This MIB is DRAFT-ONLY and is subject to change.
Management Information Base for Blueserver.

Imported Objects

TEXTUAL-CONVENTION, DisplayString, RowStatus, DateAndTimeSNMPv2-TC
blueServer .
users .
nativeUsers .
nativeUserTable .
nativeUserEntry .
nativeUserId .
nativeUserRadAcctServId .
nativeUserAccess .
nativeUserName .
nativeUserRoleId .
nativeUserEmailId .
nativeUserFixedIpAddr .
nativeUserPassword .
nativeUserNotes .
nativeUserRowStatus .
adminUsers .
adminUserTable .
adminUserEntry .
adminUserId .
adminUserStatus .
adminUserName .
adminUserAccess .
adminUserEmailId .
adminUserPassword .
adminUserNotes .
adminUserRowStatus .
adUsrAccessTable .
adUsrAccessEntry .
adUsrAccessAdminUser .
adUsrAccessNetwork .
adUsrAccessReplication .
adUsrAccessMaintance .
adUsrAccessStatus .
adUsrAccessVlans .
adUsrAccessSchedules .
adUsrAccessMacDev .
adUsrAccessNativeUser .
adUsrAccessExServer .
adUsrAccessAccounting .
adUsrAccessRoles .
adUsrAccessDestination .
adUsrAccessServices .
adUsrAccessVpn .
adUsrAccessConfiguration .
connection .
connectionTable .
connectionEntry .
connectionId .
connectionCurRate .
connectionExpiry .
connectionDev .
connectionHost .
connectionUnReg .
connectionAP .
connectionLoginAttempt .
connectionLoginAttemptCnt .
connectionRoamMac .
connectionName .
connectionIp .
connectionMac .
connectionRoleId .
connectionUserId .
connectionLoginTime .
connectionChecked .
connectionBytes .
roles .
roleTable .
roleEntry .
roleId .
roleNotes .
roleQosUserIn .
roleQosUserOut .
roleQosPriorityIn .
roleQosPriorityOut .
roleQosPriInOverride .
roleQosPriOutOverride .
roleQosDscpIn .
roleQosDscpOut .
roleName .
roleQosDscpInOverride .
roleQosDscpOutOverride .
roleQosRateOut .
roleQosRateQntOut .
roleVlanId .
roleRedirect .
roleRowStatus .
roleType .
roleQosRate .
roleQosQnt .
roleVpn .
roleInherit .
roleUnGuestLogin .
roleUnUserLogin .
serviceMgmt .
serviceMgmtTable .
serviceMgmtEntry .
serviceMgmtId .
serviceMgmtName .
serviceMgmtOptStatus .
serviceMgmtDesr .
statistics .
userSummary .
userSumNoOfUsr .
userSumNoOfLogdInUsr .
userSumNoOfLogdVPNUsr .
usmSumTtlBandWthInUse .
systemStats .
sysStatCpuUtil .
sysStatMemUtil .
sysStatTotalDiskSpace .
sysStatDiskSpaceUsed .
sysStatDiskSpaceFree .
sysStatLOgSpaceUsed .
sysStatNeedRestart .
vlan .
vlanTable .
vlanEntry .
vlanRowId .
vlanName .
vlanId .
vlanNotes .
vlanRowStatus .
vlanGrpTable .
vlanGrpEntry .
vlanGrpId .
vlanGrpName .
vlanGrpRowStatus .
vlanGrpMemTable .
vlanGrpMemEntry .
vlanGrpMemId .
vlanGrpMemRowStatus .
schedule .
schedTable .
schedEntry .
schedRowId .
schedRowStatus .
schedName .
schedAllDay .
schedEveryDay .
schedStartDateAndTime .
schedEndDateAndTime .
schedMonth .
schedWeekDay .
schedDayOfMonth .
schedGrpTable .
schedGrpEntry .
schedGrpId .
schedGrpName .
schedGrpRowStatus .
schedGrpMemTable .
schedGrpMemEntry .
schedGrpMemId .
schedGrpMemRowStatus .
destination .
hostTable .
hostEntry .
hostId .
hostName .
hostAddress .
hostNetmask .
hostInvertDest .
hostType .
hostNotes .
hostRowStatus .
hostGrpTable .
hostGrpEntry .
hostGrpId .
hostGrpName .
hostGrpRowStatus .
hostGrpMemTable .
hostGrpMemEntry .
hostGrpMemId .
hostGrpMemRowStatus .
service .
serviceTable .
serviceEntry .
serviceId .
serviceCosDscpOut .
serviceNotes .
serviceRowStatus .
serviceName .
servicePort .
serviceProtocol .
serviceCosPriorityIn .
serviceCosPriorityOut .
serviceCosDscpIn .
serviceGrpTable .
serviceGrpEntry .
serviceGrpId .
serviceGrpName .
serviceGrpRowStatus .
serviceGrpMemTable .
serviceGrpMemEntry .
