alcatelENT1PortMIB . alcatelIND1PortNotifications . esmDrvTrapDropsLink . esmStormThresholdViolationStatus . ddmTemperatureThresholdViolated . ddmVoltageThresholdViolated . ddmCurrentThresholdViolated . ddmTxPowerThresholdViolated . ddmRxPowerThresholdViolated . portViolationTrap . portViolationNotificationTrap . alaDyingGaspTrap . alcatelIND1PortMIBObjects . esmConfTrap . esmDrvTrapDrops . physicalPort . esmConfTable . esmConfEntry . esmPortSlot . esmPortCfgMaxFrameSize . esmPortAlias . esmPortCfgPause . esmPortCfgAutoNegotiation . esmPortCfgCrossover . esmPortCfgHybridActiveType . esmPortCfgHybridMode . esmPortIF . esmPortOperationalHybridType . esmPortBcastRateLimitEnable . esmPortBcastRateLimitType . esmPortBcastRateLimit . esmPortMcastRateLimitEnable . esmPortMcastRateLimitType . esmPortMcastRateLimit . esmPortUucastRateLimitEnable . esmPortUucastRateLimitType . esmPortUucastRateLimit . esmPortAutoSpeed . esmPortIngressRateLimitEnable . esmPortIngressRateLimit . esmPortIngressRateLimitBurst . esmPortEPPEnable . esmPortEEEEnable . esmPortIsFiberChannelCapable . esmPortBcastThresholdAction . esmPortMcastThresholdAction . esmPortUucastThresholdAction . esmPortMinBcastRateLimit . esmPortAutoDuplexMode . esmPortMinMcastRateLimit . esmPortMinUucastRateLimit . esmPortBcastStormState . esmPortMcastStormState . esmPortUucastStormState . esmPortCfgSpeed . esmPortCfgDuplexMode . esmPortAdminStatus . esmPortLinkUpDownTrapEnable . esmPortBeaconTable . esmPortBeaconEntry . esmBeaconAdminState . esmBeaconLedColor . esmBeaconLedMode . esmBeaconRowStatus . alcetherStatsTable . alcetherStatsEntry . alcetherClearStats . alcetherStatsPkts64Octets . alcetherStatsPkts65to127Octets . alcetherStatsPkts128to255Octets . alcetherStatsPkts256to511Octets . alcetherStatsPkts512to1023Octets . alcetherStatsPkts1024to1518Octets . gigaEtherStatsPkts1519to4095Octets . gigaEtherStatsPkts4096to9215Octets . alcetherStatsPkts1519to2047Octets . alcetherStatsPkts2048to4095Octets . alcetherLastClearStats . alcetherStatsPkts4096Octets . alcetherStatsRxGiantPkts . alcetherStatsRxDribbleNibblePkts . alcetherStatsRxLongEventPkts . alcetherStatsRxVlanTagPkts . alcetherStatsRxControlPkts . alcetherStatsRxLenChkErrPkts . alcetherStatsRxCodeErrPkts . alcetherStatsRxDvEventPkts . alcetherStatsRxPrevPktDropped . alcetherStatsCRCAlignErrors . alcetherStatsTx64Octets . alcetherStatsTx65to127Octets . alcetherStatsTx128to255Octets . alcetherStatsTx256to511Octets . alcetherStatsTx512to1023Octets . alcetherStatsTx1024to1518Octets . alcetherStatsTx1519to2047Octets . alcetherStatsTx2048to4095Octets . alcetherStatsTx4096Octets . alcetherStatsTxRetryCount . alcetherStatsRxUndersizePkts . alcetherStatsTxVlanTagPkts . alcetherStatsTxControlPkts . alcetherStatsTxLatePkts . alcetherStatsTxTotalBytesOnWire . alcetherStatsTxLenChkErrPkts . alcetherStatsTxExcDeferPkts . alcetherStatsTxUndersizePkts . alcetherStatsTxOversizePkts . alcetherStatsRxJabbers . alcetherStatsRxCollisions . alcetherStatsTxCollisions . esmHybridConfTable . esmHybridConfEntry . esmHybridPortCfgSpeed . esmHybridPortCfgDuplexMode . esmHybridPortCfgAutoNegotiation . esmHybridPortCfgCrossover . esmHybridPortCfgFlow . esmHybridPortCfgInactiveType . ddmInfoTable deprecated . ddmInfoEntry . ddmTemperature thousandth of a degree celcius . ddmSupplyVoltageHiAlarm thousandth of a volt . ddmTxBiasCurrent thousandth of a milli-Ampere . ddmTxBiasCurrentLowWarning thousandth of a milli-Ampere . ddmTxBiasCurrentLowAlarm thousandth of a milli-Ampere . ddmTxBiasCurrentHiWarning thousandth of a milli-Ampere . ddmTxBiasCurrentHiAlarm thousandth of a milli-Ampere . ddmTxOutputPower thousandth of a dBm . ddmTxOutputPowerLowWarning thousandth of a dBm . ddmTxOutputPowerLowAlarm thousandth of a dBm . ddmTxOutputPowerHiWarning thousandth of a dBm . ddmTempLowWarning thousandth of a degree celcius . ddmTxOutputPowerHiAlarm thousandth of a dBm . ddmRxOpticalPower thousandth of a dBm . ddmRxOpticalPowerLowWarning thousandth of a dBm . ddmRxOpticalPowerLowAlarm thousandth of a dBm . ddmRxOpticalPowerHiWarning thousandth of a dBm . ddmRxOpticalPowerHiAlarm thousandth of a dBm . ddmTempLowAlarm thousandth of a degree celcius . ddmTempHiWarning thousandth of a degree celcius . ddmTempHiAlarm thousandth of a degree celcius . ddmSupplyVoltage thousandth of a volt . ddmSupplyVoltageLowWarning thousandth of a volt . ddmSupplyVoltageLowAlarm thousandth of a volt . ddmSupplyVoltageHiWarning thousandth of a volt . ddmPortInfoTable . ddmPortInfoEntry . ddmPortChannel QSFP/SFP channel number . ddmPortSupplyVoltageHiWarning thousandth of a volt . ddmPortSupplyVoltageHiAlarm thousandth of a volt . ddmPortTxBiasCurrent thousandth of a milli-Ampere . ddmPortTxBiasCurrentLowWarning thousandth of a milli-Ampere . ddmPortTxBiasCurrentLowAlarm thousandth of a milli-Ampere . ddmPortTxBiasCurrentHiWarning thousandth of a milli-Ampere . ddmPortTxBiasCurrentHiAlarm thousandth of a milli-Ampere . ddmPortTxOutputPower thousandth of a dBm . ddmPortTxOutputPowerLowWarning thousandth of a dBm . ddmPortTxOutputPowerLowAlarm thousandth of a dBm . ddmPortTemperature thousandth of a degree celcius . ddmPortTxOutputPowerHiWarning thousandth of a dBm . ddmPortTxOutputPowerHiAlarm thousandth of a dBm . ddmPortRxOpticalPower thousandth of a dBm . ddmPortRxOpticalPowerLowWarning thousandth of a dBm . ddmPortRxOpticalPowerLowAlarm thousandth of a dBm . ddmPortRxOpticalPowerHiWarning thousandth of a dBm . ddmPortRxOpticalPowerHiAlarm thousandth of a dBm . ddmPortTempLowWarning thousandth of a degree celcius . ddmPortTempLowAlarm thousandth of a degree celcius . ddmPortTempHiWarning thousandth of a degree celcius . ddmPortTempHiAlarm thousandth of a degree celcius . ddmPortSupplyVoltage thousandth of a volt . ddmPortSupplyVoltageLowWarning thousandth