This is the MIB module for subscriber QoS monitoring 
for DOCSIS-compliant Cable Modem Termination Systems 

Several subscriber behavior can be monitored:
1. When the subscriber requests for more resources than 
as defined by its QoS parameter set. In this case,
though requested for more rate-limiting happens in 
the CMTS, hence, the subscriber will get only as much
resources as defined by its registered QoS parameter 
set. In this mib, QoS parameter set refers to QoS 
profiles for 1.0 modems and refer to service class
names for 1.1 and 2.0 modems. 

2.	When the subscriber continuously utilizes the resources
to the upper limit or very near to the upper limit as 
defined by its QoS parameter set. 

3.	When the subscriber sometimes or never utilizes the 
resources as defined by the upper limit of the QoS 
parameter set. 

In the first two cases, we need to monitor the subscribers 
as upstream/downstream is a shared medium, and if all 
subscribers start consuming resources as per their peak
rate, or a percentage of it, CMTS will be hard pressed for
resources. So, even though such subscribers are using 
resources within the limits as defined by their QoS 
parameter set, from the CMTS point of view, they are 
over consuming. 
Through out this MIB, we refer to this behavior of 
subscribers as over consumption of resources and such 
subscribers will be the violating subscribers. 

The subscriber QoS Monitoring is a software feature 
provided on the CMTS so that the CMTS may identify such 
subscribers who over consume resources based on their QoS 
parameter set, report them to a management entity, and 
automatically mitigate the problem where possible. 
This is done by penalizing the violating subscribers by 
changing their QoS parameter set to enforced QoS 
parameter set.

The MIB allows to create enforce rules which are used to 
determine the over consumption of resources. The enforce 
rule contains monitoring and enforced QoS parameter set.

The subscribers who over consume their bandwidth are 
flagged and NMS notified of all such violations.
The MIB also provides a unified view of all over-consuming 

Imported Objects

TEXTUAL-CONVENTION, TruthValue, MacAddress, RowStatus, DisplayString, DateAndTimeSNMPv2-TC
ciscoCableQosMonitorMIBObjects .
ccqmEnforceRuleObjects .
ccqmCmtsEnforceRuleTable .
ccqmCmtsEnforceRuleEntry .
ccqmCmtsEnfRuleName .
ccqmCmtsEnfRuleRowStatus .
ccqmCmtsEnfRuleAvgRate .
ccqmCmtsEnfRuleDocsVer .
ccqmCmtsEnfRuleRegSerClassName .
ccqmCmtsEnfRuleEnfSerClassName .
ccqmCmtsEnfRuleMonType .
ccqmCmtsEnfRuleFirstPeakTime .
ccqmCmtsEnfRuleFirstDuration .
ccqmCmtsEnfRuleFirstAvgRate .
ccqmCmtsEnfRuleSecondPeakTime .
ccqmCmtsEnfRuleRegQoS .
ccqmCmtsEnfRuleSecondDuration .
ccqmCmtsEnfRuleSecondAvgRate .
ccqmCmtsEnfRuleOffPeakDuration .
ccqmCmtsEnfRuleOffPeakAvgRate .
ccqmCmtsEnfRuleEnfQos .
ccqmCmtsEnfRuleMonDuration .
ccqmCmtsEnfRuleSampleRate .
ccqmCmtsEnfRulePenaltyPeriod .
ccqmCmtsEnfRuleByteCount obsolete.
ccqmCmtsEnfRuleDirection .
ccqmCmtsEnfRuleAutoEnforce .
ccqmRuleViolateObjects .
ccqmEnfRuleViolateTable .
ccqmEnfRuleViolateEntry .
ccqmEnfRuleViolateID .
ccqmEnfRuleViolateMacAddr .
ccqmEnfRuleViolateRuleName .
ccqmEnfRuleViolateByteCount .
ccqmEnfRuleViolateLastDetectTime .
ccqmEnfRuleViolatePenaltyExpTime .
ccqmEnfRuleViolateNotifEnable .
ccqmRuleIfBwUtilObjects .
ccqmCmtsIfBwUtilTable .
ccqmCmtsIfBwUtilEntry .
ccqmCmtsIfBwUtilUpThreshold .
ccqmCmtsIfBwUtilLoThreshold .
ccqmCmtsIfBwUtilRowStatus .
ccqmMIBNotificationsPrefix .
ccqmMIBNotifications .
ccqmEnfRuleViolateNotification .
ccqmMIBConformance .
ccqmMIBCompliances .
ccqmMIBGroups .