serviceGrpMemId .
serviceGrpMemRowStatus .
policy .
policyTable .
policyEntry .
policyId .
policyRowStatus .
policyServiceId .
policyHostId .
policyAction .
policyDirection .
policySeqId .
policyVlanId .
policyScheduleId .
vpn .
ipsec .
exchangeMode .
exModeAggressive .
exModeMain .
authMethodCertificates .
authMethodPreSharedKeys .
ipsecConfTable .
ipsecConfEntry .
ipsecConfId .
ipsecConfEsp128BitAESWithSHA1 .
ipsecConfEsp192BitAESWithMD5 .
ipsecConfEsp192BitAESWithSHA1 .
ipsecConfEsp256BitAESWithMD5 .
ipsecConfEsp256BitAESWithSHA1 .
ipsecConfDiffieHellmanGrp1 .
ipsecConfDiffieHellmanGrp2 .
ipsecConfDiffieHellmanGrp5 .
ipsecConfPsfMode .
ipsecConfCompressionDeflate .
ipsecConfEnableConfiguration .
ipsecConfCompressionLZS .
ipsecConfRowStatus .
ipsecConfName .
ipsecConfLocalAuth .
ipsecConfEspTripleDESWithSHA1 .
ipsecConfEspTripleDESWithMD5 .
ipsecConfEsp56BitDESWithMD5 .
ipsecConfEsp56BitDESWithSHA1 .
ipsecConfEsp128BitAESWithMD5 .
authenticationMethod .
idleTimeout .
maxLifeTimeInSecs .
maxLifeTimeInKbs .
refreshThresholdInSecs .
refreshThresholdInKbs .
minLifeTimeInSecs .
minLifeTimeInKbs .
pptp .
pptpEnable .
pptpRemoteIpStartAddr .
pptpRemoteIpEndAddr .
pptpLocalIpAddr .
pptpEncryption40Bit .
pptpEncryption128Bit .
pptpIdleTimeout .
pptpLdapPwdAttrName .
pptpRoleId .
subnetVpn .
subnetVpnMode .
subnetVpnRtFirstIp .
subnetVpnRtLastIp .
subnetVpnSharedSec .
subnetIpConfIdInUse .
certificate .
certTable .
certEntry .
certId .
certPkey .
certPkeyAlgo .
certPkeySize .
certSerial .
certSignAlgo .
certVersion .
certRowStatus .
certType .
certSubject .
certStartDate .
certEndDate .
certIssuer .
certName .
certOrg .
certContent .
l2tp .
l2tpEnable .
l2tpRemoteIpStartAddr .
l2tpRemoteIpEndAddr .
l2tpLocalIpAddr .
l2tpIdleTimeout .
l2tpLdapPwdAttrName .
l2tpRoleId .
configuration .
http .
httpPort .
httpLangChangeChoice .
httpLoginHelpButton .
httpAttemptWait .
httpMaxNumOfActiveSess .
httpAdminACL .
httpRedirectToHostName .
httpLoginAttempts .
httpChainCertChangeChoice .
httpRedirect .
httpAutoRedirectStatus .
httpAutoPause .
httpDefaultUrl .
httpLogoutPopup .
httpRootCaUrl .
httpExServerChoice .
httpPasswdChangeChoice .
authentication .
exAuthServer .
exRdAuthServTable .
exRdAuthServEntry .
exRdAuthServId .
exRdAuthServPrecedence .
exRdAuthServNotes .
exRdAuthServRowStatus .
exRdAuthServState .
exRdAuthServName .
exRdAuthServDefRoleId .
exRdAuthServRdAccId .
exRdAuthServAddr .
exRdAuthServPort .
exRdAuthServSecret .
exLdapServTable .
exLdapServEntry .
exLdapServId .
exLdapServUniqueId .
exLdapServAccount .
exLdapServFilters .
exLdapServSecret .
exLdapServPrecedence .
exLdapServNotes .
exLdapServSsl .
exLdapServSslServer .
exLdapServSslClient .
exLdapServState .
exLdapServRowStatus .
exLdapServName .
exLdapServDefRoleId .
exLdapServRdAccState .
exLdapServRdAccId .
exLdapServAddr .
exLdapServPort .
exLdapServBase .
exNtlmServTable .
exNtlmServEntry .
exNtlmServId .
exNtlmServMsad .
exNtlmServNotes .
exNtlmServRowStatus .
exNtlmServState .
exNtlmServName .
exNtlmServRdAccState .
exNtlmServRdAccId .
exNtlmServDefRoleId .
exNtlmServDomainName .
exNtlmServMsdc .
exNtlmServMsrpc .
exUserRuleTable .
exUserRuleEntry .
exServId .
exUserRuleId .
exUserRuleAttribute .
exUserRuleOperator .
exUserRuleValue .
exUserRuleRoleId .
exUserRuleSeqId .
exUserRuleRowStatus .
exRdAccServTable .
exRdAccServEntry .
