setting up
a session. 


CCP     Cache Control Protocol
CDS     Content Delivery System
CORBA   Common Object Request Broker Architecture 
ISA     Interactive Services Architecture
ISV     Integrated Streamer-Vault
FSI     File Service Interface
FTP     File Transfer Protocol
MPEG    Motion Picture Experts Group
MSA     Managed Services Architecture
QAM      Quadrature Amplitude Modulation
RTSP    Real-Time Streaming Protocol
SOAP    Simple Object Access Protocol
STB     Set-Top Box
VOD     Video On-Demand

Common terms:

Catcher: Device responsible for receiving content (typically
satellite dishes and antennae) from content providers or from a

Content Ingest: Acquisition of content from a source such as a
catcher or an FTP server for storing it locally and making it
available to streamers as needed.

TRAXIS: A part of the proprietary EventIS VOD back-office
solution for transaction, session and resource management that
communicates with VOD client applications, edge QAM devices,
video servers and conditional access systems.

Device Roles:

Vault: Content delivery application responsible for ingesting
and storing video content and making it available to streamers
and/or caching nodes.

Caching Nodes: Content delivery application responsible for
caching content from vault (using CCP) and then streaming
content out to streamers over HTTP or CCP.

Streamer: Content delivery application responsible for
video out to STB's.

ISV: Content delivery application capable of acting as both a
vault and as a streamer in a single device.

Imported Objects

InetPortNumber, InetAddressType, InetAddressINET-ADDRESS-MIB
ciscoCdstvAuthMgrMIBNotifs .
ciscoCdstvAuthMgrMIBObjects .
cdstvAuthMgrAddressType .
cdstvAuthMgrAddress .
cdstvAuthMgrPort .
cdstvAuthMgrEventIsAddressType .
cdstvAuthMgrEventIsAddress .
cdstvAuthMgrEventIsPort .
cdstvAuthMgrTraxisSoapInterface .
cdstvAuthMgrServerThreadPool .
cdstvAuthMgrDebugLevel .
ciscoCdstvAuthMgrMIBConform .
ciscoCdstvAuthMgrMIBCompliances .
ciscoCdstvAuthMgrMIBGroups .