of a volt . ddmPortSupplyVoltageLowAlarm thousandth of a volt . alcfcStatsTable . alcfcStatsEntry . alcfcClearStats . alcfcStatsLossofSignals . alcfcStatsPrimSeqProtocolErrors . alcfcStatsInvalidTxWords . alcfcStatsInvalidCRCs . alcfcStatsInvalidOrderedSets . alcfcStatsFrameTooLongs . alcfcStatsDelimiterErrors . alcfcStatsEncodingDisparityErrors . alcfcStatsOtherErrors . alcfcLastClearStats . alcfcStatsRxUndersizePkts . alcfcStatsTxBBCreditZeros . alcfcStatsRxBBCreditZeros . alcfcStatsLinkFailures . alcfcStatsLossofSynchs . esmTdrPortTable . esmTdrPortEntry . esmTdrPortCableState . esmTdrPortPair4Length . esmTdrPortFuzzLength . esmTdrPortTest . esmTdrPortClearStats . esmTdrPortResult . esmTdrPortValidPairs . esmTdrPortPair1State . esmTdrPortPair1Length . esmTdrPortPair2State . esmTdrPortPair2Length . esmTdrPortPair3State . esmTdrPortPair3Length . esmTdrPortPair4State . esmPortModeTable . esmPortModeEntry . esmConfiguredMode . esmOperationalMode . ddmConfiguration . ddmConfig . ddmTrapConfig . ddmNotificationType . portViolations . portViolationTable . portViolationEntry . portViolationIfIndex . portViolationRetryRemain . portViolationSource . portViolationReason . portViolationAction . portViolationTimer . portViolationTimerAction . portViolationClearPort . portViolationCfgRecoveryMax . portViolationCfgRetryTime seconds . alaLinkMonConfigTable . alaLinkMonConfigEntry . alaLinkMonStatus . alaLinkMonTimeWindow . alaLinkMonLinkFlapThreshold . alaLinkMonLinkErrorThreshold . alaLinkMonWaitToRestoreTimer . alaLinkMonWaitToShutdownTimer . alaLinkMonStatsTable . alaLinkMonStatsEntry . alaLinkMonStatsClearStats . alaLinkMonStatsTotalLinkErrors . alaLinkMonStatsPortState . alaLinkMonStatsCurrentLinkFlaps . alaLinkMonStatsCurrentErrorFrames . alaLinkMonStatsCurrentCRCErrors . alaLinkMonStatsCurrentLostFrames . alaLinkMonStatsCurrentAlignErrors . alaLinkMonStatsCurrentLinkErrors . alaLinkMonStatsTotalLinkFlaps . alaLFPGroupTable . alaLFPGroupEntry . alaLFPGroupId . alaLFPGroupAdminStatus . alaLFPGroupOperStatus . alaLFPGroupWaitToShutdown . alaLFPGroupRowStatus . alaLFPConfigTable . alaLFPConfigEntry . alaLFPConfigPort . alaLFPConfigPortType . alaLFPConfigRowStatus . alaPvrGlobalConfigObjects . alaPvrGlobalRecoveryMax . alaPvrGlobalRetryTime seconds . alaPvrGlobalTrapEnable . alaPvrConfigTable . alaPvrConfigEntry . alaPvrRecoveryMax . alaPvrRetryTime seconds . alaPortViolationTrapObjects . portViolationRecoveryReason . csmConfTrap . alaDyingGaspChassisId . alaDyingGaspPowerSupplyType . alaDyingGaspTime . interfaceCounters . interfaceStatsTable . interfaceStatsEntry . inBitsPerSec . outBitsPerSec . ifInPauseFrames . ifOutPauseFrames . ifInPktsPerSec . ifOutPktsPerSec . esmStormTrap . esmStormViolationThresholdNotificationType . esmStormViolationThresholdTrafficType . alcatelIND1PortMIBConformance . alcatelIND1PortMIBCompliances . alcatelIND1PortMIBGroups .