exRdAccServId .
exRdAccServState .
exRdAccServName .
exRdAccServAddr .
exRdAccServPort .
exRdAccServSecret .
exRdAccServNotes .
exRdAccServRowStatus .
ex802AuthServTable .
ex802AuthServEntry .
ex802AuthServId .
ex802AuthServState .
ex802AuthServName .
ex802AuthServAddr .
ex802AuthServPort .
ex802AuthServDefaultRole .
ex802AuthServNotes .
ex802AuthServRowStatus .
macDevAuthTable .
macDevAuthEntry .
macDevAuthId .
macDevAuthState .
macDevAuthName .
macDevAuthMac .
macDevAuthDefaultRole .
macDevAuthNotes .
macDevAuthRowStatus .
misc .
statusUpTime .
connectionCheckTime .
apCheckTime .
statusRefreshTime .
apSnmpCommunity .
autoBackup .
autoBkupRate .
autoBkupFtpServName .
autoBkupFtpDestDir .
autoBkupFtpServUser .
autoBkupFtpServPasswd .
time .
tZone .
tMonth .
tDay .
tYear .
tHours .
tMinutes .
tSeconds .
tNtpSync .
tNtpServers .
mobility .
mobilityMode .
mobilityMeshKey .
publicAccess .
paFixedIpClientAccess .
paSMTPServerIp .
confLog .
confLogGroup .
logMaxLogEntries .
logNoOfDelLogEntries .
logStorage .
remoteLog .
sysLogFacility .
logMaxRemSysLogLevel .
appLogLevTable .
appLogLevEntry .
appLogLevId .
appLogLevName .
appLogLevLevel .
snmpConf .
snmpTrapConf .
snmpTrapMgmtTable .
snmpTrapMgmtEntry .
snmpTrapMgmtId .
snmpTrapMgmtIpAddress .
snmpTrapMgmtCommunity .
snmpTrapMgmtRowStatus .
blueEventTable .
blueEventEntry .
btId .
btName .
btEventOptStatus .
systemTracker .
stThresholdTable .
stThresholdEntry .
stThresholdId .
stThresholdAttrName .
stThresholdToLogMessage .
stThresholdToSendTrap .
stThresholdToFailover .
interface .
failover .
heartBeatInterval .
noOfFailedBeats .
managed .
mIntTable .
mIntEntry .
mIntId .
mIntDhcpEndIpAddr .
mIntNetbiosNameServ .
mIntDnsDomainName .
mIntDefaultLease .
mIntMaximumLease .
mIntDynamicDNS .
mIntVlanId .
mIntVlanInterface .
mIntProxyArpStatus .
mIntRowStatus .
mIntName .
mIntEnableDhcpRelay .
mIntIpAddress .
mIntNetmask .
mIntDhcpServerOpt .
mIntNatAddresses .
mIntMulticastOpt .
mIntDhcpStartIpAddr .
fixedIpAddrTable .
fixedIpAddrEntry .
fixedIpAddrId .
fixedIpAddrMac .
fixedIpAddrAddress .
fixedIpAddrHost .
fixedIpAddrRoleId .
fixedIpAddrRowStatus .
natTable .
natEntry .
natId .
natProtectedIp .
natManagedIp .
natRowStatus .
protected .
pIntTable .
pIntEntry .
pIntId .
pIntDefaultDomain .
pIntHostName .
pIntEnableMulticast .
pIntVlanId .
pIntVlanInterface .
pIntProxyArpStatus .
pIntRowStatus .
pIntName .
pIntGetIpFromDhcp .
pIntDhcpTimeout .
pIntIpAddress .
pIntNetmask .
pIntGateway .
pIntPrimaryDNS .
pIntSecondaryDNS .
replication .
machineRole .
genSnapshot .
slaveTable .
slaveEntry .
slaveId .
slaveEnabled .
slaveAddress .
slaveNotes .
slaveRowStatus .
slaveMobility .
blueNotification .
notifyObjects .
ntyobjLevel .
ntyobjName .
ntyobjDesc .
ntyobjOID .
ntyobjValue .
blueTraps .
blueConfigTraps .
blueConfigTraps0 .
cctSystemConfChange .
cctProcessConfChange .
cctUserConfChange .
cctExternalServConfChange .
cctRoleConfChange .
cctDestinationConfChange .
cctServiceConfChange .
cctNetworkConfChange .
cctVpnConfChange .
cctMobilityConfChange .
blueFailureTraps .
blueFailureTraps0 .
btSysGeneralFailure .
btUserLoginFailure .
btProcessFailure .
btAuthFailure .
btSystemFailover .
blueThresholdTraps .
blueThresholdTraps0 .
btConditionalEvent .
btCpuLoadEvent .
btMemSwapUsageEvent .
btDiskUsageEvent .
blueGeneralTraps .
blueGeneralTraps0 .
btLinkUp .
btLinkDown .
btSystemGeneralTrap .